n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心
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Half an hour ago Walter, for his life, would have hardly called her by her name. But he could do so now when she entreated him. He could think of her being there, without a lurking misgiving that it would have been better if she had not come. He could calmly think how beautiful she was, how full of promise, what a home some happy man would find in such a heart one day. He could reflect upon his own place in that heart, with pride; and with a brave determination, if not to deserve it - he still thought that far above him - never to deserve it less | 半个小时以前,沃尔特无论如何也不敢放肆地用她的名字喊她。可是现在只要她请求,他就可以这样喊她。当他想到她来到这里的时候,不仅又在暗暗地担心:如果她不来反而更好。他可以平静地想到她长得多么美,想到多么大有希望,想到有朝一日某一位幸福的男子在她这样一颗心中将会得到多少缱绻柔情。他可以自豪地想到他在这颗心中也占有一席之地;并毅然下定决心,如果他现在还不配得到它的话——他仍然认为它高不可攀——他决不能在将来比现在更不配得到它。 |
Some fairy influence must surely have hovered round the hands of Susan Nipper when she made the tea, engendering the tranquil air that reigned in the back parlour during its discussion. Some counter-influence must surely have hovered round the hands of Uncle Sol's chronometer, and moved them faster than the Tartar frigate ever went before the wind. Be this as it may, the visitors had a coach in waiting at a quiet corner not far off; and the chronometer, on being incidentally referred to, gave such a positive opinion that it had been waiting a long time, that it was impossible to doubt the fact, especially when stated on such unimpeachable authority. If Uncle Sol had been going to be hanged by his own time, he never would have allowed that the chronometer was too fast, by the least fraction of a second. | 一定有什么神力支配着苏珊·尼珀倒茶的手,并产生了笼罩着后客厅中喝茶谈话时的平静的气氛。一定又有什么敌对的魔力支配着精密计时表的指针,使它们走得比永远在顺风中航行的鞑靼战舰还快。不管怎么样,客人们是有一辆轿式马车在一个不远的安静的角落里等待着的;当他们偶尔看到精密计时表时,它确凿地指明,马车已经等待得很长久了;这个事实是不容怀疑的,当它由这样一个无可指责的权威说明时尤其如此。如果所尔舅舅要按照他自己的时间处以绞刑的话,那么他也不会承认这精密计时表走快了一秒钟的万分之一。 |
Florence at parting recapitulated to the old man all that she had said before, and bound him to the compact. Uncle Sol attended her lovingly to the legs of the wooden Midshipman, and there resigned her to Walter, who was ready to escort her and Susan Nipper to the coach. | 弗洛伦斯在离别时又把所有她刚才说过的话向老人扼要地重说了一遍,并要他保证遵守他们所达成的协议。所尔舅舅亲切地陪她走到木制海军军官候补生的腿边,在那里把她交给沃尔特;沃尔特欣然地护送着她与苏珊,向马车走去。 |
'Walter,' said Florence by the way, 'I have been afraid to ask before your Uncle. Do you think you will be absent very long?' | “沃尔特,”弗洛伦斯在路上说道,“我刚才当着你舅舅的面不敢问您。您认为您将离开很久吗?” |
'Indeed,' said Walter, 'I don't know. I fear so. Mr Dombey signified as much, I thought, when he appointed me.' | “说实在的,”沃尔特说,“我也不知道。我怕会这样。董贝先生指派我的时候,我觉得他表示了这样的意思。” |
'Is it a favour, Walter?' inquired Florence, after a moment's hesitation, and looking anxiously in his face. | “这是不是对您的一种恩惠,沃尔特?”弗洛伦斯迟疑了片刻后问道,同时忧虑地望着他的脸。 |
'The appointment?' returned Walter. | “您是指这次指派吗?”沃尔特反问道。 |
'Yes.' | “是的。” |
Walter would have given anything to have answered in the affirmative, but his face answered before his lips could, and Florence was too attentive to it not to understand its reply. | 沃尔特非常想给予肯定的回答,但是他的脸色比他的嘴回答得早,弗洛伦斯又是那么注意地观察着,所以她不可能不理解它的回答。 |
'I am afraid you have scarcely been a favourite with Papa,' she said, timidly. | “我怕您不是我爸爸所宠爱的人,”她胆怯地说道。 |
'There is no reason,' replied Walter, smiling, 'why I should be.' | “没有什么理由我必须是,”沃尔特微笑着回答道。 |
'No reason, Walter!' | “没有理由吗,沃尔特?” |
'There was no reason,' said Walter, understanding what she meant. 'There are many people employed in the House. Between Mr Dombey and a young man like me, there's a wide space of separation. If I do my duty, I do what I ought, and do no more than all the rest.' | “过去没有什么理由,”沃尔特明白她的意思,说道,“公司里雇用着许多人。在董贝先生和像我这样的一个年轻人之间,有着一个很宽阔的距离。如果我尽我的职责,我就做我应当做的事,而不做任何其他有情。” |
Half an hour ago Walter, for his life, would have hardly called her by her name. But he could do so now when she entreated him. He could think of her being there, without a lurking misgiving that it would have been better if she had not come. He could calmly think how beautiful she was, how full of promise, what a home some happy man would find in such a heart one day. He could reflect upon his own place in that heart, with pride; and with a brave determination, if not to deserve it - he still thought that far above him - never to deserve it less
Some fairy influence must surely have hovered round the hands of Susan Nipper when she made the tea, engendering the tranquil air that reigned in the back parlour during its discussion. Some counter-influence must surely have hovered round the hands of Uncle Sol's chronometer, and moved them faster than the Tartar frigate ever went before the wind. Be this as it may, the visitors had a coach in waiting at a quiet corner not far off; and the chronometer, on being incidentally referred to, gave such a positive opinion that it had been waiting a long time, that it was impossible to doubt the fact, especially when stated on such unimpeachable authority. If Uncle Sol had been going to be hanged by his own time, he never would have allowed that the chronometer was too fast, by the least fraction of a second.
Florence at parting recapitulated to the old man all that she had said before, and bound him to the compact. Uncle Sol attended her lovingly to the legs of the wooden Midshipman, and there resigned her to Walter, who was ready to escort her and Susan Nipper to the coach.
'Walter,' said Florence by the way, 'I have been afraid to ask before your Uncle. Do you think you will be absent very long?'
'Indeed,' said Walter, 'I don't know. I fear so. Mr Dombey signified as much, I thought, when he appointed me.'
'Is it a favour, Walter?' inquired Florence, after a moment's hesitation, and looking anxiously in his face.
'The appointment?' returned Walter.
Walter would have given anything to have answered in the affirmative, but his face answered before his lips could, and Florence was too attentive to it not to understand its reply.
'I am afraid you have scarcely been a favourite with Papa,' she said, timidly.
'There is no reason,' replied Walter, smiling, 'why I should be.'
'No reason, Walter!'
'There was no reason,' said Walter, understanding what she meant. 'There are many people employed in the House. Between Mr Dombey and a young man like me, there's a wide space of separation. If I do my duty, I do what I ought, and do no more than all the rest.'
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
pride | [praid] | |||
compact | [kəm'pækt] | 联想记忆 | ||
implore | [im'plɔ:] | 联想记忆 | ||
timidly | ['timidli] | |||
entreat | [in'tri:t] | 联想记忆 | ||
determination | [di.tə:mi'neiʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
petition | [pi'tiʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
incidentally | [.insi'dentəli] | |||
understand | [.ʌndə'stænd] | |||
hesitation | [.hezi'teiʃən] | 联想记忆 |

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