adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的
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'Miss Florence,' he replied, with an effort to recover the cheerful manner he had preserved while talking with his Uncle, 'I know no more than my Uncle, what to say in acknowledgment of such kindness, I am sure. But what could I say, after all, if I had the power of talking for an hour, except that it is like you?' | “弗洛伦斯小姐,”他努力恢复刚才跟舅舅谈话时所保持的高兴的神态,回答道,“说真的,我跟舅舅一样,不知道说些什么话来感谢您的深情厚意。可是即使我能说上一个小时,我除了说这再一次表明了您的为人之外,我究竟还能说些别的什么呢?” |
Susan Nipper began upon a new part of her bonnet string, and nodded at the skylight, in approval of the sentiment expressed. | 苏珊·尼珀开始咬她帽带另外的一端,并向天窗点点头,表示赞成沃尔特表达出来的感情。 |
'Oh! but, Walter,' said Florence, 'there is something that I wish to say to you before you go away, and you must call me Florence, if you please, and not speak like a stranger.' | “啊,沃尔特,”弗洛伦斯说道,“可是在您走之前,我还想跟您再说些话,请你一定管我叫弗洛伦斯,而不要像一个陌生人那样跟我说话。” |
'Like a stranger!' returned Walter, 'No. I couldn't speak so. I am sure, at least, I couldn't feel like one.' | “像一个陌生人一样!”沃尔特答道,“不,我不能那样说的。我相信,至少我没有这样的感觉。” |
'Ay, but that is not enough, and is not what I mean. For, Walter,' added Florence, bursting into tears, 'he liked you very much, and said before he died that he was fond of you, and said "Remember Walter!" and if you'll be a brother to me, Walter, now that he is gone and I have none on earth, I'll be your sister all my life, and think of you like one wherever we may be! This is what I wished to say, dear Walter, but I cannot say it as I would, because my heart is full.' | “是的,但是那样还不够,我也不是这个意思。因为,沃尔特,”弗洛伦斯眼泪满满地涌流出来,继续说道,“他很喜欢您,临死的时候还说他爱您,又说,‘别忘记沃尔特!’现在他已死了,我在世界上没有兄弟了,如果您做我的哥哥,沃尔特,我将一辈子做您的妹妹,不论我们将来在什么地方,我都会像想到哥哥那样想到您!这就是我想要说的,亲爱的沃尔特,可是我却不能说得像我想说的那样好,因为千言万语充满了我的心怀,我不知该说什么好。” |
And in its fulness and its sweet simplicity, she held out both her hands to him. Walter taking them, stooped down and touched the tearful face that neither shrunk nor turned away, nor reddened as he did so, but looked up at him with confidence and truth. In that one moment, every shadow of doubt or agitation passed away from Walter's soul. It seemed to him that he responded to her innocent appeal, beside the dead child's bed: and, in the solemn presence he had seen there, pledged himself to cherish and protect her very image, in his banishment, with brotherly regard; to garner up her simple faith, inviolate; and hold himself degraded if he breathed upon it any thought that was not in her own breast when she gave it to him. | 她怀着那颗充满了感情、纯朴可爱的心,把双手向他伸过去。沃尔特握着它们,弯下身子,嘴唇接触到她的流满了眼泪的脸;当他这样做的时候,她的脸没有退缩,没有转开,也没有发红,而是信赖地、真诚地仰望着他。在那瞬刻之间,任何怀疑或焦虑的阴影都从沃尔特的心灵中消失了;他似乎觉得,他是在那死去的孩子的床边回答她的天真的请求,并且在那个他曾亲眼看到的庄严的场合中发誓说,在他放逐在外的时候,他将以他兄弟般的关怀,珍爱和保护她的形象;他将保持她纯朴的信任,不让遭到破坏;如果他怀有任何当她对他表示信任时心中不曾怀有的思想,因而辜负了这样的信任时,他就认为自己卑鄙可耻。 |
Susan Nipper, who had bitten both her bonnet strings at once, and imparted a great deal of private emotion to the skylight, during this transaction, now changed the subject by inquiring who took milk and who took sugar; and being enlightened on these points, poured out the tea. They all four gathered socially about the little table, and took tea under that young lady's active superintendence; and the presence of Florence in the back parlour, brightened the Tartar frigate on the wall. | 苏珊·尼珀在这过程中已经同时咬住帽带的两端,并向天窗传送了她本人的许多感情,这时她改变话题,问大家谁要牛奶,谁要糖;这些问题得到回答以后,她就开始倒茶。他们四人和睦友爱地围坐在小桌子的旁边,在那位姑娘殷勤的指挥下开始喝茶;弗洛伦斯光临后客厅,使墙上带帆的鞑靼战舰发出了光辉。 |
'Miss Florence,' he replied, with an effort to recover the cheerful manner he had preserved while talking with his Uncle, 'I know no more than my Uncle, what to say in acknowledgment of such kindness, I am sure. But what could I say, after all, if I had the power of talking for an hour, except that it is like you?'
Susan Nipper began upon a new part of her bonnet string, and nodded at the skylight, in approval of the sentiment expressed.
'Oh! but, Walter,' said Florence, 'there is something that I wish to say to you before you go away, and you must call me Florence, if you please, and not speak like a stranger.'
'Like a stranger!' returned Walter, 'No. I couldn't speak so. I am sure, at least, I couldn't feel like one.'
'Ay, but that is not enough, and is not what I mean. For, Walter,' added Florence, bursting into tears, 'he liked you very much, and said before he died that he was fond of you, and said "Remember Walter!" and if you'll be a brother to me, Walter, now that he is gone and I have none on earth, I'll be your sister all my life, and think of you like one wherever we may be! This is what I wished to say, dear Walter, but I cannot say it as I would, because my heart is full.'
And in its fulness and its sweet simplicity, she held out both her hands to him. Walter taking them, stooped down and touched the tearful face that neither shrunk nor turned away, nor reddened as he did so, but looked up at him with confidence and truth. In that one moment, every shadow of doubt or agitation passed away from Walter's soul. It seemed to him that he responded to her innocent appeal, beside the dead child's bed: and, in the solemn presence he had seen there, pledged himself to cherish and protect her very image, in his banishment, with brotherly regard; to garner up her simple faith, inviolate; and hold himself degraded if he breathed upon it any thought that was not in her own breast when she gave it to him.
Susan Nipper, who had bitten both her bonnet strings at once, and imparted a great deal of private emotion to the skylight, during this transaction, now changed the subject by inquiring who took milk and who took sugar; and being enlightened on these points, poured out the tea. They all four gathered socially about the little table, and took tea under that young lady's active superintendence; and the presence of Florence in the back parlour, brightened the Tartar frigate on the wall.
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
solemn | ['sɔləm] | |||
garner | ['gɑ:nə] | 联想记忆 | ||
kindness | ['kaindnis] | 联想记忆 | ||
approval | [ə'pru:vəl] | 联想记忆 | ||
shadow | ['ʃædəu] | |||
energetic | [.enə'dʒetik] | 联想记忆 | ||
transaction | [træn'zækʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
extracurricular | [.ekstrəkə'rikjulə] | |||
enlightened | [in'laitnd] | |||
touched | [tʌtʃt] |

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