n. 机会,时机
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'And, Wal'r,' said the Captain, when they took their seats at table, if your Uncle's the man I think him, he'll bring out the last bottle of the Madeira on the present occasion.' | “沃尔,”当他们在桌旁坐下的时候,船长说道,“如果你舅舅是我所想的那种人,遇上今天这样的日子,他是会取出他最后的那瓶马德拉白葡萄酒的。” |
'No, no, Ned,' returned the old man. 'No! That shall be opened when Walter comes home again.' | “不,不,内德,”老人回答道,“不,那瓶酒等沃尔特重新回到家里时再打开。” |
'Well said!' cried the Captain. 'Hear him!' | “说得好!”船长喊道,“听他说吧!” |
'There it lies,' said Sol Gills, 'down in the little cellar, covered with dirt and cobwebs. There may be dirt and cobwebs over you and me perhaps, Ned, before it sees the light.' | “它躺在那里,”所尔·吉尔斯说,“躺在下面的小地窖里,上面覆盖着尘土和蜘蛛网。在它重见阳光之前,内德,也许你和我身上也已覆盖着尘土和蜘蛛网了。” |
'Hear him! 'cried the Captain. 'Good morality! Wal'r, my lad. Train up a fig-tree in the way it should go, and when you are old sit under the shade on it. Overhaul the - Well,' said the Captain on second thoughts, 'I ain't quite certain where that's to be found, but when found, make a note of. Sol Gills, heave ahead again!' | “听他说吧!”船长喊道,“极妙的寓意!沃尔,我的孩子,栽一株无花果,让它好好长大,等你老了,就坐在树荫下休息。翻一下——不过,”船长想了一下,说,“我不能很肯定从哪本书里可以找到这句话;可是你要是收到的话,请把它记下来。所尔·吉尔斯。重新往前用力拉吧①!” |
'But there or somewhere, it shall lie, Ned, until Wally comes back to claim it,' said the old man. 'That's all I meant to say.' | “可是它得躺在那里或别的什么地方,内德,直到沃利回来要求喝它的时候,”老人说道,“这就是我所想要说的一切。” |
'And well said too,' returned the Captain; 'and if we three don't crack that bottle in company, I'll give you two leave to.' | “说得也不错,”船长回答道,“如果我们三人不能一起打开那瓶酒的话,那么我允许你们两人把我的那份也喝掉!” |
Notwithstanding the Captain's excessive joviality, he made but a poor hand at the smoky tongue, though he tried very hard, when anybody looked at him, to appear as if he were eating with a vast apetite. He was terribly afraid, likewise, of being left alone with either Uncle or nephew; appearing to consider that his only chance of safety as to keeping up appearances, was in there being always three together. This terror on the part of the Captain, reduced him to such ingenious evasions as running to the door, when Solomon went to put his coat on, under pretence of having seen an extraordinary hackney-coach pass: and darting out into the road when Walter went upstairs to take leave of the lodgers, on a feint of smelling fire in a neighbouring chimney. These artifices Captain Cuttle deemed inscrutable by any uninspired observer. | 船长虽然谈笑风生,十分兴高采烈,但他对付那条熏黑的舌头的本领却怪差劲,尽管当有人看着他的时候,他极力装出胃口很好地吃着。而且,他很害怕和舅舅或外甥单独在一起,好像他认为,他要保持这种春风满面的神态,唯一安全的机会是三个人老待在一起。船长由于怀有这种恐惧心理,他就想出了好些机智的逃避方法:当所罗门走去穿外衣的时候,他就假装看到一辆不同寻常的出租马车经过而跑到门口;当沃尔特上楼去跟房客们告别时,他就假装闻到邻近烟囱的火焦味而冲到街上。船长认为,没有灵感的观察者是很难看破他的这些巧计的。 |
Walter was coming down from his parting expedition upstairs, and was crossing the shop to go back to the little parlour, when he saw a faded face he knew, looking in at the door, and darted towards it. | 沃尔特去楼上告别之后走下楼来,正穿过店铺向小客厅走回的时候,他看到一张他认识的憔悴的脸正向门里探望,就立即向他急冲过去。 |
'Mr Carker!' cried Walter, pressing the hand of John Carker the Junior. 'Pray come in! This is kind of you, to be here so early to say good-bye to me. You knew how glad it would make me to shake hands with you, once, before going away. I cannot say how glad I am to have this opportunity. Pray come in.' | “卡克先生!”沃尔特紧握着约翰·卡克先生的手,喊道,“请进来吧!您真客气,起得这么早来向我告别。您知道,我多么高兴能在离别之前再跟您握一次手啊。我说不出我是多么高兴能有这个机会。请进来吧!” |
'It is not likely that we may ever meet again, Walter,' returned the other, gently resisting his invitation, 'and I am glad of this opportunity too. I may venture to speak to you, and to take you by the hand, on the eve of separation. I shall not have to resist your frank approaches, Walter, any more. | “我们不见得以后还能再见面了,沃尔特,”那一位委婉地谢绝了他的邀请,“我也因为有这个机会而感到高兴。在即将离别之前,我也许可以不揣冒昧地来跟您说说话和握握手。沃尔特,我将不再迫不得已反对您坦率地跟我接近了”。 |
There was a melancholy in his smile as he said it, that showed he had found some company and friendship for his thoughts even in that. | 当他说这些话的时候,在他的微笑中还带有一些忧郁的东西,这表明他甚至在沃尔特要跟他接近的想法本身中也看到了关怀与友谊。 |
'And, Wal'r,' said the Captain, when they took their seats at table, if your Uncle's the man I think him, he'll bring out the last bottle of the Madeira on the present occasion.'
'No, no, Ned,' returned the old man. 'No! That shall be opened when Walter comes home again.'
'Well said!' cried the Captain. 'Hear him!'
'There it lies,' said Sol Gills, 'down in the little cellar, covered with dirt and cobwebs. There may be dirt and cobwebs over you and me perhaps, Ned, before it sees the light.'
'Hear him! 'cried the Captain. 'Good morality! Wal'r, my lad. Train up a fig-tree in the way it should go, and when you are old sit under the shade on it. Overhaul the - Well,' said the Captain on second thoughts, 'I ain't quite certain where that's to be found, but when found, make a note of. Sol Gills, heave ahead again!'
'But there or somewhere, it shall lie, Ned, until Wally comes back to claim it,' said the old man. 'That's all I meant to say.'
'And well said too,' returned the Captain; 'and if we three don't crack that bottle in company, I'll give you two leave to.'
Notwithstanding the Captain's excessive joviality, he made but a poor hand at the smoky tongue, though he tried very hard, when anybody looked at him, to appear as if he were eating with a vast apetite. He was terribly afraid, likewise, of being left alone with either Uncle or nephew; appearing to consider that his only chance of safety as to keeping up appearances, was in there being always three together. This terror on the part of the Captain, reduced him to such ingenious evasions as running to the door, when Solomon went to put his coat on, under pretence of having seen an extraordinary hackney-coach pass: and darting out into the road when Walter went upstairs to take leave of the lodgers, on a feint of smelling fire in a neighbouring chimney. These artifices Captain Cuttle deemed inscrutable by any uninspired observer.
Walter was coming down from his parting expedition upstairs, and was crossing the shop to go back to the little parlour, when he saw a faded face he knew, looking in at the door, and darted towards it.
'Mr Carker!' cried Walter, pressing the hand of John Carker the Junior. 'Pray come in! This is kind of you, to be here so early to say good-bye to me. You knew how glad it would make me to shake hands with you, once, before going away. I cannot say how glad I am to have this opportunity. Pray come in.'
'It is not likely that we may ever meet again, Walter,' returned the other, gently resisting his invitation, 'and I am glad of this opportunity too. I may venture to speak to you, and to take you by the hand, on the eve of separation. I shall not have to resist your frank approaches, Walter, any more.
There was a melancholy in his smile as he said it, that showed he had found some company and friendship for his thoughts even in that.
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
opportunity | [.ɔpə'tju:niti] | |||
certain | ['sə:tn] | |||
resist | [ri'zist] | 联想记忆 | ||
terror | ['terə] | 联想记忆 | ||
current | ['kʌrənt] | 联想记忆 | ||
crack | [kræk] | 联想记忆 | ||
inscrutable | [in'skru:təbl] | 联想记忆 | ||
melancholy | ['melənkɔli] | 联想记忆 | ||
expedition | [.ekspi'diʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
ingenious | [in'dʒi:njəs] | 联想记忆 |

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