n. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱
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Had Florence any misgiving of which she was hardly conscious: any misgiving that had sprung into an indistinct and undefined existence since that recent night when she had gone down to her father's room: that Walter's accidental interest in her, and early knowledge of her, might have involved him in that powerful displeasure and dislike? Had Walter any such idea, or any sudden thought that it was in her mind at that moment? Neither of them hinted at it. Neither of them spoke at all, for some short time. Susan, walking on the other side of Walter, eyed them both sharply; and certainly Miss Nipper's thoughts travelled in that direction, and very confidently too. | 在弗洛伦斯心上是不是有着她还不怎么意识到的忧虑,是不是自从最近那天夜间她走到楼下她父亲房间去以后她心中产生出一种模糊不清和不可名状的忧虑:沃尔特由于偶然的原因对她产生兴趣以及过早地认识她,这会引起她父亲对他强烈的不快和讨厌?在沃尔特心中是不是也有这样的想法,或者突然想到在这个时刻她的心中也正在这么想?在短短的一段时间中,他们两人谁也没有说话。走在沃尔特另一边的苏珊敏锐地注视着他们两人;尼珀姑娘的思想肯定也朝着那个方向转悠,并且十分相信自己的看法是正确的。 |
'You may come back very soon,' said Florence, 'perhaps, Walter.' | “您可能很快就会回来的,”弗洛伦斯说道,“也许会这样的,沃尔特。” |
'I may come back,' said Walter, 'an old man, and find you an old lady. But I hope for better things.' | “我可能回来时已成了个老头子了,”沃尔特说道,“并且看到您已成了个老太太了。不过我往好里希望。” |
'Papa,' said Florence, after a moment, 'will - will recover from his grief, and - speak more freely to me one day, perhaps; and if he should, I will tell him how much I wish to see you back again, and ask him to recall you for my sake.' | “爸爸,”弗洛伦斯沉默了片刻之后说,“也许会——会从悲痛中恢复过来,有一天会——更无拘无束地跟我说话;如果那样的话,那么我将告诉他,我是多么希望看到您重新回来,并请求他为了我的缘故把您调回来。” |
There was a touching modulation in these words about her father, that Walter understood too well. | 她谈到她父亲的这些话声调压抑,缺乏信心,令人感动,沃尔特听得很明白。 |
The coach being close at hand, he would have left her without speaking, for now he felt what parting was; but Florence held his hand when she was seated, and then he found there was a little packet in her own. | 马车就在近旁,他本来会默默无言地跟她分手的,因为他这时真正感觉到离别的滋味了;可是弗洛伦斯坐下以后握住他的手,这时他觉得她手中有一个小包包。 |
'Walter,' she said, looking full upon him with her affectionate eyes, 'like you, I hope for better things. I will pray for them, and believe that they will arrive. I made this little gift for Paul. Pray take it with my love, and do not look at it until you are gone away. And now, God bless you, Walter! never forget me. You are my brother, dear!' | “沃尔特,”她用感情深厚的眼光望着他的脸,说道,“我像您一样,也希望有美好的将来。我将祈求它,相信它会来临。我为保罗准备了这个小小的礼物,请随同我的爱把它拿走吧,在您离别之前别去看它。愿上帝保佑您,沃尔特!千万别忘记我。您是我的哥哥呀,亲爱的!” |
He was glad that Susan Nipper came between them, or he might have left her with a sorrowful remembrance of him. He was glad too that she did not look out of the coach again, but waved the little hand to him instead, as long as he could see it. | 他感到高兴的是,苏珊·尼珀这时走到他们中间,要不然他就会给她留下一个关于他的悲伤的回忆了。他又感到高兴的是,她没有再从马车里往外望,而是向他挥着小手,一直到他望不见为止。 |
In spite of her request, he could not help opening the packet that night when he went to bed. It was a little purse: and there was was money in it. | 他在当天夜里睡觉之前,不顾她的请求,还是忍不住把那小包包打开了。这是个小小的钱包,里面装着钱。 |
Bright rose the sun next morning, from his absence in strange countries and up rose Walter with it to receive the Captain, who was already at the door: having turned out earlier than was necessary, in order to get under weigh while Mrs MacStinger was still slumbering. The Captain pretended to be in tip-top spirits, and brought a very smoky tongue in one of the pockets of the of the broad blue coat for breakfast. | 第二天早晨,太阳从异国他乡返回,光辉灿烂地升起,沃尔特也随同它一道起来,去迎接早已在门口的船长。船长本不需要这么早就起床,但他是为了在麦克斯廷杰太太还在睡觉的时候就上路才这么做的;他假装情绪高昂,在他宽大的蓝色外衣的一个口袋中带来一条熏得很黑的舌头作为早餐。 |
Had Florence any misgiving of which she was hardly conscious: any misgiving that had sprung into an indistinct and undefined existence since that recent night when she had gone down to her father's room: that Walter's accidental interest in her, and early knowledge of her, might have involved him in that powerful displeasure and dislike? Had Walter any such idea, or any sudden thought that it was in her mind at that moment? Neither of them hinted at it. Neither of them spoke at all, for some short time. Susan, walking on the other side of Walter, eyed them both sharply; and certainly Miss Nipper's thoughts travelled in that direction, and very confidently too.
'You may come back very soon,' said Florence, 'perhaps, Walter.'
'I may come back,' said Walter, 'an old man, and find you an old lady. But I hope for better things.'
'Papa,' said Florence, after a moment, 'will - will recover from his grief, and - speak more freely to me one day, perhaps; and if he should, I will tell him how much I wish to see you back again, and ask him to recall you for my sake.'
There was a touching modulation in these words about her father, that Walter understood too well.
The coach being close at hand, he would have left her without speaking, for now he felt what parting was; but Florence held his hand when she was seated, and then he found there was a little packet in her own.
'Walter,' she said, looking full upon him with her affectionate eyes, 'like you, I hope for better things. I will pray for them, and believe that they will arrive. I made this little gift for Paul. Pray take it with my love, and do not look at it until you are gone away. And now, God bless you, Walter! never forget me. You are my brother, dear!'
He was glad that Susan Nipper came between them, or he might have left her with a sorrowful remembrance of him. He was glad too that she did not look out of the coach again, but waved the little hand to him instead, as long as he could see it.
In spite of her request, he could not help opening the packet that night when he went to bed. It was a little purse: and there was was money in it.
Bright rose the sun next morning, from his absence in strange countries and up rose Walter with it to receive the Captain, who was already at the door: having turned out earlier than was necessary, in order to get under weigh while Mrs MacStinger was still slumbering. The Captain pretended to be in tip-top spirits, and brought a very smoky tongue in one of the pockets of the of the broad blue coat for breakfast.

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