v. 反驳,回嘴,反击
n. 反驳,顶嘴
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Yet Walter did not hold it as he might have held it once, nor did its touch awaken those old day—dreams of his boyhood that had floated past him sometimes even lately, and confused him with their indistinct and broken shapes. The purity and innocence of her endearing manner, and its perfect trustfulness, and the undisguised regard for him that lay so deeply seated in her constant eyes, and glowed upon her fair face through the smile that shaded — for alas! it was a smile too sad to brighten — it, were not of their romantic race. They brought back to his thoughts the early death—bed he had seen her tending, and the love the child had borne her; and on the wings of such remembrances she seemed to rise up, far above his idle fancies, into clearer and serener air. | 可是沃尔特并不像先前那样握它,这样的接触也没有唤醒过去童年时代的那些白日梦,甚至最近这些梦有时还会从他面前漂浮过去,并以它们那模糊不清、支离破碎的形状使他心烦意乱。她那天真纯洁、可亲可爱的神态,她在专注的眼光中深切表露出的以及在俊俏的脸上通过微笑(这微笑太悲哀了,它在她脸上投下了阴影,不能使它容光焕发)洋溢着的对他的完全信任与真诚关怀,所有这些都不是浪漫性质的。它们使他回想起了他曾看到她殷勤看护的那张夭逝的小床,回想起了那男孩对她所怀的热爱,靠着这些回忆的翅膀,她似乎已远远地超越了他的那些胡思乱想,飞升到那更为明净、更为宁静的高空之中了。 |
'I — I am afraid I must call you Walter's Uncle, Sir,' said Florence to the old man, 'if you'll let me.' | “我——我想,我得管您叫沃尔特的舅舅,先生,”弗洛伦斯对老人说,“如果您允许的话。” |
'My dear young lady,' cried old Sol. 'Let you! Good gracious!' | “我亲爱的小姐,”老所尔喊道,“如果我允许的话!我的上帝!” |
'We always knew you by that name, and talked of you,' said Florence, glancing round, and sighing gently. 'The nice old parlour! Just the same! How well I recollect it!' | “我们常常是以这个称呼来了解您和谈起您的,”弗洛伦斯向四周看了一眼,轻轻地叹气道,“可爱的老客厅!完全跟先前一模一样!我把它记得多么清楚啊!” |
Old Sol looked first at her, then at his nephew, and then rubbed his hands, and rubbed his spectacles, and said below his breath, 'Ah! time, time, time!' | 老所尔先看看她,又看看他的外甥,然后搓搓手,又擦擦眼镜,低声说道,“唉,时间啊,时间啊,时间啊!” |
There was a short silence; during which Susan Nipper skilfully impounded two extra cups and saucers from the cupboard, and awaited the drawing of the tea with a thoughtful air. | 接着是短暂的沉默;在这段时间中苏珊·尼珀灵巧地从碗柜里取出了两只带碟子的茶杯,并以若有所思的神气等待着泡茶。 |
'I want to tell Walter's Uncle,' said Florence, laying her hand timidly upon the old man's as it rested on the table, to bespeak his attention, 'something that I am anxious about. He is going to be left alone, and if he will allow me — not to take Walter's place, for that I couldn't do, but to be his true friend and help him if I ever can while Walter is away, I shall be very much obliged to him indeed. Will you? May I, Walter's Uncle?' | “我想跟沃尔特的舅舅说点我很担心的事,”弗洛伦斯胆怯地把手放在老人搁在桌子上的手上,以便引起他的注意,说道,“他很快就要单独一个人了,如果他允许我——不是代替沃尔特,因为那是我做不到的,而是在沃尔特不在的时候成为他的真诚的朋友,并尽我的力量来帮助他,那我就会十分感谢他。您肯允许我吗?我可以吗,沃尔特舅舅?” |
The Instrument—maker, without speaking, put her hand to his lips, and Susan Nipper, leaning back with her arms crossed, in the chair of presidency into which she had voted herself, bit one end of her bonnet strings, and heaved a gentle sigh as she looked up at the skylight. | 仪器制造商默默无言地把她的手拉到他的嘴唇上。苏珊·尼珀两手交叉,背靠在她自行充任的主席的椅子上,这时咬着帽带的一端,仰望着天窗,轻轻地叹了口气。 |
'You will let me come to see you,' said Florence, 'when I can; and you will tell me everything about yourself and Walter; and you will have no secrets from Susan when she comes and I do not, but will confide in us, and trust us, and rely upon us. And you'll try to let us be a comfort to you? Will you, Walter's Uncle?' | “如果我可能的话,那么请允许我来看您,”弗洛伦斯说,“那时请您告诉我您自己和沃尔特的一切事情;如果苏珊代替我来的话,那么就请您不要对她保守秘密,请您信任我们,信赖我们,依靠我们。请您设法让我们成为您的安慰,您愿意吗,沃尔特的舅舅?” |
The sweet face looking into his, the gentle pleading eyes, the soft voice, and the light touch on his arm made the more winning by a child's respect and honour for his age, that gave to all an air of graceful doubt and modest hesitation — these, and her natural earnestness, so overcame the poor old Instrument—maker, that he only answered: | 那张望着他的可爱的脸孔,那双关切的恳求的眼睛,那个温柔的声音,以及她在他胳膊上轻轻的抚摸,本来就使她显得十分亲切可爱,再加上女孩子对他年龄所怀有的崇敬与尊重,这就使她更加得人欢心,当时她表露出一种优雅得体的疑惑不定的神情和由于谦虚羞怯而犹豫不决的神情——所有这一切,以及她那出乎天性的恳切的态度,完全征服了这位可怜的年老的仪器制造商,他只是回答道: |
'Wally! say a word for me, my dear. I'm very grateful.' | “沃利,为我说一句话吧,我亲爱的,我太感激了。” |
'No, Walter,' returned Florence with her quiet smile. 'Say nothing for him, if you please. I understand him very well, and we must learn to talk together without you, dear Walter.' | “不,沃尔特,”弗洛伦斯平静地微笑着回答道,“请您一句话也不要为他说。我很了解他,我们必须学会在您不在场的时候相互交谈,亲爱的沃尔特。” |
The regretful tone in which she said these latter words, touched Walter more than all the rest. | 她说最后几个字时惋惜的声调比其他的一切更使他感动。 |
Yet Walter did not hold it as he might have held it once, nor did its touch awaken those old day—dreams of his boyhood that had floated past him sometimes even lately, and confused him with their indistinct and broken shapes. The purity and innocence of her endearing manner, and its perfect trustfulness, and the undisguised regard for him that lay so deeply seated in her constant eyes, and glowed upon her fair face through the smile that shaded — for alas! it was a smile too sad to brighten — it, were not of their romantic race. They brought back to his thoughts the early death—bed he had seen her tending, and the love the child had borne her; and on the wings of such remembrances she seemed to rise up, far above his idle fancies, into clearer and serener air.
'I — I am afraid I must call you Walter's Uncle, Sir,' said Florence to the old man, 'if you'll let me.'
'My dear young lady,' cried old Sol. 'Let you! Good gracious!'
'We always knew you by that name, and talked of you,' said Florence, glancing round, and sighing gently. 'The nice old parlour! Just the same! How well I recollect it!'
Old Sol looked first at her, then at his nephew, and then rubbed his hands, and rubbed his spectacles, and said below his breath, 'Ah! time, time, time!'
There was a short silence; during which Susan Nipper skilfully impounded two extra cups and saucers from the cupboard, and awaited the drawing of the tea with a thoughtful air.
'I want to tell Walter's Uncle,' said Florence, laying her hand timidly upon the old man's as it rested on the table, to bespeak his attention, 'something that I am anxious about. He is going to be left alone, and if he will allow me — not to take Walter's place, for that I couldn't do, but to be his true friend and help him if I ever can while Walter is away, I shall be very much obliged to him indeed. Will you? May I, Walter's Uncle?'
The Instrument—maker, without speaking, put her hand to his lips, and Susan Nipper, leaning back with her arms crossed, in the chair of presidency into which she had voted herself, bit one end of her bonnet strings, and heaved a gentle sigh as she looked up at the skylight.
'You will let me come to see you,' said Florence, 'when I can; and you will tell me everything about yourself and Walter; and you will have no secrets from Susan when she comes and I do not, but will confide in us, and trust us, and rely upon us. And you'll try to let us be a comfort to you? Will you, Walter's Uncle?'
The sweet face looking into his, the gentle pleading eyes, the soft voice, and the light touch on his arm made the more winning by a child's respect and honour for his age, that gave to all an air of graceful doubt and modest hesitation — these, and her natural earnestness, so overcame the poor old Instrument—maker, that he only answered:
'Wally! say a word for me, my dear. I'm very grateful.'
'No, Walter,' returned Florence with her quiet smile. 'Say nothing for him, if you please. I understand him very well, and we must learn to talk together without you, dear Walter.'
The regretful tone in which she said these latter words, touched Walter more than all the rest.

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