v. 说,说话,演说
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'Ah, Mr Carker!' returned Walter. 'Why did you resist them? You could have done me nothing but good, I am very sure. | “唉,卡克先生!”沃尔特回答道,“您为什么要反对呢?我完全相信,您只会做对我有益的事情。” |
He shook his head. 'If there were any good,' he said, 'I could do on this earth, I would do it, Walter, for you. The sight of you from day to day, has been at once happiness and remorse to me. But the pleasure has outweighed the pain. I know that, now, by knowing what I lose.' | 他摇摇头。“如果在这世界上我能做点儿什么有益事情的话,那么我将会为您做的。我一天天看到您,对我来说,既感到快乐,又引起悔恨。但是高兴超过了痛苦。现在我明白了这一点,因为我知道我失去什么了。” |
'Come in, Mr Carker, and make acquaintance with my good old Uncle,' urged Walter. 'I have often talked to him about you, and he will be glad to tell you all he hears from me. I have not,' said Walter, noticing his hesitation, and speaking with embarrassment himself: 'I have not told him anything about our last conversation, Mr Carker; not even him, believe me. | “请进来吧,卡克先生,来跟我善良的年老的舅舅认识认识吧,”沃尔特催促着,“我常常跟他说到您,他将会高兴把从我那里听到的一切告诉您;我没有,”沃尔特注意到他的迟疑,他自己也感到局促不安地说道,“我没有跟他说起我们上次谈话的内容,什么也没有说;卡克先生;甚至对他我也不说,请相信我。” |
The grey Junior pressed his hand, and tears rose in his eyes. | 这位头发斑白的低级职员紧握着他的手,眼睛里涌出了泪水。 |
'If I ever make acquaintance with him, Walter,' he returned, 'it will be that I may hear tidings of you. Rely on my not wronging your forbearance and consideration. It would be to wrong it, not to tell him all the truth, before I sought a word of confidence from him. But I have no friend or acquaintance except you: and even for your sake, am little likely to make any.' | “如果我什么时候跟他认识,沃尔特,”他回答道,“那么那只是为了可以从他那里打听到您的消息。请相信我决不会对不起您对我的宽容与关心。如果我在取得他的信任之前不把全部真情告诉他,那么我就对不起您的宽容与关心了。但是我除了您,没有别的朋友或熟人;甚至为了您的缘故我也未必会去找。” |
'I wish,' said Walter, 'you had suffered me to be your friend indeed. I always wished it, Mr Carker, as you know; but never half so much as now, when we are going to part' | “我希望,”沃尔特说,“您已真正允许我做您的朋友。卡克先生;您知道,我经常是这样希望的;可是这希望从不曾像现在我们就要分别的时候这么强烈。” |
'It is enough replied the other, 'that you have been the friend of my own breast, and that when I have avoided you most, my heart inclined the most towards you, and was fullest of you. Walter, good-bye!' | “您一直是我心里的朋友,当我愈是避开您的时候,我的心就愈是向着您,愈是一心一意地想着您——我想这就够了。沃尔特,再见吧!” |
'Good-bye, Mr Carker. Heaven be with you, Sir!' cried Walter with emotion. | “再见吧,卡克先生,愿老天爷保佑您,先生!”沃尔特激动地喊道。 |
'If,' said the other, retaining his hand while he spoke; 'if when you come back, you miss me from my old corner, and should hear from anyone where I am lying, come and look upon my grave. Think that I might have been as honest and as happy as you! And let me think, when I know time is coming on, that some one like my former self may stand there, for a moment, and remember me with pity and forgiveness! Walter, good-bye!' | “如果,”那一位继续握着他的手说道,“如果您回来时,在我原先的角落里看不到我,并从别人那里打听到我躺在什么地方的话,那么请来看看我的坟墓吧。请想一想,我本来是可以跟您一样诚实和幸福的!当我知道我的死期就要来临的时候,请让我想到,有一位像我过去一样的人会在那里站上片刻,怀着怜悯与宽恕的心情记得我的!沃尔特,再见吧!” |
His figure crept like a shadow down the bright, sun-lighted street, so cheerful yet so solemn in the early summer morning; and slowly passed away. | 夏日清晨的街道布满了阳光,明明亮亮,那么令人爽心悦目,又那么庄严肃穆;他的身形像一个影子似的,沿着这条街道缓慢地移行着,最后消失不见了。 |
'Ah, Mr Carker!' returned Walter. 'Why did you resist them? You could have done me nothing but good, I am very sure.
He shook his head. 'If there were any good,' he said, 'I could do on this earth, I would do it, Walter, for you. The sight of you from day to day, has been at once happiness and remorse to me. But the pleasure has outweighed the pain. I know that, now, by knowing what I lose.'
'Come in, Mr Carker, and make acquaintance with my good old Uncle,' urged Walter. 'I have often talked to him about you, and he will be glad to tell you all he hears from me. I have not,' said Walter, noticing his hesitation, and speaking with embarrassment himself: 'I have not told him anything about our last conversation, Mr Carker; not even him, believe me.
The grey Junior pressed his hand, and tears rose in his eyes.
'If I ever make acquaintance with him, Walter,' he returned, 'it will be that I may hear tidings of you. Rely on my not wronging your forbearance and consideration. It would be to wrong it, not to tell him all the truth, before I sought a word of confidence from him. But I have no friend or acquaintance except you: and even for your sake, am little likely to make any.'
'I wish,' said Walter, 'you had suffered me to be your friend indeed. I always wished it, Mr Carker, as you know; but never half so much as now, when we are going to part'
'It is enough replied the other, 'that you have been the friend of my own breast, and that when I have avoided you most, my heart inclined the most towards you, and was fullest of you. Walter, good-bye!'
'Good-bye, Mr Carker. Heaven be with you, Sir!' cried Walter with emotion.
'If,' said the other, retaining his hand while he spoke; 'if when you come back, you miss me from my old corner, and should hear from anyone where I am lying, come and look upon my grave. Think that I might have been as honest and as happy as you! And let me think, when I know time is coming on, that some one like my former self may stand there, for a moment, and remember me with pity and forgiveness! Walter, good-bye!'
His figure crept like a shadow down the bright, sun-lighted street, so cheerful yet so solemn in the early summer morning; and slowly passed away.

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