adj. 萧瑟的,严寒的,阴郁的
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'Is it possible?' cried Walter, looking round and starting up in his turn. 'Here!' | “可能吗?”沃尔特喊道,一边四下环视,现在轮到他跳起来了,“到这里来了?” |
Why, It was so possible and so actual, that, while the words were on his lips, Florence hurried past him; took Uncle Sol's snuff-coloured lapels, one in each hand; kissed him on the cheek; and turning, gave her hand to Walter with a simple truth and earnestness that was her own, and no one else's in the world! | 对了,这不仅是可能的,而且是千真万确的事实。他的话音未落,弗洛伦斯已急忙从他的身边跑过去,把所尔舅舅的鼻烟色的翻领的两边分别握在两只手中,吻了吻他的脸颊,然后转过身来,以她那独有的十分纯朴、真诚、恳切的神情,把手伸向沃尔特,这种神情确是世界上其他人所没有的! |
'Going away, Walter!' said Florence. | “要离开这里了吗,沃尔特?”弗洛伦斯问道。 |
'Yes, Miss Dombey,' he replied, but not so hopefully as he endeavoured: 'I have a voyage before me.' | “是的,董贝小姐,”他回答道,但不像他努力想要表示出的那么乐观开朗,“我将外出航行。” |
'And your Uncle,' said Florence, looking back at Solomon. 'He is sorry you are going, I am sure. Ah! I see he is! Dear Walter, I am very sorry too.' | “您的舅舅,”弗洛伦斯又回过来望着所罗门,说道,“您出去他一定感到难过。唉,我看他是这样的!亲爱的沃尔特,我也感到很难过。” |
'Goodness knows,' exclaimed Miss Nipper, 'there's a many we could spare instead, if numbers is a object, Mrs Pipchin as a overseer would come cheap at her weight in gold, and if a knowledge of black slavery should be required, them Blimbers is the very people for the sitiwation.' | “天知道,”尼珀姑娘高声嚷道,“世界上有许多人,我们没有他们也行,如果要精明善算的人,派皮普钦太太去当监工,称黄金,准能买到便宜的黄金,如果需要对付黑奴的知识,布林伯他们这家人就是最合适的人选。” |
With that Miss Nipper untied her bonnet strings, and alter looking vacantly for some moments into a little black teapot that was set forth with the usual homely service on the table, shook her head and a tin canister, and began unasked to make the tea. | 尼珀小姐一边说,一边解开帽带,接着向桌子上和其他家常茶具摆在一起的一只小黑茶壶里面发呆地看了一会儿,然后摇摇头,又摇摇洋铁皮的茶叶罐,没经人请就泡起茶来。 |
In the meantime Florence had turned again to the Instrument-maker, who was as full of admiration as surprise. 'So grown!' said old Sol. 'So improved! And yet not altered! Just the same!' | 在这期间,弗洛伦斯又转向了仪器制造商;他对她极为赞赏,又感到极为惊奇。“长得这么大了!”老所尔说,“长得这么漂亮!可是一点没有变!跟原先一模一样!” |
'Indeed!' said Florence. | “真的吗?”弗洛伦斯说。 |
'Ye — yes,' returned old Sol, rubbing his hands slowly, and considering the matter half aloud, as something pensive in the bright eyes looking at him arrested his attention. 'Yes, that expression was in the younger face, too!' | “是——是的,”老所尔回答道,一边慢吞吞地搓着手,低声地思考着这个问题,这时那双向他望着的明亮的眼睛中的沉思的神情吸引了他的注意,“是的,过去那张更年轻的脸上也曾表露过这样的神情!” |
'You remember me,' said Florence with a smile, 'and what a little creature I was then?' | “您还记得我哪,”弗洛伦斯微笑着说道,“那时候我是个多么小的小人儿啊?” |
'My dear young lady,' returned the Instrument-maker, 'how could I forget you, often as I have thought of you and heard of you since! At the very moment, indeed, when you came in, Wally was talking about you to me, and leaving messages for you, and — ' | “我亲爱的小姐,”仪器制造商回答道,“我怎么能忘记您呢?从那时起,我多么经常地想到您,多么经常地听到您的消息!说真的,就在您进来的时候,沃利还正在跟我谈起您,给您留下口信,还——” |
'Was he?' said Florence. 'Thank you, Walter! Oh thank you, Walter! I was afraid you might be going away and hardly thinking of me;' and again she gave him her little hand so freely and so faithfully that Walter held it for some moments in his own, and could not bear to let it go. | “真的吗?”弗洛伦斯说道,“谢谢您,沃尔特!啊,谢谢您,沃尔特!我还怕您走了以后不会再想到我了呢。”接着她又无拘无束、充分信任地向沃尔特伸出小手;他把它在自己手中握了好几秒钟,舍不得放开。 |
'Is it possible?' cried Walter, looking round and starting up in his turn. 'Here!'
Why, It was so possible and so actual, that, while the words were on his lips, Florence hurried past him; took Uncle Sol's snuff-coloured lapels, one in each hand; kissed him on the cheek; and turning, gave her hand to Walter with a simple truth and earnestness that was her own, and no one else's in the world!
'Going away, Walter!' said Florence.
'Yes, Miss Dombey,' he replied, but not so hopefully as he endeavoured: 'I have a voyage before me.'
'And your Uncle,' said Florence, looking back at Solomon. 'He is sorry you are going, I am sure. Ah! I see he is! Dear Walter, I am very sorry too.'
'Goodness knows,' exclaimed Miss Nipper, 'there's a many we could spare instead, if numbers is a object, Mrs Pipchin as a overseer would come cheap at her weight in gold, and if a knowledge of black slavery should be required, them Blimbers is the very people for the sitiwation.'
With that Miss Nipper untied her bonnet strings, and alter looking vacantly for some moments into a little black teapot that was set forth with the usual homely service on the table, shook her head and a tin canister, and began unasked to make the tea.
In the meantime Florence had turned again to the Instrument-maker, who was as full of admiration as surprise. 'So grown!' said old Sol. 'So improved! And yet not altered! Just the same!'
'Indeed!' said Florence.
'Ye — yes,' returned old Sol, rubbing his hands slowly, and considering the matter half aloud, as something pensive in the bright eyes looking at him arrested his attention. 'Yes, that expression was in the younger face, too!'
'You remember me,' said Florence with a smile, 'and what a little creature I was then?'
'My dear young lady,' returned the Instrument-maker, 'how could I forget you, often as I have thought of you and heard of you since! At the very moment, indeed, when you came in, Wally was talking about you to me, and leaving messages for you, and — '
'Was he?' said Florence. 'Thank you, Walter! Oh thank you, Walter! I was afraid you might be going away and hardly thinking of me;' and again she gave him her little hand so freely and so faithfully that Walter held it for some moments in his own, and could not bear to let it go.

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