The organisation's 1988 founding charter is a mixture of Qur'anic quotations, disquisitions on Islamic doctrine, nationalist declarations and conspiratorial antisemitism.[qh]
。The document defined the land of Palestine as a waqf, or Islamic trust, “consecrated for future Muslim generations until judgment day”, of which no inch could be given up.[qh]
。It accused Zionists of instigating the French and Bolshevik revolutions and labelled groups like “the Freemasons, the Rotary and Lions clubs” as “destructive intelligence-gathering organisations” that facilitated the “nazism of the Jews”.[qh]
。It subsumed the Palestinian national struggle under the banner of religious war.[qh]
。It was, in other words, an unlikely charter for a movement that, within a decade, would bid to represent the Palestinian cause, which had for the better part of the previous half-century been led by avowedly secular groups.[qh]
。Whether the Islamic radicalism of the founding charter represents the operative ideology of the organisation has been debated almost since the group's creation.[qh]
。Some scholars of Islamist politics see Hamas's religious rhetoric as mainly a framework in service of its nationalist goals, which are its central concern.[qh]
。According to Azzam Tamimi, author of the book Hamas: A History from Within, the movement's leaders realised that, as it grew, it needed a more accessible way of defining itself to the broader world.[qh]
。A document titled This Is What We Struggle For, written in the mid-90s in response to a request by a European diplomat for clarity on the group's objectives, defined Hamas in rather different terms to those in the founding charter.[qh]
。Hamas was “a Palestinian national liberation movement that struggles for the liberation of the Palestinian occupied lands and for the recognition of Palestinian legitimate rights”.[qh]
。In a sense, the question of how to understand Hamas grows out of the gap between these two rhetorical modes: between uncompromising jihad and the language of anticolonial resistance, between fundamentalist ideology and political pragmatism.[qh]
。“There is no single 'Hamas,'” Tareq Baconi writes in his book, Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance.[qh]
。“It is an exercise in futility, as well as fundamentally inaccurate and reductionist to try to suggest that the movement is some form of monolithic actor,” Baconi continues.[qh]
。”There are, within the organisation, hardliners and pragmatists, religious conservatives and comparative moderates, those who prioritise the armed struggle against Israel, and those, at least until recently, who sought gains through political means.[qh]
。Hamas has “always sought to play between the violent and the diplomatic tracks, to shift from one track to the other, whenever it saw its best interests as either”, says Hugh Lovatt, a Middle East expert and senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.[qh]