Not long ago, a friend of mine told me something she'd heard from a British acquaintance: “You don't even realise how lucky you are to live in London!”[qh]
My friend is from southern Ukraine, from a city that gets shelled almost daily.[qh]
。After months under Russian bombardment, she decided to leave a job she loved, her ageing parents, the life she'd been building in a city she adored, and seek refuge in the UK.[qh]
。“Did they mean that you're lucky to have escaped the war zone alive?”[qh]
I ask her to clarify, although I suspect that that is not what they meant.[qh]
。“No! They meant that I'm lucky because my host family lives in a posh bit of London, and I can enjoy all the opportunities that this city has to offer.”[qh]
。”Ah yes, those plentiful opportunities refugees enjoy.[qh]
。Like many displaced Ukrainians – not to mention refugees from other parts of the world – she struggles to make ends meet.[qh]
。To cheer her up, I told her that, a couple of days earlier, a man sitting next to me at a conference dinner in a northern European capital had said to me:[qh]
“Your life must be so exciting! Whizzing around the world, giving talks! Hundreds of people listening to you, wanting to know about Ukraine!”[qh]
She asked me if I told the guy to get lost.[qh]
。I didn't. I told him that I'd rather have my brother alive and my homeland at peace than all this excitement.[qh]
。我告诉他,我宁愿让我哥哥活着,让我的祖国和平,也不愿让这一切激动人心 。I'd rather people learned about my country in universities and bookshops.[qh]
。Although, in truth, that is not easy.[qh]
。There is still a gaping hole in university curriculums when it comes to the study of Ukraine.[qh]
。In Britain, there is a handful of places where Ukrainian history, politics and culture are taught, only two universities that have Ukrainian programmes and only one that offers a degree in Ukrainian Studies.[qh]
。When it comes to bookshops, some now stock works on Ukraine, but the bulk of them are focused on the war rather than the country as a whole, and most are written by observers who are not ordinarily based in Ukraine.[qh]
。The voices from inside the country are not being promoted.[qh]
。And to add insult to injury, there are also bookshops that insist on shelving Ukrainian books in the “Russian literature” section.[qh]
。On my recent trip to Paris, I saw my book sitting uncomfortably among the Russian tomes, and insisted it be moved to a more appropriate place.[qh]
。The manager replied that he didn't have enough Ukrainian books to create a Ukraine shelf.[qh]
。When I explained that the only connection my book had to Russia was that its protagonist had been killed by that country's army, the manager responded that they didn't think of the Russia shelf as relating to the country, but more as representing a region.[qh]
。And what region might that be: the Russian empire?[qh]
The manager did not dignify me with an answer.[qh]
。He snapped the book out of the Russian shelf and shoved it on a temporary “new editions” table.[qh]