On the walls around these men, layers and layers of history were visible: in graffitied slogans, the stencilled image of the Dome of the Rock, and in the hundreds of portraits of old leaders, from Yasser Arafat and the 1970s militants with their long sideburns, to a younger generation of fighters in combat fatigues – all slain, and celebrated as “heroes and martyrs” to be emulated by the next generation – to the pictures of Abu Ubaida, the current military spokesperson for Hamas.
在围绕这些人周围的城墙上,可以看见一层层的历史:在涂鸦口号中, 在金顶圣殿的喷刷图像中,在数百幅前领导人的肖像中(从亚西尔·阿拉法特和20世纪70年代留着长鬓角的武装分子,到身穿战斗服的年轻一代战士--所有人都牺牲了,他们被誉为下一代人效仿的“英烈”--再到哈马斯现任军事发言人阿布·乌拜达的照片。)
In a time when far-right members of Israel’s government openly call for the people of Gaza to be displaced, sent into neighbouring countries or further afield, we do not need to imagine what life would be like for most of these Palestinians forced into exile.
We already know. This displacement has happened once before. To see what that grim future might be like, just look at Shatila.
The words “refugee camp” conjure an image of a few hundred tents, something temporary to house a population in need.
Shatila, with its population of more than 14,000 – some estimates go as high as 30,000 – is more like a small city within a city, and it has been here for more than 70 years.
In the last decade, its population has rocketed.
Syrians fleeing the civil war, as well as poverty-stricken Lebanese, Ethiopian, Eritrean and Bangladeshi migrant workers have all found shelter in the camp, which is now a densely populated slum.
Squeezed between a major highway and a stadium not far from the centre of Beirut, it has nowhere to expand but vertically.
New flats have been stacked precariously on top of each other, each slightly bigger than the one below, forming multistorey buildings whose top-floor windows kiss those on the other side of the alleyway.
Stairs sprout from balconies, and beams stretch out, creating underpasses below.
For most of its history, Palestinian residents of the camp were segregated from the rest of Beirut.
But the recent economic meltdown in Lebanon has brought the city to the doorsteps of Shatila.
The main thoroughfare, where stalls sell fruit and vegetables, shoes, clothes and kitchenware, is cheaper than anywhere else in Beirut.