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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第7章 Part 7

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"Good lad!" encouraged Ford.

"But alright," went on the rumblings, "so what's the alternative?"“但是,”卫兵继续呆滞地说,“另外的选择又是什么呢?”
"Well," said Ford, brightly but slowly, "stop doing it of course! Tell them," he went on, "you're not going to do it anymore." He felt he had to add something to that, but for the moment the guard seemed to have his mind occupied pondering that much.“好的,”福特兴奋地缓缓说道,“当然是停止做这些事!去告诉他们,”他继续道,“你再也不会做这些事了。”他觉得自己还应该补充一句什么,但这时卫兵似乎已经因为要思考这么多的事情,脑子简直不够用了。
"Eerrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..." said the guard, "erm, well that doesn't sound that great to me."“嗯嗯嗯……”卫兵说,“嗯,听上去对我来说好像不是太好。”
Ford suddenly felt the moment slipping away.福特猛然意识到机会正在溜走。
"Now wait a minute," he said, "that's just the start you see, there's more to it than that you see ..."“等一下,”他说,“这只是开始,你瞧,除此之外还有很多可以做的,你瞧……”
But at that moment the guard renewed his grip and continued his original purpose of lugging his prisoners to the airlock. He was obviously quite touched.但是此刻卫兵已经恢复了神志,他重新抓紧了手里的两个人,按照原定的指示把他们押向气闸。不过他显然还是受到了相当大的震动。
"No, I think if it's all the same to you," he said, "I'd better get you both shoved into this airlock and then go and get on with some other bits of shouting I've got to do."“不,我想你们的结局还是一样的。”他说,“我最好还是把你们俩都塞进气闸,然后回去继续我应该做的吼叫工作。”
It wasn't all the same to Ford Prefect after all.福特·普里弗克特又回到了原点。
"Come on now ... but look!" he said, less slowly, less brightly.“那好吧……不过你应该再想想看!”他说得更慢了,也不再兴奋。
"Huhhhhgggggggnnnnnnn ..." said Arthur without any clear inflection.“哼哼哼……”阿瑟含混不清地说了一串词语。

"But hang on," pursued Ford, "there's music and art and things to tell you about yet! Arrrggghhh!"

"Resistance is useless," bellowed the guard, and then added, "You see if I keep it up I can eventually get promoted to Senior Shouting Officer, and there aren't usually many vacancies for non-shouting and non-pushing-people-about officers, so I think I'd better stick to what I know."“顽抗是没有用的!”卫兵又吼道,这次还补充了—句,“你瞧,如果我坚持下去,最终还能被提拔为高级吼叫军官,而我们这儿通常并没有不用吼叫、不用把人推出飞船的军官职位空缺,所以我想我最好还是按照原定的指示去做。”
They had now reached the airlock — a large circular steel hatchway of massive strength and weight let into the inner skin of the craft. The guard operated a control and the hatchway swung smoothly open.说话间他们已经来到了气闸——一个飞船内壁上的巨大的圆形金属舱口。卫兵操纵开关,舱门平稳地滑开厂。

"Good lad!" encouraged Ford.
"But alright," went on the rumblings, "so what's the alternative?"
"Well," said Ford, brightly but slowly, "stop doing it of course! Tell them," he went on, "you're not going to do it anymore." He felt he had to add something to that, but for the moment the guard seemed to have his mind occupied pondering that much.
"Eerrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..." said the guard, "erm, well that doesn't sound that great to me."
Ford suddenly felt the moment slipping away.
"Now wait a minute," he said, "that's just the start you see, there's more to it than that you see ..."
But at that moment the guard renewed his grip and continued his original purpose of lugging his prisoners to the airlock. He was obviously quite touched.
"No, I think if it's all the same to you," he said, "I'd better get you both shoved into this airlock and then go and get on with some other bits of shouting I've got to do."
It wasn't all the same to Ford Prefect after all.
"Come on now ... but look!" he said, less slowly, less brightly.
"Huhhhhgggggggnnnnnnn ..." said Arthur without any clear inflection.

"But hang on," pursued Ford, "there's music and art and things to tell you about yet! Arrrggghhh!"
"Resistance is useless," bellowed the guard, and then added, "You see if I keep it up I can eventually get promoted to Senior Shouting Officer, and there aren't usually many vacancies for non-shouting and non-pushing-people-about officers, so I think I'd better stick to what I know."
They had now reached the airlocka large circular steel hatchway of massive strength and weight let into the inner skin of the craft. The guard operated a control and the hatchway swung smoothly open.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

resistance [ri'zistəns]


n. 抵抗力,反抗,反抗行动;阻力,电阻;反对

craft [krɑ:ft]


n. 工艺,手艺,狡诈,航空器,行会成员

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

smoothly [smu:ðli]


adv. 平滑地,流畅地





