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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第7章 Part 5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"Just don't say things like that," stammered Ford. "How can anyone maintain a positive mental attitude if you're saying things like that?"

"My God," complained Arthur, "you're talking about a positive mental attitude and you haven't even had your planet demolished today. I woke up this morning and thought I'd have a nice relaxed day, do a bit of reading, brush the dog ... It's now just after four in the afternoon and I'm already thrown out of an alien spaceship six light years from the smoking remains of the Earth!" He spluttered and gurgled as the Vogon tightened his grip.“上帝啁,”阿瑟抱怨道,“居然还说什么积极向上的精神面貌,你的星球又没有今天刚刚被毁火。我今天早上爬起来,想着自己可以度过轻松愉快的—天,读读书,给狗洗洗澡……现在才刚过下午4点,可我却在这个离地球毁灭后留下的青烟6光年之外的鬼地方等着被扔出一艘外星飞船!”他噼噼啪啪冒出这一大堆话,沃贡卫兵把他抓得更紧了。
"Alright," said Ford, "just stop panicking."“好了,”福特说,“不要这么惊惶失措!”
"Who said anything about panicking?" snapped Arthur. "This is still just the culture shock. You wait till I've settled down into the situation and found my bearings. Then I'll start panicking."“谁惊惶失措了?”阿瑟猛地说,“这仍然只是文化休克而已。你得等着,我在这样的环境中摸清楚方向了,然后我才会开始惊惶失措!”
"Arthur you're getting hysterical. Shut up!" Ford tried desperately to think, but was interrupted by the guard shouting again.“阿瑟,你开始歇斯底里了。闭上嘴!”福特拼命地试图镇定下来好好想想,但马上又被卫兵的吼声打断了。
"Resistance is useless!"“顽抗是没有用的!”
"And you can shut up as well!" snapped Ford.“你也一样给我闭上你的鸟嘴!”福特冲他喊道。
"Resistance is useless!"“顽抗是没有用的!”
"Oh give it a rest," said Ford. He twisted his head till he was looking straight up into his captor's face. A thought struck him.“噢,天哪,你就不能歇歇吗。”福特说。他扭转头,直到能正视抓着他的这个人的脸。突然间一个念头蹦了出来。
"Do you really enjoy this sort of thing?" he asked suddenly.“你真的喜欢干这样的事吗?”他突然问。
The Vogon stopped dead and a look of immense stupidity seeped slowly over his face.沃贡卫兵停下来,死死地站住,一种极度痴呆的表情慢慢从他脸上浮现出来。
"Enjoy?" he boomed. "What do you mean?"“喜欢?”他瓮声瓮气地说,“你是什么意思?”
"What I mean," said Ford, "is does it give you a full satisfying life? Stomping around, shouting, pushing people out of spaceships ..."“我的意思是,”福特说,“这些事能够给予你一种完整、满足的生活吗?来回踏步、吼叫、把人推出飞船……”
The Vogon stared up at the low steel ceiling and his eyebrows almost rolled over each other. His mouth slacked. Finally he said, "Well the hours are good ..."卫兵抬头盯着低低的金属天花板,眉头拧成一团。渐渐地,他的嘴角松弛下来。最后他说:“是啊,那些时光多好啊…

"Just don't say things like that," stammered Ford. "How can anyone maintain a positive mental attitude if you're saying things like that?"
"My God," complained Arthur, "you're talking about a positive mental attitude and you haven't even had your planet demolished today. I woke up this morning and thought I'd have a nice relaxed day, do a bit of reading, brush the dog ... It's now just after four in the afternoon and I'm already thrown out of an alien spaceship six light years from the smoking remains of the Earth!" He spluttered and gurgled as the Vogon tightened his grip.
"Alright," said Ford, "just stop panicking."
"Who said anything about panicking?" snapped Arthur. "This is still just the culture shock. You wait till I've settled down into the situation and found my bearings. Then I'll start panicking."
"Arthur you're getting hysterical. Shut up!" Ford tried desperately to think, but was interrupted by the guard shouting again.
"Resistance is useless!"
"And you can shut up as well!" snapped Ford.
"Resistance is useless!"
"Oh give it a rest," said Ford. He twisted his head till he was looking straight up into his captor's face. A thought struck him.
"Do you really enjoy this sort of thing?" he asked suddenly.
The Vogon stopped dead and a look of immense stupidity seeped slowly over his face.
"Enjoy?" he boomed. "What do you mean?"
"What I mean," said Ford, "is does it give you a full satisfying life? Stomping around, shouting, pushing people out of spaceships ..."
The Vogon stared up at the low steel ceiling and his eyebrows almost rolled over each other. His mouth slacked. Finally he said, "Well the hours are good ..."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

immense [i'mens]


adj. 巨大的,广大的,非常好的

brush [brʌʃ]


n. 刷子,画笔
n. 灌木丛

resistance [ri'zistəns]


n. 抵抗力,反抗,反抗行动;阻力,电阻;反对

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

stupidity [stju:'piditi]


n. 愚蠢

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle





