Are you game for it?
To be game for something: 意思是跃跃欲试、翘首以待,适用范围绝不限于游戏
I’m game for anything: 我什么都想试试
The whole world is game for Wukong: 全世界都对《悟空》兴奋不已
The game that has the whole world talking and playing: 一款全世界都在聊、都在玩儿的游戏
Action RPG (role-playing game): 动作角色扮演游戏
Black Myth: Wukong | 黑神话:悟空
Initially revealed 4 years ago with a trailer showcasing breathtaking graphics and character design: 四年前《黑神话:悟空》的预告片展示了精美绝伦的视觉画面和角色设计
The full game not only lived up to expectations, but exceeded them: 完整版的游戏不仅达到、还超出了预期
The game exploded since its launch, smashing various records: 自从上线以来,这款游戏就引爆全网,并刷新多项纪录
A true and deserving global hit: 是一款当之无愧的全球爆款
Pride in our cultural heritage and the talent and capability of Chinese game developers: 为我们的文化传承和当代中国游戏界人才的实力深感自豪
Cultural export: 文化输出
Cultural confidence: 文化自信
Soft power: 软实力
The game is inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West: 游戏取材于中国古典名著《西游记》
Does the average American know about the Monkey King and Journey to the West? 普通美国人知道孙悟空和《西游记》吗?
Jason的回答是No. 他说普通美国老百姓大部分不知道。
But gamers and those who study China related classes in universities definitely know: 但游戏玩家和大学学习中国相关专业和课程的学生一定知道
The Monkey King: 中文我们似乎更习惯用孙悟空,而英语则更多用美猴王这一名称
Golden staff: 金箍棒 (可不是金员工,staff 还有一个意思是手杖)
Tang Sanzang: 唐僧
Zhu Bajie/Pigsy: 猪八戒
Sha Wujing/Sandy: 沙和尚
To obtain the sacred Buddhist sutra from the West: 西天取经
"Black Myth: Wukong" has garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews from gamers, who have praised the game for several key aspects: 《黑神话:悟空》受到游戏玩家广泛好评,尤其对游戏的几款核心要素赞不绝口
A masterclass in world building: 打造奇幻世界的大师课级作品
The game's breathtaking graphics vividly bring to life the rich world of Chinese mythology: 游戏精美绝伦的视觉设计将中国神话的丰富世界栩栩如生地表现出来
Creates a highly immersive experience: 营造高度沉浸的体验
Engaging combat system: 引人入胜的打斗机制
The combat moves are rich with creativity and fluidity, allowing players to adapt their strategies on the fly: 打斗招式充满创意性和流畅性,让玩家能即兴创造自己的打斗策略
The game weaves a compelling story that honors its source material while offering original new twists: 游戏编织了扣人心弦的故事,既尊重古典原著,又结合了全新的、意想不到的发展
Being rooted in Chinese culture, "Black Myth: Wukong" has also resonated with the global audience for its celebration of the underdog: 根植于中国文化,但《黑神话:悟空》所描述的黑马故事也引起全球共鸣
The underdog: 不被看好的一方 Dark horse: 黑马(不是black horse)