Do you think this, you know, field of AI collaboration is a zero-sum equation, the zero-sum game, whereby the United States has to outcompete China, has to lead China in all fronts? Is that absolutely necessary?
I mean the short answer is no, but the innovation is the only area which has no diminishing returns. You can, you know, you can utilize all your natural resources but there's a limit.
You can increase efficiency, reduce costs but there's a limit. But with innovation is the only way you can grow.
And here China, for the first time a country is really challenging the United States. And I think that's the big issue for the US growth model.
So it's not so easy also for the United States to say okay, okay, we will back off and we will become friends. No.
It must be clearly understood that this is not an easy game so we... for each of the areas of tension, both superpowers and the EU should come together and find a mechanism of maybe reciprocity but to find a mechanism of collaboration.
I think this is the only way forward. You have to consider with all my, you know, admiration and respect how China broke through.
It was United States building up the post second world war platform, right? And it has created a lot of wealth. And now we have to see, understand how the US cannot just give it up.
And China needs to also see how it can improve it and how can both sides improve it.
I think everyone benefits if China is growing healthily and the United States is coming back onto a normal, healthy growth. I think this is what we should aim for.