The obvious visual element in casting Gorbachev – history's leading birthmark – was causing angst.[qh]
。[qh]Gold had taken to calling it “the splodge”.[qh]
。[qh]“Basically, I'm a bit worried about the splodge on whoever it is,” she said.[qh]
。[qh]“It's just a bit panto somehow, isn't it?”[qh]
“Like putting a moustache on Hitler,” said Sterne.[qh]
。[qh]Gold agreed: “You might as well just put a sticker on saying: ‘I'm playing Gorbachev.'”[qh]
。’”[qh]Gold and her team had made endless lists of possible Gorbachevs, seen big-hitters who weren't quite right and tried out jobbing actors who didn't bring with them the pre-fab stature of a global statesman, or the major-name oomph to appease executives.[qh]
。[qh]They needed someone who had the gravitas of the Soviet leader but who wouldn't mind not saying much.[qh]
。[qh]“It's at least 60% listening to bad news,” said Gold.[qh]
。[qh]“It's sort of him being told how fucking shit it is and he's got to sit there and listen to it.”[qh]
。”[qh]Casting often has the feel of a school disco, where everyone has got their eye on someone slightly out of their league.[qh]
。[qh]Casting directors want to convince an A-lister's agent that their client should accept a small part, and agents are trying to convince the casting director that their D-lister can play a lead.[qh]
。[qh]Eventually everyone settles down somewhere in the middle.[qh]
。[qh]But so far no one was settling on Gorbachev.[qh]
。[qh]Jane Featherstone, one of Chernobyl's producers, called it the show's “bogey part”.[qh]
。[qh]“We're not looking for an impersonation. We're looking for someone who interests us,” said Johan Renck, the director.[qh]
。我们正在寻找一个让我们感兴趣的人,”导演约翰·伦克说 。[qh]Mazin, the writer, agreed.[qh]
。[qh]“We don't want anyone to suddenly be pulled out of the show because we are now landed in the uncanny valley between actual Mikhail Gorbachev and a man in make-up pretending to be Mikhail Gorbachev,” he said.[qh]
。[qh]“This is the last thing in the world we want.”[qh]
。”[qh]“We've all got a bit stuck,” said Gold.[qh]
。[qh]Everyone auditions.[qh]
。[qh]Even people who you assume don't have to audition any more.[qh]
。[qh]A major actor might be offered a part straight out, but it's a pleasure enjoyed by the very few.[qh]
。[qh]Even grandees lose out.[qh]
。[qh]Ghosting around Hollywood are movies that might have been if the part hadn't been won by someone else: Jennifer Lawrence as Bella Swan in Twilight, Christian Bale as Jack in Titanic.[qh]
。[qh]For The Theory of Everything the director, James Marsh, talked to a variety of actors for the role of Stephen Hawking.[qh]
。[qh]“I know for a fact that many people were offered The Theory of Everything first,” said Eddie Redmayne, who ended up winning an Oscar for his performance.[qh]
。[qh]“You fight to be in that conversation.”[qh]
。”[qh]After she left drama school, Claire Foy auditioned for Gold repeatedly.[qh]
。[qh]“I didn't get a job from her for seven years,” she told me.[qh]
。[qh]“She was never quite exactly totally right,” explained Gold, “or somebody else was a bit more right.”[qh]
。”[qh]And then along came the role of Anne Boleyn in Peter Kosminsky's adaptation of Wolf Hall and Foy, finally, was right.[qh]
。[qh]Gold couldn't quite articulate what had settled it, beyond shuddering at the memory of Foy being decapitated in the final episode: “God, she was so good.”[qh]
。”[qh]Sometimes she'll be overwhelmed by emotion when casting – weeping as Anne Hathaway delivered her audition song for Les Misérables, for example.[qh]
。[qh]Sometimes she just knows.[qh]