Chinese legends habit that there is a god named Pangu who created heaven and earth.
中国古代传说中有位开天辟地的神 ——盘古。
Legends say his head turned into the Taishan Mountain.
Therefore Taishan is recorded as the head of China's five mountains.
Located in his China's shangdong province.
Taishan has witnessed the Chinese history for thousands of years.
Chinese ancestors believe that Taishan was a holy mountain which connected with heaven, because of this, emperors built altars on Taishan to pary for the nation's prosperity and people's happiness.
中国古代先民认为:泰山是通天的神山;因此中国古代帝王在泰山筑圆坛、方坛, 以祭拜天地,祈求国泰民安。
You will experience its steepness when you climb up Taishan.
Steps go up the mountain from the foot, the midway goes up to the summit of the mountain, thousands of steps go up the side of the steep mountain.
Interesting peaks and trees stand on both sides of the trail.
You can enjoy the beautiful sunrise and sea of clouds at the peak of Taishan.
In 1987, it was the first Chinese site to be put on the list of world natural and cultural heritage sites by UNESCO.
1987 年,泰山被联合国教科文组织列入世界首例自然 与文化双遗产。