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编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • —Promoting green development and ensuring harmony between humanity and nature.
  • ——推动绿色发展,促进人与自然和谐共生。
  • We will stay true to the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets and strengthen the conservation of mountain, river, forest, farmland, lake, and grassland ecosystems.
  • 坚持绿水青山就是金山银山理念,加强山水林田湖草系统治理,
  • We will move faster to build major ecological shields, develop a national park-based nature reserve system, and expand forest coverage to 24.1 percent of China’s total land area.
  • 加快推进重要生态屏障建设,构建以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系,森林覆盖率达到24.1%。
  • We will continue to improve the quality of the environment, and generally eliminate heavy air pollution and black, malodorous water bodies in cities.
  • 持续改善环境质量,基本消除重污染天气和城市黑臭水体。
  • We will ensure that China meets the targets for its intended nationally determined contributions in response to climate change by 2030.
  • 落实2030年应对气候变化国家自主贡献目标。
  • We will expedite the transition of China’s growth model to one of green development, and promote both high-quality economic growth and high-standard environmental protection.
  • 加快发展方式绿色转型,协同推进经济高质量发展和生态环境高水平保护,
  • Energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will be reduced by 13.5 percent and 18 percent, respectively.
  • 单位国内生产总值能耗和二氧化碳排放分别降低13.5%、18%。
  • —Improving people’s wellbeing and striving for common prosperity.
  • ——持续增进民生福祉,扎实推动共同富裕。
  • We will do everything within our capacity to improve the wellbeing of our people, and ensure that public services are inclusive, meet essential needs, and ensure basic living standards for people in difficulty.
  • 坚持尽力而为、量力而行,加强普惠性、基础性、兜底性民生建设,
  • An action plan will be adopted to promote common prosperity to see that our people share more fully and fairly in the gains of development.
  • 制定促进共同富裕行动纲要,让发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民。
  • We will implement the employment-first strategy and increase employment opportunities.
  • 实施就业优先战略,扩大就业容量。
  • We will work to raise the income of the low-income group and expand the size of the middle-income group.
  • 着力提高低收入群体收入,扩大中等收入群体,
  • Per capita disposable income will generally grow in step with GDP growth.
  • 居民人均可支配收入增长与国内生产总值增长基本同步。
  • We will build a high-quality education system and foster a contingent of top-performing teachers with strong professional expertise by deepening educational reforms.
  • 建设高质量教育体系,建设高素质专业化教师队伍,深化教育改革,
  • We will carry out an initiative to raise the quality of education and expand its capacity.
  • 实施教育提质扩容工程,
  • We expect that the average number of years of schooling among the working-age population will rise to 11.3.
  • 劳动年龄人口平均受教育年限提高到11.3年。
  • We will make all-round efforts to build a Healthy China.
  • 全面推进健康中国建设,
  • We will develop a strong public health system, refine medical service networks in both urban and rural areas, carry out extensive public fitness activities, and raise the average life expectancy by one year.
  • 构建强大公共卫生体系,完善城乡医疗服务网络,广泛开展全民健身运动,人均预期寿命再提高1岁。
  • We will implement the national strategy for addressing population aging, and improve the population services system with a focus on elderly care and child care.
  • 实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略,以“一老一小”为重点完善人口服务体系,
  • We will refine the childbirth policy, work to achieve an appropriate birth rate, and develop the systems for public-interest child care andbasic elderly care services.
  • 优化生育政策,推动实现适度生育水平,发展普惠托育和基本养老服务体系,
  • The statutory retirement age will be raised in a phased manner.
  • 逐步延迟法定退休年龄。
  • The multi-tiered social security system will be improved, with coverage of basic old-age insurance reaching 95 percent of the population.
  • 健全多层次社会保障体系,基本养老保险参保率提高到95%,
  • Social assistance and charity systems will also be improved.
  • 优化社会救助和慈善制度。
  • We will develop advanced socialist culture, raise standards of public civility, promote integrity and trustworthiness throughout society, improve public cultural services, and improve modern systems for cultural industries.
  • 发展社会主义先进文化,提高社会文明程度,弘扬诚信文化,建设诚信社会,提升公共文化服务水平,健全现代文化产业体系。
  • —Ensuring both development and security and ushering in a new stage in building a Peaceful China.
  • ——统筹发展和安全,建设更高水平的平安中国。
  • We will pursue a holistic approach to national security and strengthen our national security system and capacity.
  • 坚持总体国家安全观,加强国家安全体系和能力建设。
  • To ensure national economic security, we will carry out strategies for safeguarding food, energy and resource, and financial security.
  • 强化国家经济安全保障,实施粮食、能源资源、金融安全战略,
  • We will keep overall grain output above 650 million metric tons, and enhance our overall energy production capacity.
  • 粮食综合生产能力保持在1.3万亿斤以上,提高能源综合生产能力。
  • We will increase our public security capacity across the board to maintain social stability and public safety.
  • 全面提高公共安全保障能力,维护社会稳定和安全。
  • Looking to the future, we have the confidence and the ability to overcome all difficulties and obstacles on our road ahead and fulfill the goals and tasks in the 14th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development (2021-2025), thus opening a new page in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
  • 展望未来,我们有信心有能力战胜前进道路上的艰难险阻,完成“十四五”规划目标任务,奋力谱写中国特色社会主义事业新篇章!


Promoting green development and ensuring harmony between humanity and nature.


We will stay true to the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets and strengthen the conservation of mountain, river, forest, farmland, lake, and grassland ecosystems.


We will move faster to build major ecological shields, develop a national park-based nature reserve system, and expand forest coverage to 24.1 percent of Chinas total land area.


We will continue to improve the quality of the environment, and generally eliminate heavy air pollution and black, malodorous water bodies in cities.


We will ensure that China meets the targets for its intended nationally determined contributions in response to climate change by 2030.


We will expedite the transition of Chinas growth model to one of green development, and promote both high-quality economic growth and high-standard environmental protection.


Energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will be reduced by 13.5 percent and 18 percent, respectively.


Improving peoples wellbeing and striving for common prosperity.


We will do everything within our capacity to improve the wellbeing of our people, and ensure that public services are inclusive, meet essential needs, and ensure basic living standards for people in difficulty.


An action plan will be adopted to promote common prosperity to see that our people share more fully and fairly in the gains of development.


We will implement the employment-first strategy and increase employment opportunities.


We will work to raise the income of the low-income group and expand the size of the middle-income group.


Per capita disposable income will generally grow in step with GDP growth.


We will build a high-quality education system and foster a contingent of top-performing teachers with strong professional expertise by deepening educational reforms.


We will carry out an initiative to raise the quality of education and expand its capacity.


We expect that the average number of years of schooling among the working-age population will rise to 11.3.


We will make all-round efforts to build a Healthy China.


We will develop a strong public health system, refine medical service networks in both urban and rural areas, carry out extensive public fitness activities, and raise the average life expectancy by one year.


We will implement the national strategy for addressing population aging, and improve the population services system with a focus on elderly care and child care.


We will refine the childbirth policy, work to achieve an appropriate birth rate, and develop the systems for public-interest child care andbasic elderly care services.


The statutory retirement age will be raised in a phased manner.


The multi-tiered social security system will be improved, with coverage of basic old-age insurance reaching 95 percent of the population.


Social assistance and charity systems will also be improved.


We will develop advanced socialist culture, raise standards of public civility, promote integrity and trustworthiness throughout society, improve public cultural services, and improve modern systems for cultural industries.


Ensuring both development and security and ushering in a new stage in building a Peaceful China.


We will pursue a holistic approach to national security and strengthen our national security system and capacity.


To ensure national economic security, we will carry out strategies for safeguarding food, energy and resource, and financial security.


We will keep overall grain output above 650 million metric tons, and enhance our overall energy production capacity.


We will increase our public security capacity across the board to maintain social stability and public safety.


Looking to the future, we have the confidence and the ability to overcome all difficulties and obstacles on our road ahead and fulfill the goals and tasks in the 14th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development (2021-2025), thus opening a new page in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
invaluable [in'væljuəbl]


adj. 无价的

characteristics [,kærəktə'ristiks]


n. 特性,特征;特质;特色(characteristi

initiative [i'niʃətiv]


adj. 创始的,初步的,自发的
n. 第一步

urban ['ə:bən]


adj. 城市的,都市的

statutory ['stætjutəri]


adj. 法令的,法定的,触犯法令的

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

conservation [.kɔnsə:'veiʃən]


n. 保存,防止流失,守恒,保护自然资源

achieve [ə'tʃi:v]


v. 完成,达到,实现

charity ['tʃæriti]


n. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚





