8. History can guide us[qh]
8. 历史可以给我们指引[qh]
The American left, someone once told a friend of mine, is bad at celebrating its victories.[qh]
。(The same may well go for the left in other countries, too.)[qh]
。)We have victories.[qh]
。Some of them are very large, and are why your life is the shape it is.[qh]
。The victories are reminders that we are not powerless, and our work is not futile.[qh]
。The future is not yet written, but by reading the past, we see patterns that can help us shape that future.[qh]
。To remember that things were different, and how they were changed, is to be equipped to make change – and to be hopeful, because hope lies in the possibility of things being different.[qh]
。Despair and depression often come from the sense that nothing will change, or that we have no capacity to make that change.[qh]
。Sometimes it helps to understand that this very moment is astonishing.[qh]
。Early in this century, we had no adequate alternative to fossil fuel.[qh]
。Wind and solar were relatively expensive and inefficient, and battery technology was still in its infancy.[qh]
。The most unnoticed revolution of our era is an energy revolution: solar and wind costs have plummeted as new, more efficient designs have been invented, and they are now widely considered to be more than adequate to power our future.[qh]
。The scale of change in the past 50 years is evidence of the power of movements.[qh]
。The nation I was born into 60 years ago had tiny lesbian and gay rights movements, nothing resembling a feminist movement, a Black-led civil rights movement whose victories mostly lay ahead,[qh]
and a small conservation movement that had not yet morphed into an environmental movement – and few recognised the systemic interdependences at the heart of environmentalism.[qh]
。A lot of assumptions were yet to be dismantled; a lot of alternatives yet to be born.[qh]