The world as we knew it is coming to an end, and it's up to us how it ends and what comes after.[qh]
。It's the end of the age of fossil fuel, but if the fossil-fuel corporations have their way the ending will be delayed as long as possible, with as much carbon burned as possible.[qh]
。If the rest of us prevail, we will radically reduce our use of those fuels by 2030, and almost entirely by 2050.[qh]
。We will meet climate change with real change, and defeat the fossil-fuel industry in the next nine years.[qh]
。If we succeed, those who come after will look back on the age of fossil fuel as an age of corruption and poison.[qh]
。The grandchildren of those who are young now will hear horror stories about how people once burned great mountains of poisonous stuff dug up from deep underground that made children sick and birds die and the air filthy and the planet heat up.[qh]
。We must remake the world, and we can remake it better.[qh]
。The Covid-19 pandemic is proof that if we take a crisis seriously, we can change how we live, almost overnight, dramatically, globally, digging up great piles of money from nowhere, like the 3tn dollars the US initially threw at the pandemic.[qh]
。The climate summit that just concluded in Glasgow didn't get us there, though many good and even remarkable things happened.[qh]
。Many leaders, they even hardly deserve the term “leader”, were held back by the vested interests and their own attachment to the status quo and the profit to be made from continued destruction.[qh]
they were held back by the vested interests and their own attachment to the status quo and the profit to be made from continued destruction.[qh]
。As the ever-acute David Roberts put it:[qh]
“Whether and how fast India phases out coal has nothing at all to do with what its diplomat says in Glasgow and everything to do with domestic Indian politics, which have their own logic and are only faintly affected by international politics.”[qh]
。”Six months ago, the usually cautious International Energy Agency called for a stop to investment in new fossil-fuel projects, declaring:[qh]
“The world has a viable pathway to building a global energy sector with net-zero emissions in 2050, but it is narrow and requires an unprecedented transformation of how energy is produced, transported and used globally.”[qh]
。”Pressure from activists pushed and prodded the IEA to this point, and 20 nations committed at Cop26 to stop subsidies for overseas fossil fuel projects.[qh]
。The emotional toll of the climate crisis has become an urgent crisis of its own.[qh]
。It's best met, I believe, by both being well grounded in the facts, and working towards achieving a decent future – and by acknowledging there are grounds for fear, anxiety and depression in both the looming possibilities and in institutional inaction.[qh]
。What follows is a set of tools I've found useful both for the inward business of attending to my state of mind, and for the outward work of trying to do something about the climate crisis – which are not necessarily separate jobs.[qh]