9. Remember the predecessors[qh]
9. 记住前辈[qh]
We are the first generations to face a catastrophe of the reach, scale and duration of climate change.[qh]
。But we are far from the first to live under some kind of threat, or to fear what is to come.[qh]
。I often think of those who were valiant and principled in the death camps of Nazi Germany.[qh]
。I think of my Latin American neighbours, some of whom braved terrifying migrations, walking across the desert for days to escape death squads, dictatorships and climate catastrophe.[qh]
。I think of the Indigenous people of the Americas, who already lived through the end of their worlds when their lands were stolen, their populations decimated and colonial domination disrupted their lives and cultures in every possible way.[qh]
。What it took to persevere under those conditions is almost unimaginable, and also all around us.[qh]
。Indigenous leadership has mattered tremendously for the climate movement, in specific campaigns and as ongoing testimony that there are other ways to think about time, nature, value, wealth and human roles.[qh]
。A report that came out this summer demonstrated how powerful and crucial Native leadership has been for the climate movement:[qh]
“Indigenous resistance has stopped or delayed greenhouse gas pollution equivalent to at least one-quarter of annual US and Canadian emissions.“[qh]
。”10. Don't neglect beauty[qh]
10. 不要忽视美丽[qh]
Climate chaos makes us fear that we will lose what is beautiful in this world.[qh]
。I want to say that in 50 years, and 100 years, the moon will rise, and be beautiful, and shine its silvery light across the sea, even if the coastline isn't where it used to be.[qh]
。In 50 years, the light on the mountains, and the way every raindrop on a blade of grass refracts light will still be beautiful.[qh]
。Flowers will bloom and they will be beautiful; children will be born, and they, too, will be beautiful.[qh]
。Only when it is over will we truly see the ugliness of this era of fossil fuels and rampant economic inequality.[qh]
。Part of what we are fighting for is beauty, and this means giving your attention to beauty in the present.[qh]
。If you forget what you're fighting for, you can become miserable, bitter and lost.[qh]
。For a long time we have told horror stories about ice and coral reefs and violent weather events to try to wake people up to the fact that the climate is changing.[qh]
。I have a different fear now – that this chaos will come to seem inevitable, and even normal, as war does to someone who has lived their life in wartime.[qh]
。I believe we now need to tell stories about how beautiful, how rich, how harmonious the Earth we inherited was, how beautiful its patterns were, and in some times and places still are, and how much we can do to restore this and to protect what survives.[qh]
。To take that beauty as a sacred trust, and celebrate the memory of it.[qh]
。Otherwise we might forget why we are fighting.[qh]