3. Look beyond the individual and find good people[qh]
3. 超越个人,寻找善良的人[qh]
When I ask people what they're doing about the climate crisis, they often cite virtuous lifestyle choices, such as being vegan or not flying.[qh]
。Those are good things to do.[qh]
。They are also relatively insignificant.[qh]
。The world must change, but it won't happen because one person does or does not consume something – and I would prefer we not imagine ourselves primarily as consumers.[qh]
。I would like us to think of ourselves as citizens of the Earth, not just of the human world, but the whole living system, the biosphere.[qh]
。As the citizens we have a responsibility to participate.[qh]
。As citizens massed together, we have the power to affect change, and it is only on that scale that enough change can happen.[qh]
。Individual choices can slowly scale up, or sometimes be catalysts, but we've run out of time for the slow.[qh]
。It is not the things we refrain from doing, but those things we do passionately, and together, that will count the most.[qh]
。And personal change is not separate from collective change: in a municipality powered by clean energy, for instance, everyone is a clean-energy consumer.[qh]
。If you live on a diet of mainstream news – which focuses on celebrities and elected politicians, and reserves the term “powerful” for high-profile and wealthy individuals –[qh]
you will be told in a thousand ways that you have no role in the fate of the Earth, beyond your consumer choices.[qh]
。Movements, campaigns, organisations, alliances and networks are how ordinary people become powerful –[qh]
so powerful that you can see they inspire terror in elites, governments and corporations alike, who devote themselves to trying to stifle and undermine them.[qh]
。But these places are also where you meet dreamers, idealists, altruists – people who believe in living by principle.[qh]
。You meet people who are hopeful, or even more than hopeful:[qh]
great movements often begin with people fighting for things that seem all but impossible at the outset, whether an end to slavery, votes for women or rights for LGTBQ+ people.[qh]
。[qh]4. The future is not yet written[qh]
4. 未来尚未书写[qh]
People who proclaim with authority what is or is not going to happen just bolster their own sense of self and sabotage your belief in what is possible.[qh]
。[qh]There was, according to conventional wisdom, never going to be marriage equality in Ireland or Spain, or a US president honouring trans visibility day,[qh]
or Canada ceding 20% of its land mass to indigenous self-governance as Nunavut, or an end to Britain running on coal, or Costa Rica coming close to 100% clean energy.[qh]
。[qh]The historical record tells us that the unexpected happens regularly – and by unexpected, I mean unexpected to people who thought they knew what was going to happen.[qh]