The deep has long been treated as somehow separate from the surface world, a shadowy non-place populated by alien creatures.[qh]
。While this is partly a response to the difficulty of studying it, it also reflects an ingrained tendency.[qh]
。As the writer Robert Macfarlane has observed, humans are creatures of the air and light, and we have often regarded the spaces beneath our feet with abhorrence, associating them with death, entombment and the unseen and unnameable.[qh]
。And while what Macfarlane calls the underland might be a place of ritual power as well as a place of burial, the ocean's depths are more frequently equated with loss and forgetting.[qh]
。Although those versed in traditional wayfinding techniques often understood the ocean in more complex ways, the idea of the deep as an unknowable non-place was also embedded in navigational practices.[qh]
。For European sailors plying the waters of the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic and Indian oceans, all that really mattered was knowing where potential obstacles and risks such as reefs and sandbars lay – a way of thinking that transformed the ocean's depths into a blank irrelevance.[qh]
。It was not until the early 19th century that a more detailed scientific understanding of the deep began to take shape.[qh]
。In part, this was a result of the growing reach of the colonial powers: as the commercial and territorial aspirations of Europeans and Americans expanded to encompass the globe, the need for more accurate and more detailed knowledge of the ocean grew as well.[qh]
。But it also grew out of the experiences of whalers, whose voyages were now taking them far out into the open waters of the Atlantic and Pacific, and leading to an appreciation of the great depths to which whales would often dive.[qh]
。This interest in the deep ocean took on a new urgency in the 1850s, when British and American entrepreneurs began to lay the first submarine telegraph cables across the Atlantic.[qh]
。The technical challenges of these ventures demanded a more detailed understanding of the ocean floor.[qh]
。But it was not until the Challenger expedition circumnavigated the globe on its pioneering scientific survey of the world's oceans in the 1870s that the true extent of the deep ocean finally started to emerge.[qh]
。In the north-west Pacific, where the Mariana Trench plunges downwards into the planet's crust, HMS Challenger recorded depths in excess of 8,000 metres.[qh]
。Perhaps even more startling to the scientists of the day, though, was Challenger's discovery of tiny shells – and therefore living things – more than 7,000 metres down.[qh]