Across the century and a half since the Challenger expedition, our understanding of life in the depths has offered many surprises.[qh]
。One of the most important of these involves the existence of thriving communities of living things clustered around hydrothermal vents in the ocean floor.[qh]
。These vents form where cracks in the Earth's crust allow seawater to come into contact with liquid magma.[qh]
。At the surface, water exposed to magma would simply boil away, but deep below the surface, the pressure prevents this.[qh]
。Instead, the water is expelled back into the ocean in a superheated geyser.[qh]
。These jets can exceed 400C, and bear a stream of minerals upwards from the Earth's mantle.[qh]
。As the water cools, these minerals solidify, forming structures that can be dozens of metres high and can grow as much as 30cm a day.[qh]
。The first hydrothermal vent was found in 1977 by scientists surveying the seabed 2,500 metres below the ocean on the Galápagos Rift, between Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands, who detected a temperature spike near the ocean floor.[qh]
。When the scientists reviewed the photos their submersible had taken, they were amazed to find a thriving community of living creatures.[qh]
。In an article published soon afterwards, the scientist Robert Ballard marvelled that the photograph taken just seconds before the temperature anomaly showed only barren, fresh-looking lava terrain.[qh]
。But for “13 frames (the length of the anomaly), the lava flow was covered with hundreds of white clams and brown mussel shells.[qh]
。This dense accumulation, never seen before in the deep sea, quickly appeared through a cloud of misty blue water and then disappeared from view.[qh]
。For the remaining 1,500 pictures, the bottom was once again barren of life.”[qh]
。”Since that first discovery, more than 600 fields of vents have been identified, all teeming with living organisms.[qh]
。Specially adapted colonies of mussels and other shellfish cling to their seething columns alongside fields of feathery worms and starfish; crabs and shrimp dart here and there, feeding in the cloudy water.[qh]
。Such richness of life should be impossible in the darkness of the ocean's depths – without sunlight there is no photosynthesis.[qh]
。But the creatures that thrive around the vents do not draw upon the sun's energy.[qh]
。Instead, they rely on chemosynthetic microbes capable of transforming the chemicals produced by the vents into energy.[qh]
。The discovery of animals around hydrothermal vents has led to a dramatic broadening of our understanding of the sorts of environments in which life can survive.[qh]
。This has significant implications for the search for extraterrestrial life – if life thrives in such environments on Earth, it is plausible it might flourish in similar conditions in the oceans of ice moons such as Enceladus, which orbits Saturn.[qh]
。It has also shifted assumptions about where life on Earth began: perhaps it was not in a shallow pool, but somewhere in the depths of the primordial sea.[qh]
。In other words, the deep ocean might not be a place of death and forgetting, but rather the birthplace of life on our planet.[qh]