Apple has unveiled a much-anticipated augmented reality headset, Apple Vision Pro, in its first major hardware launch for almost a decade. Apple chief executive Tim Cook said the new headset "seamlessly blends the real world and the virtual world". The tech firm also announced its latest iPhone operating system, as well as updates to MacBook Air. The headset has a two-hour battery life, costs $3,499 and will be released early next year in the US. The cost is considerably higher than virtual reality headsets currently on the market. Last week Meta announced its Quest 3 - which costs $499.
苹果公司发布了一款备受期待的增强现实头显,Apple Vision Pro,这是近十年来苹果首次发布的主要硬件。苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克表示,这款头显“无缝融合了现实世界和虚拟世界”。这家科技公司还发布了最新的iPhone操作系统,以及MacBook Air的更新。这款头显的电池续航时间为两小时,售价3499美元,将于明年初在美国上市。其成本远高于目前市场上的虚拟现实头显。上周Meta也发布了售价499美元的Quest 3。
1.augmented reality 增强现实
2.headset 头戴式耳机;头显 firm 科技公司
4.virtual reality 虚拟现实
Apple Vision Pro looks different to similar headsets on the market - and is more reminiscent of a pair of ski goggles than a virtual reality headset. Apple used the phrase "augmented reality" to describe what the new device does. Augmented reality, also known as mixed reality, superimposes virtual objects in the world around us - enabling us to mix reality with virtual reality by looking through a screen.
苹果Vision Pro与市场上类似的头显看起来不同,它更像一副滑雪镜,而不是虚拟现实头显。苹果用“增强现实”这个词来形容这款新设备的功能。增强现实,也被称为混合现实,将虚拟物体叠加在我们周围的世界中,使我们能够通过屏幕将现实与虚拟现实混合在一起。 goggles 滑雪镜
6.mix reality with virtual reality 混合现实和虚拟现实