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第六章 新的生活篇章开始了(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Miss Rottenmeier followed her and tried to call her back, for she wanted to ask Deta a number of questions.
  • 罗得迈尔跑去追蒂提,想喊她回来,她还有很多事情要问蒂提。
  • Heidi was still standing on the same spot. Clara had watched the scene, and called to the child now to come to her.
  • 海蒂像刚进来时一样站在门边。克拉拉一直坐在轮椅里看着她,这时突然冲她招了招手。
  • Heidi approached the rolling-chair.
  • 小海蒂走过去。
  • "Do you want to be called Heidi or Adelheid?" asked Clara.
  • “你喜欢别人叫你海蒂还是阿尔菲特?”
  • "My name is Heidi and nothing else," was the child's answer."
  • “我只叫海蒂,别人也都这么叫。”海蒂回答。
  • I'll call you Heidi then, for I like it very much," said Clara.
  • “那我也这么叫吧。我很喜欢海蒂这个名字。”克拉拉说。
  • "I have never heard the name before. What curly hair you have! Was it always like that?"
  • “我以前没听说过这样的名字。你的头发好卷啊,一直都是这么卷吗?”
  • "I think so."
  • “嗯,是啊。”海蒂回答。
  • "Did you like to come to Frankfurt?" asked Clara again.
  • “你喜欢到法兰克福来吗?”克拉拉又问。
  • "Oh, no, but then I am going home again tomorrow, and shall bring grandmother some soft white rolls," Heidi explained.
  • “不喜欢,不过,我明天就要回去了,要把白面包给老奶奶送去。”
  • "What a curious child you are," said Clara.
  • “你真是个怪孩子!”克拉拉说。
  • "You have come to Frankfurt to stay with me, don't you know that?
  • “你来法兰克福是要在家里陪我一起读书的,你不知道吗?
  • We shall have our lessons together, and I think it will be great fun when you learn to read.
  • 我们要一起上课,你开始学认字后,会觉得可有意思了!
  • Generally the morning seems to have no end, for Mr. Candidate comes at ten and stays till two.
  • 通常上午的课好像怎么也上不完,每天早上老师10点钟来,我要一直学习到2点钟,
  • That is a long time, and he has to yawn himself, he gets so tired.
  • 真太漫长了!他还自己打呵欠,太累了。
  • Miss Rottenmeier and he both yawn together behind their books,
  • 罗得迈尔和他一起在书后面打呵欠,
  • but when I do it, Miss Rottenmeier makes me take cod-liver oil and says that I am ill.
  • 要是看见我打了哪怕一次呵欠,罗得迈尔就会马上拿来鱼肝油,说我身体又虚弱了。
  • So I must swallow my yawns, for I hate the oil.
  • 我就总是忍着,因为没有比鱼肝油更让我讨厌的了。
  • What fun it will be now, when you learn to read!"
  • 不过以后肯定会有意思得多,我先看着你学认字就行了。”
  • Heidi shook her head doubtfully at these prospects.
  • 小海蒂一听到要学念书,担心地摇了摇头。
  • "Everybody must learn to read, Heidi.
  • “可是,海蒂,每个人都得学念书啊。
  • Mr. Candidate is very patient and will explain it all to you.
  • 老师很有耐心,会向你解释一切的疑问的。
  • You won't know what he means at first, for it is difficult to understand him.
  • 起初你不知道是什么意思,因为有些内容很难理解。
  • It won't take long to learn, though, and then you will know what he means."
  • 不过很快你就会明白他的意思。”
  • When Miss Rottenmeier found that she was unable to recall Deta, she came back to the children.
  • 这时,罗得迈尔没追回来蒂提,又回到屋子里。
  • She was in a very excited mood, for she felt responsible for Heidi's coming and did not know how to cancel this unfortunate step.
  • 她非常激动,觉得海蒂的到来是她的责任,她不知道如何取消这个不幸的事情。
  • She soon got up again to go to the dining-room, criticising the butler and giving orders to the maid.
  • 她很快又站起来,到餐室去,斥责男管家,吩咐女仆。
  • Sebastian, not daring to show his rage otherwise, noisily opened the folding doors.
  • 塞巴斯蒂安这时正把学习室的门哐哐打开。他心里憋着火,可又不敢表现出来。
  • When he went up to Clara's chair, he saw Heidi watching him intently. At last she said: "You look like Peter."
  • 他走进学习室去推轮椅,小海蒂一动不动地看着他,然后说:“你和彼特长得特别像。”
  • Miss Rottenmeier was horrified with this remark, and sent them all into the dining-room.
  • 罗得迈尔被这话吓坏了,把他们都叫到餐室里去。


Miss Rottenmeier followed her and tried to call her back, for she wanted to ask Deta a number of questions.


Heidi was still standing on the same spot. Clara had watched the scene, and called to the child now to come to her.


Heidi approached the rolling-chair.


"Do you want to be called Heidi or Adelheid?" asked Clara.


"My name is Heidi and nothing else," was the child's answer."


I'll call you Heidi then, for I like it very much," said Clara.


"I have never heard the name before. What curly hair you have! Was it always like that?"


"I think so."


"Did you like to come to Frankfurt?" asked Clara again.


"Oh, no, but then I am going home again tomorrow, and shall bring grandmother some soft white rolls," Heidi explained.


"What a curious child you are," said Clara.


"You have come to Frankfurt to stay with me, don't you know that?


We shall have our lessons together, and I think it will be great fun when you learn to read.


Generally the morning seems to have no end, for Mr. Candidate comes at ten and stays till two.


That is a long time, and he has to yawn himself, he gets so tired.


Miss Rottenmeier and he both yawn together behind their books,


but when I do it, Miss Rottenmeier makes me take cod-liver oil and says that I am ill.


So I must swallow my yawns, for I hate the oil.


What fun it will be now, when you learn to read!"


Heidi shook her head doubtfully at these prospects.


"Everybody must learn to read, Heidi.


Mr. Candidate is very patient and will explain it all to you.


You won't know what he means at first, for it is difficult to understand him.


It won't take long to learn, though, and then you will know what he means."


When Miss Rottenmeier found that she was unable to recall Deta, she came back to the children.


She was in a very excited mood, for she felt responsible for Heidi's coming and did not know how to cancel this unfortunate step.


She soon got up again to go to the dining-room, criticising the butler and giving orders to the maid.


Sebastian, not daring to show his rage otherwise, noisily opened the folding doors.


When he went up to Clara's chair, he saw Heidi watching him intently. At last she said: "You look like Peter."


Miss Rottenmeier was horrified with this remark, and sent them all into the dining-room.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
unfortunate [ʌn'fɔ:tʃənit]


adj. 不幸的,令人遗憾的,不成功的



n. 预期;前景;潜在顾客;远景展望

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒

folding ['fəuldiŋ]


adj. 可折叠的 动词fold的现在分词

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

swallow ['swɔləu]


n. 燕子,吞咽,一次吞咽的量
vt. 吞下,





