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第五章 两位客人要带走海蒂(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Peter ran into the cottage and hit the table with his rods.
  • 彼特跑进屋,把一捆木鞭往桌上一扔,
  • The grandmother jumped up in her fright and asked him what that meant.
  • 老奶奶吓了一跳,问发生了什么事?
  • "They have taken Heidi away," Peter said with a groan.
  • “他们把海蒂带走了。”彼特呻吟地说。
  • "Who has, Peter? Where has she gone?" the unhappy grandmother asked.
  • “是谁?谁把她带走了?彼特,她去哪儿了?”老奶奶伤心地问。
  • Brigida had seen Deta walking up the footpath a short while ago and soon they guessed what had happened.
  • 她想起布丽奇说看见蒂提刚才往阿鲁姆大叔的屋子去了,她们很快就猜到发生了什么。
  • With a trembling hand the old woman opened a window and called out as loudly as she could:
  • 老奶奶忙颤抖着打开窗,用最大的声音恳求似地喊道:
  • "Deta, Deta, don't take the child away. Don't take her from us."
  • “蒂提,蒂提,请别把她带走!别把她带走!”
  • When Heidi heard that she struggled to get free, and said: "I must go to grandmother; she is calling me."
  • 听见这喊声,小海蒂立刻要甩掉蒂提的手,说:“奶奶在叫我,我要过去看看她。”
  • But Deta would not let her go. She urged her on by saying that she might return soon again.
  • 但是蒂提不让她走。她说海蒂很快就可以回来,以此来鼓励她继续赶路。
  • She also suggested that Heidi might bring a lovely present to the grandmother when she came back.
  • 她还建议海蒂回来的时候给奶奶带一份称心的礼物。
  • Heidi liked this prospect and followed Deta without more ado.
  • 这句话倒正合小海蒂的想法,于是她顺从地向前走,不再抗拒了。
  • After a while she asked: "What shall I bring to the grandmother?"
  • “给奶奶带点儿什么礼物好呢?”过了一会儿,海蒂问。
  • "You might bring her some soft white rolls, Heidi. I think the black bread is too hard for poor grandmother to eat."
  • 姨妈说:“老奶奶一定喜欢又大又软的白面包,她已经咬不动硬硬的黑面包了吧。”
  • "Yes, I know, aunt, she always gives it to Peter," Heidi confirmed her.
  • “嗯,是呀,她经常把面包给彼特。”小海蒂说,
  • "We must go quickly now; we might get to Frankfurt today and then I can be back tomorrow with the rolls."
  • “那咱们快点走吧,蒂提姨妈。那样,今天晚上就能到法兰克福了吧?我明天拿到面包就马上回来。”
  • Heidi was running now, and Deta had to follow.
  • 海蒂说着跑起来,抱着包的姨妈都追不上她了。
  • She was glad enough to escape the questions that people might ask her in the village.
  • 她很高兴避开了村里人们可能问她的问题。
  • People could see that Heidi was pulling her along, so she said:
  • 村里人看到小姑娘使劲拽着蒂提的手,蒂提便说:
  • "I can't stop. Don't you see how the child is hurrying? We have still far to go,"
  • “哎呀,你们看,我没法慢下来呀,这孩子着急,再说还有好长的路呢。”
  • whenever she heard from all sides: "Are you taking her with you?"
  • “你要带孩子走吗?”人们问道,
  • "Is she running away from the uncle?" "What a wonder she is still alive!"
  • “那孩子是从阿鲁姆大叔那儿逃出来的么?”“哎,居然能在上面生活到现在!”
  • "What red cheeks she has," and so on.
  • “而且小脸那么红扑扑的!”人们七嘴八舌地说。
  • Soon they had escaped and had left the village far behind them.
  • 不久他们就走了,把村子远远抛在后面。
  • From that time on the uncle looked more angry than ever when he came to the village.
  • 从这一天开始,阿鲁姆大叔每次下山来到村子里的时候,表情比以前更加阴沉。
  • Everybody was afraid of him, and the women would warn their children to keep out of his sight.
  • 所有人都怕他,妈妈们都这么对孩子说,碰上阿鲁姆大叔就躲开路。
  • He came down but seldom, and then only to sell his cheese and buy his provisions.
  • 他很少下来,只是卖掉他的奶酪,买些粮食。
  • Often people remarked how lucky it was that Heidi had left him.
  • 人们还纷纷说孩子从他那儿逃出来太幸运了,
  • They had seen her hurrying away, so they thought that she had been glad to go.
  • 那时孩子慌慌张张的样子好像很欢喜能离开阿鲁姆大叔。
  • The old grandmother alone stuck to him faithfully.
  • 只有瞎眼的老奶奶站在老头儿这一边,
  • Whenever anybody came up to her, she would tell them what good care the old man had taken of Heidi.
  • 一有村里的人来找她,她总要说起阿鲁姆大叔待那孩子有多好,
  • She also told them that he had mended her little house.
  • 还说起大叔经常过来修理屋子,等等。
  • These reports reached the village, of course, but people only half believed them, for the grandmother was infirm and old.
  • 当然,这些消息传到了村子里,但人们只是半信半疑,觉得老奶奶上了年纪老糊涂了。
  • She began her days with sighing again.
  • 瞎眼的老婆婆这一阵又开始叹息着度过每一天。
  • "All happiness has left us with the child. The days are so long and dreary, and I have no joy left.
  • “唉,咱们家所有高兴的事,都和那孩子一起不见了!没有比现在的日子更乏味的了!
  • If only I could hear Heidi's voice before I die," the poor old woman would exclaim, day after day.
  • 真希望我活着的时候还能再听到小海蒂的声音!”可怜的老奶奶每天都这样发出感叹。


Peter ran into the cottage and hit the table with his rods.


The grandmother jumped up in her fright and asked him what that meant.


"They have taken Heidi away," Peter said with a groan.


"Who has, Peter? Where has she gone?" the unhappy grandmother asked.


Brigida had seen Deta walking up the footpath a short while ago and soon they guessed what had happened.


With a trembling hand the old woman opened a window and called out as loudly as she could:


"Deta, Deta, don't take the child away. Don't take her from us."


When Heidi heard that she struggled to get free, and said: "I must go to grandmother; she is calling me."


But Deta would not let her go. She urged her on by saying that she might return soon again.


She also suggested that Heidi might bring a lovely present to the grandmother when she came back.


Heidi liked this prospect and followed Deta without more ado.


After a while she asked: "What shall I bring to the grandmother?"


"You might bring her some soft white rolls, Heidi. I think the black bread is too hard for poor grandmother to eat."


"Yes, I know, aunt, she always gives it to Peter," Heidi confirmed her.


"We must go quickly now; we might get to Frankfurt today and then I can be back tomorrow with the rolls."


Heidi was running now, and Deta had to follow.


She was glad enough to escape the questions that people might ask her in the village.


People could see that Heidi was pulling her along, so she said:


"I can't stop. Don't you see how the child is hurrying? We have still far to go,"


whenever she heard from all sides: "Are you taking her with you?"


"Is she running away from the uncle?" "What a wonder she is still alive!"


"What red cheeks she has," and so on.


Soon they had escaped and had left the village far behind them.


From that time on the uncle looked more angry than ever when he came to the village.


Everybody was afraid of him, and the women would warn their children to keep out of his sight.


He came down but seldom, and then only to sell his cheese and buy his provisions.


Often people remarked how lucky it was that Heidi had left him.


They had seen her hurrying away, so they thought that she had been glad to go.


The old grandmother alone stuck to him faithfully.


Whenever anybody came up to her, she would tell them what good care the old man had taken of Heidi.


She also told them that he had mended her little house.


These reports reached the village, of course, but people only half believed them, for the grandmother was infirm and old.


She began her days with sighing again.


"All happiness has left us with the child. The days are so long and dreary, and I have no joy left.


If only I could hear Heidi's voice before I die," the poor old woman would exclaim, day after day.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

exclaim [iks'kleim]


v. 大叫,呼喊,大声叫

confirmed [kən'fə:md]


adj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf

groan [grəun]



escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

dreary ['driəri]


adj. 沉闷的,令人沮丧的,情绪低落的

infirm [in'fə:m]


adj. 弱的,虚弱的,柔弱的





