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第六章 新的生活篇章开始了(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "What is your name?" the lady asked. "Heidi," was the child's clear answer.
  • “你叫什么名字?”罗得迈尔问。“海蒂。”孩子用清脆的声音回答。
  • "What? Is that a Christian name? What name did you receive in baptism?" inquired the lady again.
  • “什么?这怎么会是你的真名字?洗礼时给你起的是什么名字?”罗得迈尔接着问。
  • "I don't remember that any more," the child replied.
  • “我已经不记得了。”海蒂回答。
  • "What an answer! What does that mean?" said the housekeeper, shaking her head. "Is the child ignorant or pert, Miss Deta?"
  • “怎么会有这样的回答?”罗得迈尔摇着头说,“蒂提,这孩子到底是脑子笨还是自以为了不起?”
  • "I shall speak for the child, if I may, madam," Deta said, after giving Heidi a little blow for her unbecoming answer.
  • “对不起,我来代她说吧,”蒂提捅了捅回答得不太合适的海蒂说。
  • "The child has never been in such a fine house and does not know how to behave.
  • “这孩子从来没有住过这么好的房子,也不知道该怎么做。
  • I hope the lady will forgive her manners. She is called Adelheid after her mother, who was my sister."
  • 我希望小姐能原谅她的举止。她叫阿尔菲特,取自她母亲,也就是我的姐姐。”
  • "Oh well, that is better.
  • “这还不错,有个正儿八经的名字。
  • But Miss Deta, the child seems peculiar for her age.
  • 可是,蒂提,这孩子的年纪好像不大对头吧。
  • I thought I told you that Miss Clara's companion would have to be twelve years old like her, to be able to share her studies. How old is Adelheid?"
  • 我不是跟你说了吗,小姐的同伴要和她差不多大,12岁左右,能和她一起上课,她有多大?”
  • "I am sorry, but I am afraid she is somewhat younger than I thought. I think she is about ten years old."
  • “对不起,这孩子可能比我想的要小一点,我想大概有10岁。”
  • "Grandfather said that I was eight years old," said Heidi now.
  • “我是8岁,爷爷这么说的。”小海蒂说。
  • Deta gave her another blow, but as the child had no idea why, she did not get embarrassed.
  • 姨妈又捅捅她,可海蒂不懂她的意思,仍旧不慌不忙。
  • "What, only eight years old!" Miss Rottenmeier exclaimed indignantly.
  • “什么,8岁?”罗得迈尔有些生气地说。
  • "How can we get along? What have you learned? What books have you studied?"
  • “这怎么行!那你学了些什么?上课用的什么书?”
  • "None," said Heidi.
  • “没用什么书。”小海蒂说。
  • "But how did you learn to read?"
  • “那你怎么学拼读?”
  • "I can't read and Peter can't do it either," Heidi retorted.
  • “我没学过,彼特也是啊。”海蒂反驳说。
  • "For mercy's sake! You cannot read?" cried the lady in her surprise.
  • “天啊!你不认字?”罗得迈尔吃惊地喊。
  • "How is it possible? What else have you studied?"
  • “居然还不认字,那你到底学过什么?”
  • "Nothing," replied Heidi, truthfully.
  • “什么也没学过。”小海蒂老老实实地回答。
  • "Miss Deta, how could you bring this child?" said the housekeeper,when she was more composed.
  • “蒂提,”罗得迈尔停了一会才重新平静下来,开始说,“你为什么带这么个孩子来?”
  • Deta, however, was not easily intimidated, and said: "I am sorry, but I thought this child would suit you.
  • 可蒂提并没这么容易就退缩:“实在对不起,可这孩子就是你们想要的那种。
  • She is small, but older children are often spoilt and not like her.
  • 她年龄小,我们那儿再大一点的,都是被宠坏的孩子,不像她。
  • I must go now, for my mistress is waiting. As soon as I can, I'll come to see how the child is getting along."
  • 必须得告辞了,我的主人还在等着我呢。有空的话我一定会立刻再来看望这孩子的。”
  • With a bow she was outside and with a few quicksteps hurried downstairs.
  • 蒂提说完屈膝行了个礼,忙走出房间,快步跑下楼梯。


"What is your name?" the lady asked. "Heidi," was the child's clear answer.


"What? Is that a Christian name? What name did you receive in baptism?" inquired the lady again.


"I don't remember that any more," the child replied.


"What an answer! What does that mean?" said the housekeeper, shaking her head. "Is the child ignorant or pert, Miss Deta?"


"I shall speak for the child, if I may, madam," Deta said, after giving Heidi a little blow for her unbecoming answer.


"The child has never been in such a fine house and does not know how to behave.


I hope the lady will forgive her manners. She is called Adelheid after her mother, who was my sister."


"Oh well, that is better.


But Miss Deta, the child seems peculiar for her age.


I thought I told you that Miss Clara's companion would have to be twelve years old like her, to be able to share her studies. How old is Adelheid?"


"I am sorry, but I am afraid she is somewhat younger than I thought. I think she is about ten years old."


"Grandfather said that I was eight years old," said Heidi now.


Deta gave her another blow, but as the child had no idea why, she did not get embarrassed.


"What, only eight years old!" Miss Rottenmeier exclaimed indignantly.


"How can we get along? What have you learned? What books have you studied?"


"None," said Heidi.


"But how did you learn to read?"


"I can't read and Peter can't do it either," Heidi retorted.


"For mercy's sake! You cannot read?" cried the lady in her surprise.


"How is it possible? What else have you studied?"


"Nothing," replied Heidi, truthfully.


"Miss Deta, how could you bring this child?" said the housekeeper,when she was more composed.


Deta, however, was not easily intimidated, and said: "I am sorry, but I thought this child would suit you.


She is small, but older children are often spoilt and not like her.


I must go now, for my mistress is waiting. As soon as I can, I'll come to see how the child is getting along."


With a bow she was outside and with a few quicksteps hurried downstairs.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
ignorant ['ignərənt]


adj. 不知道的,无知的,愚昧的

embarrassed [im'bærəst]


adj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的

bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

unbecoming ['ʌnbi'kʌmiŋ]


adj. 不适合的

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶

mercy ['mə:si]


n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠

composed [kəm'pəuzd]


adj. 镇静的,沉着的





