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第五章 两位客人要带走海蒂(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The old man was out of humor that day, and when Heidi begged to go to the grandmother, he only growled: "Not to-day."
  • 阿鲁姆爷爷变得无精打采。这天下午,小海蒂建议去老奶奶那儿,爷爷也只是说了一句“今天不行。”
  • Next day they had hardly finished their dinner, when another visitor arrived.
  • 第二天吃过午饭还没收拾好盘子的时候,又来了一位客人,
  • It was Heidi's aunt Deta;
  • 这次是蒂提姨妈。
  • she wore a hat with feathers and a dress with such a train that it swept up everything that lay on the cottage floor.
  • 她戴着一顶饰有羽毛的帽子,穿着一件长长的连衣裙,把农舍地板上的东西扫得干干净净。
  • While the uncle looked at her silently, Deta began to praise him and the child's red cheeks.
  • 爷爷把蒂提从头顶到脚尖上下打量了一番,什么都没说。而蒂提姨妈不停地夸起爷爷的精心照顾和海蒂红扑扑的小脸蛋。
  • She told him that it had not been her intention to leave Heidi with him long, for she knew she must be in his way.
  • 她说她没打算把小海蒂一直留在这里,也早就知道这孩子会给爷爷添麻烦。
  • She had tried to provide for the child elsewhere, and at last she had found a splendid chance for her.
  • 她一直在想把海蒂安置到别的地方,现在她终于找到了个绝佳的机会。
  • Very rich relations of her lady, who owned the largest house in Frankfurt, had a lame daughter.
  • 她的女主人有非常有钱的亲戚,住在法兰克福最漂亮的宅子里,有个瘸腿的女儿。
  • This poor little girl was confined to her rolling-chair and needed a companion at her lessons.
  • 这个可怜的小女孩只能坐在摇椅上,需要有人陪她学习。
  • Deta had heard from her lady that a sweet, quaint child was wanted as playmate and schoolmate for the invalid.
  • 蒂提从她的女主人那里听说,需要一个可爱有趣的孩子做病人的玩伴和同学。
  • She had gone to the housekeeper and told her all about Heidi.
  • 她去找管家,告诉她关于海蒂的一切。
  • The lady, delighted with the idea, had told her to fetch the child at once.
  • 那位太太对这个主意很满意,叫她马上把孩子接来。
  • She had come now, and it was a lucky chance for Heidi, "for one never knew what might happen in such a case, and who could tell--"
  • 她现在来了,这对海蒂来说是个幸运的机会,“因为谁也不知道在这种情况下会发生什么,谁又能说出来呢——”
  • "Have you finished?" the old man interrupted her at last.
  • “还没说完吗?”这时一直沉默不语的爷爷打断了蒂提的话。
  • "Why, one might think I was telling you the silliest things.
  • “大叔怎么好像听了什么傻话似的。
  • There is not a man in Protiggan who would not thank God for such news."
  • 听到这种事还不感谢上帝,找遍波来蒂冈恐怕都没有。”
  • "Bring them to somebody else, but not to me," said the uncle, coldly.
  • “那你随便上哪说去都行,我不想听这种事。”爷爷冷冰冰地说。
  • Deta, flaming up, replied: "Do you want to hear what I think?
  • 蒂提一听像蹦起来的火星似地喊道:“什么?大叔要是这么说,也让我来说说吧。
  • Don't I know how old she is? Eight years old and ignorant of everything.
  • 这孩子都8岁了,可什么都不会,什么都不懂,
  • They have told me that you refuse to send her to church and to school.
  • 别人告诉我,大叔什么都不让她学,也不让她上学校,上教堂。
  • She is my only sister's child, and I shall not bear it, for I am responsible.
  • 她是我惟一的姐姐的孩子,我不能不管,我要对她负责任。
  • You do not care for her, how else could you be indifferent to such luck.
  • 你肯定是不想让她好,不然你怎么对这种福气都不管不顾。
  • You had better give way or I shall get the people to back me.
  • 你最好还是放手吧,不然大家都会帮我的!
  • If I were you, I would not have it brought to court;
  • 我要是你,就不会闹到去打官司。
  • some things might be warmed up that you would not care to hear about."
  • 那样的话,大叔,你不想听的旧事也都会被重新提起来呢。”


The old man was out of humor that day, and when Heidi begged to go to the grandmother, he only growled: "Not to-day."


Next day they had hardly finished their dinner, when another visitor arrived.


It was Heidi's aunt Deta;


she wore a hat with feathers and a dress with such a train that it swept up everything that lay on the cottage floor.


While the uncle looked at her silently, Deta began to praise him and the child's red cheeks.


She told him that it had not been her intention to leave Heidi with him long, for she knew she must be in his way.


She had tried to provide for the child elsewhere, and at last she had found a splendid chance for her.


Very rich relations of her lady, who owned the largest house in Frankfurt, had a lame daughter.


This poor little girl was confined to her rolling-chair and needed a companion at her lessons.


Deta had heard from her lady that a sweet, quaint child was wanted as playmate and schoolmate for the invalid.


She had gone to the housekeeper and told her all about Heidi.


The lady, delighted with the idea, had told her to fetch the child at once.


She had come now, and it was a lucky chance for Heidi, "for one never knew what might happen in such a case, and who could tell--"


"Have you finished?" the old man interrupted her at last.


"Why, one might think I was telling you the silliest things.


There is not a man in Protiggan who would not thank God for such news."


"Bring them to somebody else, but not to me," said the uncle, coldly.


Deta, flaming up, replied: "Do you want to hear what I think?


Don't I know how old she is; eight years old and ignorant of everything.


They have told me that you refuse to send her to church and to school.


She is my only sister's child, and I shall not bear it, for I am responsible.


You do not care for her, how else could you be indifferent to such luck.


You had better give way or I shall get the people to back me.


If I were you, I would not have it brought to court;


some things might be warmed up that you would not care to hear about."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
confined [kən'faind]


adj. 幽禁的;狭窄的;有限制的;在分娩中的 v. 限

ignorant ['ignərənt]


adj. 不知道的,无知的,愚昧的

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶

quaint [kweint]


adj. 古雅的,离奇有趣的,奇怪的

refuse [ri'fju:z]


v. 拒绝
n. 垃圾,废物

indifferent [in'difrənt]


adj. 漠不关心的,无重要性的,中立的

interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

intention [in'tenʃən]


n. 意图,意向,目的





