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第五章 两位客人要带走海蒂(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "Be quiet!" the uncle thundered with flaming eyes. "Take her and ruin her, but do not bring her before my sight again.
  • “闭嘴!”爷爷大怒,眼睛里像燃烧着一团火。“把她带到那边堕落去吧!再别把她领到我这儿来。
  • I do not want to see her with feathers in her hat and wicked words like yours." With long strides he went out.
  • 我决不要看见她像你一样瞎带个什么插着羽毛的帽子,满嘴无聊透顶的话!”说完,爷爷大步走出门去。
  • "You have made him angry!" said Heidi with a furious look.
  • “姨妈,你惹爷爷生气了。”小海蒂生气地说。
  • "He won't be cross long. But come now, where are your things?" asked Deta.
  • “他马上就会好的,来,咱们走吧。”姨妈催她,“你的衣服在哪儿?”
  • "I won't come," Heidi replied.
  • “我不去。”小海蒂说。
  • "What?" Deta said passionately. But changing her tone, she continued in a more friendly manner:
  • “说什么呀!”阿姨发火地说,接着又换了温和一些的口气说:
  • "Come now; you don't understand me. I am taking you to the most beautiful place you have ever seen."
  • “快!走吧,你还不懂,我要带你去你见都没见过的漂亮地方去。”
  • After packing up Heidi's clothes she said again,
  • 然后她走到壁橱那儿,拿出海蒂的衣服,又说:
  • "Come, child, and take your hat. It is not very nice, but we can't help it."
  • “快,该走了,拿着那儿的帽子,虽说不好看,现在带着也还凑合。”
  • "I shall not come," was the reply.
  • “我不去。”小海蒂重复道。
  • "Don't be stupid and obstinate, like a goat.
  • “别胡说了,简直跟山羊一样固执,
  • Listen to me. Grandfather is sending us away and we must do what he commands, or he will get more angry still.
  • 你看,爷爷不是说再也不想看见咱们了么,我们要照他说的做,要是再把爷爷惹恼了,不就糟了?
  • You'll see how fine it is in Frankfurt.
  • 你还没去过法兰克福吧,那儿可好了!
  • If you do not like it, you can come home again and by that time grandfather will have forgiven us."
  • 要是你到了那儿不喜欢,还可以再回来呀,那时,爷爷也不会再生气了。”
  • "Can I come home again tonight?" asked Heidi.
  • “马上就能回来吗?今晚上也能吗?”海蒂问。
  • "Come now, I told you you could come back.
  • “快走吧!我不是说了吗,你想什么时候回来就什么时候回来,
  • If we get to Mayenfeld today, we can take the train tomorrow.
  • 今天得走到玛伊恩菲尔特,明天早晨要赶火车,
  • That will make you fly home again in the shortest time!"
  • 坐上火车,就能马上回来了,火车快得像飞一样。”
  • Holding the bundle, Deta led the child down the mountain.
  • 蒂提姨妈把衣服包抱在腋下,一只手拉着海蒂,两个人向山下走去。
  • On their way they met Peter, who had not gone to school that day.
  • 路上遇到了彼特,他没有去上学,
  • The boy thought it was a more useful occupation to look for hazel-rods than to learn to read, for he always needed the rods.
  • 因为他觉得就算会读书了也白搭,还不如到处走走,找根大鞭子,反正鞭子总用得上。
  • He had had a most successful day, for he carried an enormous bundle on his shoulder.
  • 彼特今天收获满满,肩上扛着一大捆又长又粗的树枝。
  • When he caught sight of Heidi and Deta, he asked them where they were going.
  • 当他看见海蒂和蒂提,彼特问:“这是上哪儿去?”
  • "I am going to Frankfurt with Aunt Deta," Heidi replied; "but first I must see grandmother, for she is waiting."
  • “和姨妈急着去法兰克福。”小海蒂回答说,“但我要先去看看老奶奶,她在等我呢。”
  • "Oh no, it is too late. You can see her when you come back, but not now," said Deta, pulling Heidi along with her,
  • “不行,现在赶路已经来不及了。下次回来的时候再去不行吗,来,走吧。”姨妈边说边使劲拉着海蒂的手不放。
  • for she was afraid that the old woman might detain the child.
  • 她担心海蒂一去,老奶奶又会拉着海蒂不让她走。


"Be quiet!" the uncle thundered with flaming eyes. "Take her and ruin her, but do not bring her before my sight again.


I do not want to see her with feathers in her hat and wicked words like yours." With long strides he went out.


"You have made him angry!" said Heidi with a furious look.


"He won't be cross long. But come now, where are your things?" asked Deta.


"I won't come," Heidi replied.


"What?" Deta said passionately. But changing her tone, she continued in a more friendly manner:


"Come now; you don't understand me. I am taking you to the most beautiful place you have ever seen."


After packing up Heidi's clothes she said again,


"Come, child, and take your hat. It is not very nice, but we can't help it."


"I shall not come," was the reply.


"Don't be stupid and obstinate, like a goat.


Listen to me. Grandfather is sending us away and we must do what he commands, or he will get more angry still.


You'll see how fine it is in Frankfurt.


If you do not like it, you can come home again and by that time grandfather will have forgiven us."


"Can I come home again tonight?" asked Heidi.


"Come now, I told you you could come back.


If we get to Mayenfeld today, we can take the train tomorrow.


That will make you fly home again in the shortest time!"


Holding the bundle, Deta led the child down the mountain.


On their way they met Peter, who had not gone to school that day.


The boy thought it was a more useful occupation to look for hazel-rods than to learn to read, for he always needed the rods.


He had had a most successful day, for he carried an enormous bundle on his shoulder.


When he caught sight of Heidi and Deta, he asked them where they were going.


"I am going to Frankfurt with Aunt Deta," Heidi replied; "but first I must see grandmother, for she is waiting."


"Oh no, it is too late. You can see her when you come back, but not now," said Deta, pulling Heidi along with her,


for she was afraid that the old woman might detain the child.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

ruin [ruin]


v. 毁灭,毁坏,破产
n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

obstinate ['ɔbstinit]


adj. 固执的,倔强的,不易屈服的,(病)难治的

wicked ['wikid]


adj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的
adv. 极端

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

detain [di'tein]


vt. 扣留,拘押,耽搁

occupation [.ɔkju'peiʃən]


n. 职业,侵占,居住





