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第六章 新的生活篇章开始了(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 6 A New Chapter With New Things
  • 第六章 新的生活篇章开始了
  • In a beautiful house in Frankfurt lived a sick child by the name of Clara Sesemann.
  • 在法兰克福一所漂亮的房子里住着一个生病的孩子,她的名字叫克拉拉·塞瑟曼。
  • She was sitting in a comfortable rolling-chair, which could be pushed from room to room.
  • 她坐在一张舒适的摇椅上,可以从一个房间推到另一个房间。
  • Clara spent most of her time in the study, where long rows of bookcases lined the walls.
  • 克拉拉大部分时间都待在书房里,那里的墙上摆着一排排的书架。
  • This room was used as a living-room, and here she was also given her lessons.
  • 这个房间被用作起居室,她也在这里上课。
  • Clara had a pale, thin face with soft blue eyes, which at that moment were watching the clock impatiently.
  • 克拉拉有一张苍白瘦削的脸和一双温柔的蓝眼睛,这双眼睛此刻正不耐烦地盯着时钟。
  • At last she said: "Oh Miss Rottenmeier, isn't it time yet?"
  • 最后她说:“哦,罗得迈尔小姐,还不到时间吗?”
  • The lady so addressed was the housekeeper, who had lived with Clara since Mrs. Sesemann's death.
  • 这位女士是女管家,自从塞瑟曼太太死后,她就一直和克拉拉住在一起。
  • Miss Rottenmeier wore a peculiar uniform with a long cape, and a high cap on her head.
  • 罗得迈尔穿着一件特别的制服,披着一件长斗篷,头上戴着一顶高帽子。
  • Clara's father, who was away from home a great deal, left the entire management of the house to this lady,
  • 克拉拉的父亲经常出外旅行,就把家里的事全托付给罗得迈尔。
  • on the condition that his daughter's wishes should always be considered.
  • 只是有一个条件,就是无论什么事都要先听听女儿的意见。
  • While Clara was waiting, Deta had arrived at the front door with Heidi.
  • 克拉拉正在等的时候,蒂提和海蒂已经到了前门。
  • She was asking the coachman who had brought her if she could go upstairs.
  • 蒂提问马车夫是否可以上楼去。
  • "That's not my business. You must ring for the butler." grumbled the coachman.
  • “那我可不知道,你按接走廊里的门铃,让管家下来吧。”车夫哼哼着说。
  • Sebastian, the butler, a man with large brass buttons on his coat, soon stood before her.
  • 蒂提按电铃,塞巴斯蒂安下来了,他是个制服上钉着个圆圆的大纽扣的管家。
  • "May I see Miss Rottenmeier?" Deta asked.
  • “想请你去问一下罗得迈尔,我现在能不能见见她。”蒂提问。
  • "That's not my business," the butler announced. "Ring for Tinette, the maid." With that, he disappeared.
  • “那可不知道,”仆人回答,“你再按一个电铃,叫女仆齐娜吧。”塞巴斯蒂安说完这些就不见了。
  • Deta, ringing again, saw a girl with a brilliant white cap on her head, coming down the stairway.
  • 蒂提又按一遍电铃,于是头戴一顶白得晃眼的小帽的齐娜出现在楼梯上,
  • The maid stopped half-way down and asked scornfully: "What do you want?"
  • 她站在那儿并不下来,一副瞧不起人的样子,问道:“什么事?”
  • Deta repeated her wish again.
  • 蒂提把事情又重复了一遍,
  • Tinette told her to wait while she went upstairs, but it did not take long before the two were asked to come up.
  • 女仆不知去了哪,但没过多久,这两个人就被请上来了。
  • Following the maid, they found themselves in the study.
  • 于是,蒂提和小海蒂跟在女仆后面走进学习室。
  • Deta held onto Heidi's hand and stayed near the door.
  • 到了门口,蒂提紧紧地握住小海蒂。
  • Miss Rottenmeier, slowly getting up, approached the newcomers.
  • 罗得迈尔慢慢从椅子上站起身,走过来,仔细地打量小姐的这个新伙伴。
  • She did not seem pleased with Heidi, who wore her hat and shawl and was looking up at the lady's headdress with innocent wonder.
  • 她似乎不喜欢海蒂,海蒂戴着她的帽子和披肩,好奇地抬头看着这位女士的头巾。


Chapter 6 A New Chapter With New Things

第六章 新的生活篇章开始了

In a beautiful house in Frankfurt lived a sick child by the name of Clara Sesemann.


She was sitting in a comfortable rolling-chair, which could be pushed from room to room.


Clara spent most of her time in the study, where long rows of bookcases lined the walls.


This room was used as a living-room, and here she was also given her lessons.


Clara had a pale, thin face with soft blue eyes, which at that moment were watching the clock impatiently.


At last she said: "Oh Miss Rottenmeier, isn't it time yet?"


The lady so addressed was the housekeeper, who had lived with Clara since Mrs. Sesemann's death.


Miss Rottenmeier wore a peculiar uniform with a long cape, and a high cap on her head.


Clara's father, who was away from home a great deal, left the entire management of the house to this lady,


on the condition that his daughter's wishes should always be considered.


While Clara was waiting, Deta had arrived at the front door with Heidi.


She was asking the coachman who had brought her if she could go upstairs.


"That's not my business," grumbled the coachman, "you must ring for the butler."


Sebastian, the butler, a man with large brass buttons on his coat, soon stood before her.


"May I see Miss Rottenmeier?" Deta asked.


"That's not my business," the butler announced. "Ring for Tinette, the maid." With that, he disappeared.


Deta, ringing again, saw a girl with a brilliant white cap on her head, coming down the stairway.


The maid stopped half-way down and asked scornfully: "What do you want?"


Deta repeated her wish again.


Tinette told her to wait while she went upstairs, but it did not take long before the two were asked to come up.


Following the maid, they found themselves in the study.


Deta held onto Heidi's hand and stayed near the door.


Miss Rottenmeier, slowly getting up, approached the newcomers.


She did not seem pleased with Heidi, who wore her hat and shawl and was looking up at the lady's headdress with innocent wonder.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
announced [ə'naunst]



innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m]


n. 制服
adj. 一致的,统一的

cape [keip]


n. 岬,海角,披肩





