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第五章 两位客人要带走海蒂(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "What do you want the child to be?"
  • “你打算让孩子怎么样?”牧师问。
  • "I want her to be free and happy as a bird!"
  • “我想让她像小鸟一样自由、快乐地长大。”
  • "But she is human, and it is high time for her to learn something.
  • “可是,她是个孩子啊。必须得让她学点什么才行,现在该是时候了,
  • I have come now to tell you about it, so that you can make your plans.
  • 我今天来跟你说,是想请你在这个夏天考虑好,
  • She must come to school next winter; remember that."
  • 下个冬天无论如何得让孩子上学,可别忘了。”
  • "I shan't do it, pastor!" was the reply.
  • “恕我不能从命,牧师。”爷爷固执地说。
  • "Do you think there is no way?" the clergyman replied, a little hotly.
  • “你觉得我们就没有办法让你明白过来吗?”牧师有点生气地说,
  • "You know the world, for you have travelled far. What little sense you show!"
  • “您经历丰富,看的事多,知道的事多,我还以为您是最懂事理的人呢。”
  • "You think I am going to send this delicate child to school in every storm and weather?" the old man said excitedly.
  • “牧师,你们真的想让那么柔弱的孩子顶着暴风雪去上学吗?”爷爷有些激动地说。
  • "It is a two hours' walk, and I shall not let her go; for the wind often howls so that it chokes me if I venture out.
  • “要走整整两个小时,我是不会让她去的。连我们都被风雪弄得喘不上气,你还说让那孩子来回跑?
  • Did you know Adelheid, her mother?
  • 您还记得这孩子的娘,也就是阿尔菲特的事吧。
  • She was a sleep-walker, and had fainting-fits. Nobody shall compel me to let her go; I will gladly fight it out in court."
  • 她有梦游症,经常晕倒。没人能强迫我送她去上学,就是法庭上见我也不怕。”
  • "You are perfectly right," said the clergyman kindly. "You could not send her to school from here.
  • “你说的也对。”牧师温和地说,“让孩子从这儿去学校,我也觉得不行。
  • Why don't you come down to live among us again?
  • 你为什么不下来和我们一起住呢?
  • You are leading a strange life here; I wonder how you can keep the child warm in winter."
  • 你在这里过着奇怪的生活。我想知道你怎样才能让孩子在冬天保暖。”
  • "She has young blood and a good cover. I know where to find good wood, and all winter I keep a fire going.
  • “那孩子活蹦乱跳的,还有一床好被子。而且我知道可以打来柴禾的地方。这屋子里冬天从没断过火。
  • I couldn't live in the village, for the people there and I despise each other; we had better keep apart."
  • 牧师说的下山的事,我不愿意。下边那些家伙瞧不起我,我也瞧不起他们,还是分开住,才彼此都开心。”
  • "You are mistaken, I assure you! Make your peace with God, and then you'll see how happy you will be."
  • “你弄错了!我向你保证,与上帝和好,你才会知道你有多快乐。”
  • The clergyman had risen, and holding out his hand, he said cordially:
  • 牧师站起身,伸出手,诚心诚意地说:
  • "I shall count on you next winter, neighbor.
  • “我相信你,邻居。下个冬天回到下边来吧。
  • We shall receive you gladly, reconciled with God and man."
  • 与上帝、人们和好,我们就乐意接待你们。”
  • But the uncle replied firmly, while he shook his visitor by the hand:
  • 阿鲁姆大叔伸手同他握了握,可是仍用坚决的语气说:
  • "Thank you for your kindness, but you will have to wait in vain."
  • “牧师,您的确是为我着想,可我还是不能照您说的去做,”
  • "God be with you," said the parson, and left him sadly.
  • “但愿上帝能保佑你!”牧师说完,失望地走出屋子,下山去了。


"What do you want the child to be?"


"I want her to be free and happy as a bird!"


"But she is human, and it is high time for her to learn something.


I have come now to tell you about it, so that you can make your plans.


She must come to school next winter; remember that."


"I shan't do it, pastor!" was the reply.


"Do you think there is no way?" the clergyman replied, a little hotly.


"You know the world, for you have travelled far. What little sense you show!"


"You think I am going to send this delicate child to school in every storm and weather!" the old man said excitedly.


"It is a two hours' walk, and I shall not let her go; for the wind often howls so that it chokes me if I venture out.


Did you know Adelheid, her mother?


She was a sleep-walker, and had fainting-fits. Nobody shall compel me to let her go; I will gladly fight it out in court."


"You are perfectly right," said the clergyman kindly. "You could not send her to school from here.


Why don't you come down to live among us again?


You are leading a strange life here; I wonder how you can keep the child warm in winter."


"She has young blood and a good cover. I know where to find good wood, and all winter I keep a fire going.


I couldn't live in the village, for the people there and I despise each other; we had better keep apart."


"You are mistaken, I assure you! Make your peace with God, and then you'll see how happy you will be."


The clergyman had risen, and holding out his hand, he said cordially:


"I shall count on you next winter, neighbor.


We shall receive you gladly, reconciled with God and man."


But the uncle replied firmly, while he shook his visitor by the hand:


"Thank you for your kindness, but you will have to wait in vain."


"God be with you," said the parson, and left him sadly.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
kindness ['kaindnis]


n. 仁慈,好意

vain [vein]


adj. 徒劳的,无效的,自负的,虚荣的

despise [di'spaiz]


vt. 轻视

delicate ['delikit]


n. 精美的东西
adj. 精美的,微妙的,美

cordially [.kɔ:djəli]


adv. 诚恳地,诚挚地,诚实地

assure [ə'ʃuə]


vt. 使确信,使放心,确保

compel [kəm'pel]


v. 强迫,迫使,使不得已

venture ['ventʃə]


n. 冒险,风险,投机
v. 尝试,谨慎地做,





