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第五章 两位客人要带走海蒂(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 5 Two Visitors
  • 第五章 两位客人
  • Two winters had nearly passed.
  • 两个冬天几乎就要过去了。
  • Heidi was happy, for the spring was coming again, with the soft delicious wind that made the fir-trees roar.
  • 海蒂很高兴,因为春天又来了,轻柔的风吹得枞树摇摆。
  • Soon she would be able to go up to the pasture, where blue and yellow flowers greeted her at every step.
  • 不久她就能到牧场上去了,那儿每走一步都有蓝色、黄色的花儿迎接她。
  • She was nearly eight years old, and had learned to take care of the goats, who ran after her like little dogs.
  • 小海蒂现在已经8岁了。养羊的技术也越来越好。“天鹅”和“小熊”像忠实的小狗一样跟在她后面。
  • Several times the village teacher had sent word by Peter that the child was wanted in school,
  • 这个冬天彼特为给学校的老师传话曾来过两次,意思是说和阿鲁姆大叔住在一起的这个孩子必须上学,
  • but the old man had not paid any attention to the message and had kept her with him as before.
  • 但是爷爷并不在意这个消息,像以前一样把她留在身边。
  • It was a beautiful morning in March. The snow had melted on the slopes, and was going fast.
  • 那是三月里一个美丽的早晨。山坡上的雪已经融化了,而且速度很快。
  • Snowdrops were peeping through the ground, which seemed to be getting ready for spring.
  • 雪花莲从地面上探出头来,似乎在准备迎接春天的到来。
  • Heidi was running to and fro before the door, when she suddenly saw an old gentleman, dressed in black, standing beside her.
  • 小海蒂又像往常转着圈跑,突然小海蒂吃了一惊,原来一个上了年纪的绅士站在她面前,他穿着黑衣服。
  • As she appeared frightened, he said kindly:
  • 这时绅士看出小海蒂吓了一跳,和颜悦色地说:
  • "You must not be afraid of me, for I love children.
  • “不用怕,我非常喜欢小孩子,
  • Give me your hand, Heidi, and tell me where your grandfather is."
  • 来,握握手吧。你就是小海蒂吧?爷爷在哪儿?”
  • "He is inside, making round wooden spoons," the child replied, opening the door while she spoke.
  • “坐在桌子旁用木头做勺子呢。”小海蒂边说边把刚关上的门打开。
  • It was the old pastor of the village, who had known the grandfather years ago.
  • 这是村里的老牧师,他多年前就认识祖父了。
  • After entering, he approached the old man, saying: "Good-morning, neighbor."
  • 进去以后,他走近老人,说道:“早上好,邻居!”
  • The old man got up, surprised, and offering a seat to the visitor, said:
  • 爷爷惊讶地抬起头,然后把椅子让给客人,说:
  • "Good-morning, Mr. Parson. Here is a wooden chair, if it is good enough."
  • “早上好,牧师!要是您肯坐木头椅子的话就请吧。”
  • Sitting down, the parson said: "It is long since I have seen you, neighbor.
  • 牧师坐下说:“好久没见您了,邻居。
  • I have come today to talk over a matter with you.
  • 我今天来是想和您商量一件事。
  • I am sure you can guess what it is about."
  • “我想您已经知道是什么事。”
  • The clergyman here looked at Heidi, who was standing near the door.
  • 牧师停下来,望了望站在门口的小海蒂。
  • "Heidi, run out to see the goats," said the grandfather, "and bring them some salt; you can stay till I come."
  • “小海蒂,去看看山羊,”爷爷说,“带点盐喂它们,在那儿等着我。”
  • Heidi disappeared on the spot.
  • 小海蒂马上走了出去。
  • "The child should have come to school a year ago," the parson went on to say.
  • “这孩子在一年前就该上学了。”牧师说,
  • "Didn't you get the teacher's warning? What do you intend to do with the child?"
  • “老师提醒过你,可你一直没有回答,你对这孩子到底怎么打算的?”
  • "I do not want her to go to school," said the old man, unrelentingly.
  • “我已经决定不让她去上学了。”爷爷毫不让步地说。


Chapter 5 Two Visitors

第五章 两位客人

Two winters had nearly passed.


Heidi was happy, for the spring was coming again, with the soft delicious wind that made the fir-trees roar.


Soon she would be able to go up to the pasture, where blue and yellow flowers greeted her at every step.


She was nearly eight years old, and had learned to take care of the goats, who ran after her like little dogs.


Several times the village teacher had sent word by Peter that the child was wanted in school,


but the old man had not paid any attention to the message and had kept her with him as before.


It was a beautiful morning in March. The snow had melted on the slopes, and was going fast.


Snowdrops were peeping through the ground, which seemed to be getting ready for spring.


Heidi was running to and fro before the door, when she suddenly saw an old gentleman, dressed in black, standing beside her.


As she appeared frightened, he said kindly:


"You must not be afraid of me, for I love children.


Give me your hand, Heidi, and tell me where your grandfather is."


"He is inside, making round wooden spoons," the child replied, opening the door while she spoke.


It was the old pastor of the village, who had known the grandfather years ago.


After entering, he approached the old man, saying: "Good-morning, neighbor."


The old man got up, surprised, and offering a seat to the visitor, said:


"Good-morning, Mr. Parson. Here is a wooden chair, if it is good enough."


Sitting down, the parson said: "It is long since I have seen you, neighbor.


I have come today to talk over a matter with you.


I am sure you can guess what it is about."


The clergyman here looked at Heidi, who was standing near the door.


"Heidi, run out to see the goats," said the grandfather, "and bring them some salt; you can stay till I come."


Heidi disappeared on the spot.


"The child should have come to school a year ago," the parson went on to say.


"Didn't you get the teacher's warning? What do you intend to do with the child?"


"I do not want her to go to school," said the old man, unrelentingly.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来

melted [meltid]


adj. 融化的;溶解的 v. 融化;溶解(melt的过

intend [in'tend]


vt. 想要,计划,打算,意指

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

pasture ['pɑ:stʃə]


n. 牧场,草原
vi. 吃草





