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第三章 鲜花盛开的牧场和羊群(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Peter only just came in time to prevent the goat from falling down over the very edge.
  • 彼特再晚来一步,小羊就要从悬崖边上滑倒掉下去了。
  • Unfortunately, Peter had stumbled over a stone in his hurry and was only able to catch the goat by one leg.
  • 不幸的是,彼特急匆匆地跑过去时,被石头绊了一下,可还是在摔倒的时候紧紧抓住了“阿特立”的一只腿。
  • The Thistlefinch, being enraged to find himself stopped in his charming ramble, bleated furiously.
  • 小羊正在愉快地散步,一下被人抓住腿,又吃惊又生气,开始咩咩大叫起来。
  • Not being able to get up, Peter loudly called for help.
  • 彼特还没能站起来时,彼特大声喊着让海蒂帮忙。
  • Heidi immediately saw that Peter was nearly pulling off the animal's leg.
  • 海蒂一看,彼特简直要把小羊的后腿给拽掉了。
  • She quickly picked some fragrant herbs and holding them under the animal's nose, she said soothingly:
  • 她忙拔下几棵山羊爱吃的草,伸到“阿特立”的鼻尖,一面说话哄它。
  • "Come, come, Thistlefinch, and be sensible.
  • “过来,小阿特立,你得聪明点儿才行,
  • You might fall down there and break your leg. That would hurt you horribly."
  • 你看,要是掉到那边去,就会把腿摔折的,那会很疼呢。”
  • The goat turned about and devoured the herbs Heidi held in her hand.
  • 这只山羊转过身来,把海蒂手里的草都吃光了。
  • When Peter got to his feet, he led back the runaway with Heidi's help.
  • 当彼特站起来的时候,他在海蒂的帮助下把逃跑的羊带了回来。
  • When he had the goat in safety, he raised his rod to beat it for punishment.
  • 不过一回到安全的地方,彼特就挥起鞭子想狠狠打“阿特立”一顿,
  • The goat retreated shyly, for it knew what was coming.
  • 小羊一看,害怕地向后退缩,它知道会发生什么。
  • Heidi screamed loudly: "Peter, no, do not beat him! Look how scared he is."
  • 海蒂大叫起来:“彼特,不行,你不能打它,你没看它那么害怕吗?”
  • "He well deserves it," snarled Peter, ready to strike.
  • “因为它该打!”彼特吼叫似地说,抬手要打小羊。
  • But Heidi, seizing his arm, shouted, full of indignation:
  • 海蒂扑上去抓住他胳膊,用气愤的声音喊道:
  • "You mustn't hurt him! Let him go!"
  • “我不许你伤害它!让它走!”
  • Heidi's eyes were sparkling, and when he saw her with her commanding mien, he desisted and dropped his rope.
  • 海蒂的黑眼珠闪着怒火,彼特看到她那气冲冲的样子,于是放下了拿着鞭子的手。
  • "I'll let him go, if you give me a piece of your cheese again tomorrow,"
  • “那好,不打了,不过,你明天还得拿奶酪来才行噢。”
  • he said, for he wanted a compensation for his fright.
  • 彼特说,但他还想要一点补偿,因为他被海蒂吓到了。
  • "You may have it all tomorrow and every day, because I don't need it," Heidi assured him.
  • “全都给你。明天,还有以后每天都一样,我一点都不要。”海蒂答应他。
  • "I shall also give you a big piece of bread, if you promise never to beat any of the goats."
  • “还有面包,也像今天一样给你一大块,可是那样的话就绝对绝对不许你再打任何小羊。”
  • "I don't care," growled Peter, and in that way he gave his promise.
  • “那要看我想不想打。”彼特虽然这么说,还是等于同意了。
  • Thus the day had passed, and the sun was already sinking down behind the mountains.
  • 不知不觉,已经到了傍晚,太阳在很远的群山中马上就要落下去。
  • Sitting on the grass, Heidi looked at the bluebells and the wild roses that were shining in the last rays of the sun.
  • 小海蒂坐在地上,静静地望着沐浴在金色夕阳中的钓钟草和西丝花。
  • The peaks also started to glow, and Heidi suddenly called to the boy: "Oh, Peter, look! everything is on fire.
  • 连上边的大岩石都金灿灿地一闪一闪。海蒂突然叫道:“彼特!看!山上全着火了。
  • The mountains are burning and the sky, too.
  • 对面的雪峰、天空全燃着了。
  • Oh, look! the moor over there is on fire, too. Do you see the mountains all in a glow? Oh, how beautiful the snow looks!
  • 看!那边的野地也烧起来了!你看到山上亮着火光吗?啊,雪山多好看啊!
  • Peter, the eagle's nest is surely on fire, too. Oh, look at the fir-trees over there!"
  • 哎呀,老鹰的家也起火了!看,那些枞树!全都烧着了!”


Peter only just came in time to prevent the goat from falling down over the very edge.


Unfortunately, Peter had stumbled over a stone in his hurry and was only able to catch the goat by one leg.


The Thistlefinch, being enraged to find himself stopped in his charming ramble, bleated furiously.


Not being able to get up, Peter loudly called for help.


Heidi immediately saw that Peter was nearly pulling off the animal's leg.


She quickly picked some fragrant herbs and holding them under the animal's nose, she said soothingly:


"Come, come, Thistlefinch, and be sensible.


You might fall down there and break your leg. That would hurt you horribly."


The goat turned about and devoured the herbs Heidi held in her hand.


When Peter got to his feet, he led back the runaway with Heidi's help.


When he had the goat in safety, he raised his rod to beat it for punishment.


The goat retreated shyly, for it knew what was coming.


Heidi screamed loudly: "Peter, no, do not beat him! Look how scared he is."


"He well deserves it," snarled Peter, ready to strike.


But Heidi, seizing his arm, shouted, full of indignation:


"You mustn't hurt him! Let him go!"


Heidi's eyes were sparkling, and when he saw her with her commanding mien, he desisted and dropped his rope.


"I'll let him go, if you give me a piece of your cheese again tomorrow,"


he said, for he wanted a compensation for his fright.


"You may have it all tomorrow and every day, because I don't need it," Heidi assured him.


"I shall also give you a big piece of bread, if you promise never to beat any of the goats."


"I don't care," growled Peter, and in that way he gave his promise.


Thus the day had passed, and the sun was already sinking down behind the mountains.


Sitting on the grass, Heidi looked at the bluebells and the wild roses that were shining in the last rays of the sun.


The peaks also started to glow, and Heidi suddenly called to the boy: "Oh, Peter, look! everything is on fire.


The mountains are burning and the sky, too.


Oh, look! the moor over there is on fire, too. Do you see the mountains all in a glow? Oh, how beautiful the snow looks!


Peter, the eagle's nest is surely on fire, too. Oh, look at the fir-trees over there!"


重点单词   查看全部解释    
sparkling ['spɑ:kliŋ]


adj. 闪闪发光的,闪烁的;起泡沫的 v. 闪耀;发出

assured [ə'ʃuəd]


adj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

eagle ['i:gl]


n. 鹰
vt. (高尔夫)鹰击

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

fragrant ['freigrənt]


adj. 芬香的,馥郁的

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

indignation [.indig'neiʃən]


n. 愤怒,愤慨,义愤

charming ['tʃɑ:miŋ]


adj. 迷人的





