Hachiko leaped up and wagged his tail when he saw what Yasuo had brought him.
"Wait a minute, Hachiko,"Yasuo laughed, holding the food up out of the dog's reach.
"Let me take the chicken off the skewer and put it into your bowl."
But Hachiko did not want to wait.
He jumped up and knocked the skewer out of Yasuo's hand.
Then he stretched out on the platform, held the stick between his two front paws, and pulled off the pieces of chicken by himself.
"How clever you are,"Yasuo said."I have never seen a dog do that."
Yasuo went downstairs to buy another serving of yakitori and asked the vendor to follow him back to the train station.
He called the Station Master over to watch Hachiko eat.
"Look how smart he is."Yasuo pointed at Hachiko pulling the chicken off the skewer.
"Yes, he is very bright,"Mr. Yoshikawa agreed.
"And he had an excellent teacher,"the Station Master reminded Yasuo.
"He may have a skewer of yakitori whenever he wants one,"the food vendor said.
"You do not have to pay me for it. It is my pleasure."
He watched Hachiko eat for another minute, then bowed good-bye and returned to his stand.
Another day, when Yasuo was a teenager, he and some classmates got off the train at Shibuya Station.
"Yasuo, come play baseball with us,"one of the boys said.
"I cannot,"Yasuo said."I have a responsibility."
He gestured toward Hachiko, sitting on the platform.
The Station Master was standing nearby.
"Go with them,"Mr. Yoshikawa said."I will talke care of Hachiko today."
"Come with us, Yasuo!"his friend called again. "We are going to the park."
Yasuo looked at his schoolmates. Then he looked at Hachiko.
The dog's brown eyes were so full of hope and so full of sadness.
How could he desert him?