A small woman with thin gray hair pulled back in a bun came to stand next to Yasuo.
"Is this the dog I have heard about who waits for his master?"she asked.
"Yes, this is Hachi,"Yasuo answered.
The woman studied him for a few minutes. "May I pet him?"she asked.
"Yes. He will not hurt you. He is very gentle."
Yasuo said the same words to the woman the Professor had said to him on the day they had met, years before.
"I am sorry for your sadness, Hachi," the woman said as she stroked his neck.
Hachi turned to her for a moment, and his ears slid back at the softness of her voice.
She gently rubbed the white patch of fur between Hachi's eyes as he looked at her.
Then a train approached the platform, and Hachi returned his gaze to the railroad tracks.
As the train discharged its passengers, Hachi sat up straight and turned his head to the right, to the left, and to the right again, looking at all the people who passed him.
A man who wore a pair of black-framed glasses and a business suit, and was about Professor Ueno's height, walked toward Hachi.
The dog sat up even taller and began to tremble all over, his nose sniffing the air.
But the man hurried past, and Hachi, realizing that the man was a stranger, stilled himself and continued his search for the Professor.
"That man looked like Hachi's master," Yasuo explained to the old woman who was watching the dog intently.
The woman reached out to stroke Hachi's fur again.
"Hachi, you are a very good dog,"she said to him.
"And your master was a very good man."