These hospitals, or groups within these hospitals that made more mistakes did not actually make more mistakes. They reported more mistakes.
这些事故更多的医院 或医院小组 其实并没有发生更多医疗事故 而是报告了更多的事故
In fact, the other groups, who on paper made less mistakes, actually made many more mistakes. However, they did not report them. Now how did you know because there are certain mistakes that you cannot hide. It is very difficult to hide a corpse, for example.
事实上 其他小组虽然表面上事故少了 其实发生了更多的医疗事故 但他们没有汇报 因为有些事故是无法掩盖的 比如 很难掩盖一具尸体
So the mistake, the real major mistakes that were made, they were out, and these groups had to report these. It' not that they made less; they made more mistake but they didn't report.
所以这些大事故发生时 这些小组不得不汇报 并不是他们事故减少了 而是增多了 只不过没有汇报
And then she changed the focus of her research to the notion of psychological safety.
于是她改变了研究的重心 转向心理安全概念

Psychological safety is the feeling, the experience, the space that you feel in your workplace, in your organization where you are safe talking about errors and mistakes, where you feel safe falling down and getting up again.
心理安全是一种感觉 经历 空间 让你觉得可以在办公地点 在组织内安全地讨论错误与过失 让你觉得摔倒了也能安全地站起来
And these organizations with their own psychological safety, they performed better.
And again, this was in 1999, a lot of research done by her and people around the world, showing how groups, organizations with their psychological safety with their employees don't or are not afraid of whistle blowing or not afraid of falling down of making mistakes.
当时是1999年 她与全世界各国研究人员进行了大量研究 证明了有心理安全的团队组织 他们的雇员不会害怕告密 也不会害怕摔倒 或犯错