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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • These organizations are significantly more successful. These are learning organizations
  • 这些组织更为成功 它们是学习型组织 雇员
  • with the employees constantly learn and grow. Or you learn from your mistakes
  • 不断地学习成长 从错误中学习
  • and then the next time you are able to do better. Very significant, very important research,
  • 下一次就能做得更好 意义重大 影响深远的研究
  • whether it's for leaders, whether it's for parents-many of you will be future parents.
  • 无论是领导者 还是家长……你们中很多以后会成为家长
  • Would you have this psychological safety for your kids, while they feel comfortable talking to you
  • 你们会不会为自己的孩子营造心理安全 让他们毫无约束地告诉你
  • about things that they did not do well, about failures.
  • 他们做的不好 失败的事
  • Because if they do feel comfortable, they are much less likely to enter into this perfectionistic fear of failure.
  • 因为如果他们愿意跟你说 就不容易进入害怕失败的完美主义
  • And they are much more likely to be happier as well as successful.
  • 而会更快乐 更成功
  • This is a story about Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, one organization that he invented and reinvented itself
  • 来听听关于托马斯·沃森的故事 他是IBM的创建者 他至今仍旧
  • numerous times-continues on the daily basis. And that's why it survives.
  • 每天不断地改造它 所以IBM能发展至今
  • So there was an employee at the beginning when IBM was founded, when they were making type writers, an employee
  • IBM刚成立 还在生产打字机时 有一名员工
  • made a strategic error. And the error was that he actually lost IBM a million dollars
  • 犯了战略性错误 给IBM损失了一百万美元
  • and a million dollars at that time for IBM was a lot of money.
  • 当时对于IBM来说这是一大笔钱
  • So the next day, after he made that mistake, he comes to see Thomas Watson, the founder, and gives him a letter.
  • 于是他犯错后第二天 去找了创始人托马斯·沃森 给了他一封信
  • Thomas Watson opens the letter and reads it and looks at the employee and says, "what is this?"
  • 托马斯·沃森打开信读了读问那名员工 “这是什么?”
  • He says, "sir, it's my letter of resignation." "Sir, I just made a mistake that cost your organization a million dollars.
  • 他说“先生 这是我的辞职信” “先生 我刚犯了个错 给您的公司造成了一百万美元损失
  • I don't want… You've been great to me. I don't want to put you through this difficult experience of firing me. So I'am resigning."
  • 我不想……您对我一直很好 我不想让您烦恼 是否要炒了我 所以我主动辞职”


These organizations are significantly more successful. These are learning organizations with the employees constantly learn and grow. Or you learn from your mistakes and then the next time you are able to do better.

这些组织更为成功 它们是学习型组织 雇员不断地学习成长 从错误中学习 下一次就能做得更好
Very significant, very important research, whether it's for leaders, whether it's for parents-many of you will be future parents.
意义重大 影响深远的研究 无论是领导者 还是家长……你们中很多以后会成为家长
Would you have this psychological safety for your kids, while they feel comfortable talking to you about things that they did not do well, about failures.
你们会不会为自己的孩子营造心理安全 让他们毫无约束地告诉你 他们做的不好 失败的事
Because if they do feel comfortable, they are much less likely to enter into this perfectionistic fear of failure. And they are much more likely to be happier as well as successful.
因为如果他们愿意跟你说 就不容易进入害怕失败的完美主义 而会更快乐 更成功

This is a story about Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, one organization that he invented and reinvented itself numerous times-continues on the daily basis. And that's why it survives.

来听听关于托马斯·沃森的故事 他是IBM的创建者 他至今仍旧每天不断地改造它 所以IBM能发展至今
So there was an employee at the beginning when IBM was founded, when they were making type writers, an employee made a strategic error. And the error was that he actually lost IBM a million dollars and a million dollars at that time for IBM was a lot of money.
IBM刚成立 还在生产打字机时 有一名员工犯了战略性错误 给IBM损失了一百万美元 当时对于IBM来说这是一大笔钱
So the next day, after he made that mistake, he comes to see Thomas Watson, the founder, and gives him a letter. Thomas Watson opens the letter and reads it and looks at the employee and says, "what is this?"
于是他犯错后第二天 去找了创始人托马斯·沃森 给了他一封信 托马斯·沃森打开信读了读问那名员工 “这是什么?”
He says, "sir, it's my letter of resignation." "Sir, I just made a mistake that cost your organization a million dollars. I don't want… You've been great to me. I don't want to put you through this difficult experience of firing me. So I'am resigning."
他说“先生 这是我的辞职信” “先生 我刚犯了个错 给您的公司造成了一百万美元损失 我不想……您对我一直很好 我不想让您烦恼 是否要炒了我 所以我主动辞职”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的

resignation [.rezig'neiʃən]


n. 辞职,辞呈,顺从

psychological [.saikə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 心理(学)的

numerous ['nju:mərəs]


adj. 为数众多的,许多

employee [.emplɔi'i:]


n. 雇员





