And after a long time-again this was on the 15th floor in William James Hall, I remember that-she one day got her results. Entered all her data into SPSS, pressed the button. And there was significant statistical difference between the two groups. The group that implemented Hackman's conditions and the group that did not.
经过很长一段时间 在威廉·詹姆斯大楼15楼 我还记得她得到结果的那天 把数据输入了统计软件 按下了确认 两组统计数据 有明显差异 使用哈克曼条件的小组以及不使用哈克曼条件的小组
Eureka! She was happy, ecstatic. Years of work. And she runs to Richard's office, and says to him, Richard, I got it! Here are the results.
找到了 她欣喜若狂 几年的工作成果 她跑去了理查德的办公室 对他说 “理查德 我得到结果了 在这里”
He says, "let's see. I want to see." So he looks at it. He says, "Amy, that's fantastic! It's very significant result. It wasn't just borderline. This is great! Fantastic!"
他说“让我看看” 他看了一眼 说“艾米 太惊人了 结果令人惊讶 这不仅仅是模凌两可的边界了 太棒了”
And he looks at it, and he says, "are you sure these are the results?"
他仔细阅读起来 “你确定是这个结果?”
And she said, "yeah! They are highly significant!"
她说“是啊 结果意义重大”

He said, "are you sure? Did you enter the data again and test it?"
Yeah, Yeah! She is very methodical, very hard working. She said, "yeah, I did!"
“有啊” 她工作非常有条理 非常努力 她说“都核对过了”
So he said, "you know, these are certainly significant but they are significant in the opposite direction." Meaning the hospitals that implemented these conditions that Hackman talks about were actually making more medical errors.
于是他说“结果的确意义重大 但事实却恰恰相反” 也就是说使用哈克曼条件的医院 反而出了更多医疗事故
Again this ? the phase of decades of research. Never specifically about medical errors, but so many other related topics.
这简直给几十年的研究一个大大的耳光 不仅是针对医疗事故 其他很多方面也是如此
And he said, "well, a result is a result. Reality is reality. We have to go back to the field and understand why. We have to understand this phenomenon."
于是他说“结果就是结果 现实就是现实 我们得回到现场 分析原因 理解这一现象”
So she had to go back to the drawing board-tired, enervated, didn't understand what happened, went back to the hospitals, and in almost no time, realized what the issue was.
于是她从头开始 精疲力竭 衰弱无力 不理解怎么会这样 又回到了医院 很快就发现了问题出在哪儿