And much more importantly, many people lose their lives as a result of medical errors. So she wanted to understand this phenomenon and how you can reduce it.
更重要的是 许多人因为医疗事故而丧失 所以她想研究这一现象并寻找解决之道
And she was working with Richard Hackman who's been doing work for decades on effective groups. Those of you who have taken his class, psychology 501, know him. If you haven't taken his class, put it on the top of your list.
她的导师是理查德·哈克曼 他当时已对有效群组研究了数十年 参加过心理学501号课程的同学应该认识他 如果还没有参加过 不妨列为第一选择
And he's done work on teams, on groups for many years. And what he found was there are certain conditions that if they are put into place in an organzation, the group is more likely to perform well. Certain conditions.
他对团队和小组进行了多年研究 他发现在某些条件下 如果人们置身于某个组织 更有可能表现优异 某些条件

And what Amy Edmondson wanted to do in her dissertation was show that when hospitals implement Richard Hackman's advice, when they have the conditions that Richard Hackman talks about, such as a clear, engaging goal for the team, for the group, such as an enabling team structure, such as supportive organization, such as effective coaching.
所以艾米·埃德蒙森的论文想要证明 如果医院采取理查德·哈克曼的建议 使用理查德·哈克曼说的条件 比如给予团队明确可行的目标 建立有效的团队结构 及时的组织支援 高效的训练
When a group has these conditions in place, it will not only perform better, which is the research that Hackman illustrates for decades, they will also commit less medical errors.
当一个团队具备了这些条件 就会表现得更出色 这也是哈克曼十几年来的研究结果 而且会减少医疗事故
Very important research. So she did this research. It took her very long time. She went to the field, studied at hospitals.
这是项非常重要的研究 于是她着手研究了 花费了很长时间 进行实地调查 在医院研究