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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We talked about this research. We talked about this research, the origins of the genius-the most successful,
  • 我们已经讲过这项研究 天才的起源 历史上最成功的
  • the most successful artist, the most successful scientist in history are also the ones who have failed
  • 艺术家 最成功的科学家 也是失败最多的 经历过
  • the most times, who have the most duds. It's the Edisons. It's the Davincis. It's the Michelangelos.
  • 最多的失败 爱迪生 达芬奇 米开朗基罗
  • It's the Marie Currie. The most successful scientist and artist have also failed the most.
  • 居里夫人 最成功的科学家与艺术家 经历过最多的失败
  • And finally, Klam who did the… Jane Klam who did research on people's success in dieting
  • 还有克拉姆 简·克拉姆对节食成功
  • or people's success in starting an exercise regime, what she found was the most successful people,
  • 或成功开始运动的人士进行研究 她发现最成功的
  • people who have been able to persist are people who have failed on average 5 times before.
  • 有毅力坚持下来的人 都平均经历过5次失败
  • So they have been on 5 diets and haven't succeeded. The fifth one, or the sixth one-I'm successful and I'm able to sustain it.
  • 也就是说他们减肥5次 都没有成功 到了第五次 或者第六次 才成功并维持住的
  • The same with the exercise regime. Learn to fail or fail to learn. See you on Thursday.
  • 运动也是如此 学会失败 从失败中学习 周四见


We talked about this research. We talked about this research, the origins of the genius-the most successful, the most successful artist, the most successful scientist in history are also the ones who have failed the most times, who have the most duds.

我们已经讲过这项研究 天才的起源 历史上最成功的艺术家 最成功的科学家 也是失败最多的 经历过最多的失败
It's the Edisons. It's the Davincis. It's the Michelangelos. It's the Marie Currie. The most successful scientist and artist have also failed the most.
爱迪生 达芬奇 米开朗基罗 居里夫人 最成功的科学家与艺术家 经历过最多的失败

And finally, Klam who did the… Jane Klam who did research on people's success in dieting or people's success in starting an exercise regime, what she found was the most successful people, people who have been able to persist are people who have failed on average 5 times before. So they have been on 5 diets and haven't succeeded. The fifth one, or the sixth one-I'm successful and I'm able to sustain it.

还有克拉姆 简·克拉姆对节食成功 或成功开始运动的人士进行研究 她发现最成功的 有毅力坚持下来的人 都平均经历过5次失败 也就是说他们减肥5次 都没有成功 到了第五次 或者第六次 才成功并维持住的
The same with the exercise regime. Learn to fail or fail to learn. See you on Thursday.
运动也是如此 学会失败 从失败中学习 周四见

重点单词   查看全部解释    
regime [rei'ʒi:m]


n. 政体,制度
n. 养生法(=regime

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

sustain [səs'tein]


vt. 承受,支持,经受,维持,认可





