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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Ha. Michael. I love Michael Jordan. People remember his game winning shot that made him famous.
  • 乔丹 我喜欢乔丹 人们记得让他声名大噪的制胜一球
  • Was at North Carolina while he shot with the buzzer and they won.
  • 那是在北卡罗来纳州 他最后一投压哨获胜
  • Do you remember that he had 20, or did you know that he had 26 game winning shots that he missed?
  • 但你们是否记得他有20次 你们是否知道他有26次压哨失手
  • Well he failed time and time and again, which is why he succeeds. There is no other way.
  • 他失败了一次又一次 最终获得胜利 成功别无他法
  • Thomas Edison. Remember "I failed my way to success"? Ten thousand times failures
  • 爱迪生说过“我从失败中走向成功” 他失败了一万多次
  • before he invented the light bulb. But he didn't see them as failures. He succeeded in showing what doesn't work.
  • 才最终发明了电灯泡 但他没有把它们简单地视为失败 而是成功展示了哪些方法是不可行的
  • Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop, passed away last year.
  • 美体小铺的创始人安妮塔·罗迪克 去年刚过世
  • Did fantastic work. Changed business world in many ways, to make more compassionate businesses.
  • 取得了伟大的成就 从诸多方面改变了商业世界 参与了多项慈善事业
  • Failed time and time and again, and succeeded. No other way.
  • 也是失败了许多次后才成功的 没有其他方法
  • Amy Edmondson, she's now professor, across the river, Harvard Business School.
  • 艾米·埃德蒙森 河对岸哈佛商学院的教授
  • She was a graduate student here in the psychology department when I was an undergraduate.
  • 她是心理学系的硕士研究生 当时我还在读本科
  • And I remember when she was working on her dissertation, cause we had the same advisor. I was working… We were both working with Richard Hackman.
  • 我还记得当时她在写学位论文 我们的导师是同一个人 我和……我俩的导师都是理查德·哈克曼
  • And her work was, still is to some extent, in hospitals. And what she wanted to understand was
  • 她当时的研究是有关医院的 目前的研究也与医院有关 她想研究
  • how can you help eliminate or at least reduce failure rates in hospitals.
  • 如何才能消除或至少降低医院的失败率
  • Why? Because medical errors cost millions and billions dollars a year.
  • 为什么?因为医疗事故一年会损失几百万乃是几十亿美元


Ha. Michael. I love Michael Jordan. People remember his game winning shot that made him famous. Was at North Carolina while he shot with the buzzer and they won.

乔丹 我喜欢乔丹 人们记得让他声名大噪的制胜一球 那是在北卡罗来纳州 他最后一投压哨获胜
Do you remember that he had 20, or did you know that he had 26 game winning shots that he missed? Well he failed time and time and again, which is why he succeeds. There is no other way.
但你们是否记得他有20次 你们是否知道他有26次压哨失手 他失败了一次又一次 最终获得胜利 成功别无他法
Thomas Edison. Remember "I failed my way to success"? Ten thousand times failures before he invented the light bulb. But he didn't see them as failures. He succeeded in showing what doesn't work.
爱迪生说过“我从失败中走向成功” 他失败了一万多次 才最终发明了电灯泡 但他没有把它们简单地视为失败 而是成功展示了哪些方法是不可行的

Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop, passed away last year. Did fantastic work. Changed business world in many ways, to make more compassionate businesses. Failed time and time and again, and succeeded. No other way.

美体小铺的创始人安妮塔·罗迪克 去年刚过世 取得了伟大的成就 从诸多方面改变了商业世界 参与了多项慈善事业 也是失败了许多次后才成功的 没有其他方法
Amy Edmondson, she's now professor, across the river, Harvard Business School. She was a graduate student here in the psychology department when I was an undergraduate.
艾米·埃德蒙森 河对岸哈佛商学院的教授 她是心理学系的硕士研究生 当时我还在读本科
And I remember when she was working on her dissertation, cause we had the same advisor. I was working… We were both working with Richard Hackman.
我还记得当时她在写学位论文 我们的导师是同一个人 我和……我俩的导师都是理查德·哈克曼
And her work was, still is to some extent, in hospitals. And what she wanted to understand was how can you help eliminate or at least reduce failure rates in hospitals. Why? Because medical errors cost millions and billions dollars a year.
她当时的研究是有关医院的 目前的研究也与医院有关 她想研究如何才能消除或至少降低医院的失败率 为什么?因为医疗事故一年会损失几百万乃是几十亿美元

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

compassionate [kəm'pæʃənit]


adj. 有同情心的 vt. 同情

bulb [bʌlb]


n. 电灯泡,球状物

eliminate [i'limineit]


v. 除去,剔除; 忽略

dissertation [.disə'teiʃən]


n. 论文

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度





