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  • Lord Janos gave Tyrion a wary look, then laughed and wagged a wedge of cheese at him.
  • 杰诺斯伯爵有些警觉地看了提利昂一眼,接着笑了,拿着一块乳酪朝他挥舞。
  • "You're a sly one, Tyrion. Thought you could trick me, did you?
  • “提利昂,你这狡猾的家伙,想套我话,是吗?
  • it takes more than wine and cheese to make Janos Slynt tell more than he should.
  • 我告诉你,要我杰诺斯·史林特说出不该说的话,靠美酒和乳酪还不够咧。
  • I pride myself. Never a question, and never a word afterward, not with me."
  • 我这人啊,接了命令什么也不问,事后半个字也不说,这是我最引以为傲的地方。”
  • As with Deem.
  • “和狄姆一样?”
  • Just the same. You make him your Commander when I'm off to Harrenhal, and you won't regret it.
  • “完全正确。等我去了赫伦堡,你就让他接我的班,包你满意。”
  • Tyrion broke off a nibble of the cheese. It was sharp indeed, and veined with wine; very choice.
  • 提利昂咬了一小口乳酪,这乳酪掺杂良酒,确是极品,味道的确够呛。
  • "Whoever the king names will not have an easy time stepping into your armor, I can tell. Lord Mormont faces the same problem."
  • “不管陛下让谁接班,恐怕都比不上您哟。话说回来,莫尔蒙大人也面临着同样的难题啊。”
  • Lord Janos looked puzzled. "I thought she was a lady. Mormont. Beds down with bears, that's the one?"
  • 杰诺斯伯爵一脸疑惑。“我还以为她是女的,这莫尔蒙,不就是那个找熊当情人的家伙吗?”
  • It was her brother I was speaking of. Jeor Mormont, the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.
  • “我说的是她哥哥,现任守夜人军团总司令杰奥·莫尔蒙。
  • When I was visiting with him on the Wall, he mentioned how concerned he was about finding a good man to take his place.
  • 前阵子我去长城拜访时,他正愁找不到合适人选接替自己的位子。
  • The Watch gets so few good men these days.
  • 这年头,黑衫军是越来越难找到人才了。”
  • Tyrion grinned. "He'd sleep easier if he had a man like you, I imagine. Or the valiant Allar Deem."
  • 提利昂嘿嘿一笑,“假如他有个像您这样的厉害角色,或是咱们英勇的亚拉尔·狄姆,想必会睡得安稳一点。”
  • Lord Janos roared. "Small chance of that!"
  • 杰诺斯伯爵大喝一声:“嘿,他想得倒美!”
  • One would think, Tyrion said, "but life does take queer turns.
  • “可不是嘛?”提利昂道,“不过世事难料啊,
  • Consider Eddard Stark, my lord. I don't suppose he ever imagined his life would end on the steps of Baelor's Sept."
  • 大人,就拿艾德·史塔克来说吧,恐怕他作梦都料不到自己会死在贝勒大圣堂前的讲坛上呀。”


Lord Janos gave Tyrion a wary look, then laughed and wagged a wedge of cheese at him. "You're a sly one, Tyrion. Thought you could trick me, did you? it takes more than wine and cheese to make Janos Slynt tell more than he should. I pride myself. Never a question, and never a word afterward, not with me."

As with Deem.
Just the same. You make him your Commander when I'm off to Harrenhal, and you won't regret it.
Tyrion broke off a nibble of the cheese. It was sharp indeed, and veined with wine; very choice. "Whoever the king names will not have an easy time stepping into your armor, I can tell. Lord Mormont faces the same problem."

Lord Janos looked puzzled. "I thought she was a lady. Mormont. Beds down with bears, that's the one?"

It was her brother I was speaking of. Jeor Mormont, the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. When I was visiting with him on the Wall, he mentioned how concerned he was about finding a good man to take his place. The Watch gets so few good men these days. Tyrion grinned. "He'd sleep easier if he had a man like you, I imagine. Or the valiant Allar Deem."
Lord Janos roared. "Small chance of that!"
One would think, Tyrion said, "but life does take queer turns. Consider Eddard Stark, my lord. I don't suppose he ever imagined his life would end on the steps of Baelor's Sept."

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adj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad

pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心

wary ['wɛəri]


adj. 小心的,机警的

nibble ['nibl]


n. 轻咬,啃 v. 一点点地咬,慢慢啃,吹毛求疵

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

valiant ['væljənt]


adj. 勇敢的,英勇的
n. 勇士,勇敢的人





