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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Dwarf? His anger flashed. "You should have stopped at Imp.
  • “什么?”他的怒火陡地上扬,“你敢叫我小恶魔,已经够不知好歹了。
  • I am Tyrion of House Lannister, and someday, if you have the sense the gods gave a sea slug,
  • 我是兰尼斯特家族的提利昂,你这猪脑袋要是能开窍,
  • you will drop to your knees in thanks that it was me you had to deal with, and not my lord father.
  • 早该跪在地上感谢诸神,因为你碰上的是我,不是我父亲。
  • Now, how many sons do you have?"
  • 我再问你一次,你到底有几个儿子?”
  • Tyrion could see the sudden fear in Janos Slynt's eyes. "Th-three, m'lord. And a daughter. Please, m'lord—"
  • 杰诺斯·史林特的眼里顿时有了惧色,“三……三个,大人,还有一个女儿。大人,求求你——”
  • You need not beg. He slid off his chair. "You have my word, no harm will come to them.
  • “不用求我。”他滑下椅子,“我向你保证,他们不会有事。
  • The younger boys will be fostered out as squires. If they serve well and loyally, they may be knights in time.
  • 你的两个小儿子会被送到外地当侍从,倘若他们表现优异,忠贞不二,或许某天会受封骑士,
  • Let it never be said that House Lannister does not reward those who serve it.
  • 兰尼斯特家决不忘恩负义。
  • Your eldest son will inherit the title Lord Slynt, and this appalling sigil of yours."
  • 至于你的长子,他将继承史林特伯爵的头衔,还有你那可怕的家徽。”
  • He kicked at the little golden spear and sent it skittering across the floor.
  • 他踢了那根小金枪一脚,让它滚过地面,
  • "Lands will be found for him, and he can build a seat for himself. It will not be Harrenhal, but it will be sufficient.
  • “我们会帮他找块领地,他可以在那里盖城堡,虽然比不上赫伦堡,但对付着过生活却也绰绰有余。
  • It will be up to him to make a marriage for the girl."
  • 你女儿的婚事就由他安排。”
  • Janos Slynt's face had gone from red to white. "Wh-what... what do you... ?" His jowls were quivering like mounds of suet.
  • 杰诺斯·史林特的脸色由红转白,“那-那……那您打算怎么……?”他的脸颊像牛油块般晃动不停。
  • What do I mean to do with you?
  • “打算怎么处置你?”
  • Tyrion let the oaf tremble for a moment before he answered. "The carrack Summer's Dream sails on the morning tide.
  • 提利昂让那粗汉兀自颤抖了一会儿,方才答话,“有艘商船叫‘夏日之梦’,明天一早涨潮时分就要出海,


Dwarf? His anger flashed. "You should have stopped at Imp. I am Tyrion of House Lannister, and someday, if you have the sense the gods gave a sea slug, you will drop to your knees in thanks that it was me you had to deal with, and not my lord father. Now, how many sons do you have?"

Tyrion could see the sudden fear in Janos Slynt's eyes. "Th-three, m'lord. And a daughter. Please, m'lord—"

You need not beg. He slid off his chair. "You have my word, no harm will come to them. The younger boys will be fostered out as squires. If they serve well and loyally, they may be knights in time. Let it never be said that House Lannister does not reward those who serve it. Your eldest son will inherit the title Lord Slynt, and this appalling sigil of yours." He kicked at the little golden spear and sent it skittering across the floor. "Lands will be found for him, and he can build a seat for himself. It will not be Harrenhal, but it will be sufficient. It will be up to him to make a marriage for the girl."

Janos Slynt's face had gone from red to white. "Wh-what... what do you... ?" His jowls were quivering like mounds of suet.
What do I mean to do with you? Tyrion let the oaf tremble for a moment before he answered. "The carrack Summer's Dream sails on the morning tide.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

tremble ['trembl]


n. 战悚,颤抖
v. 战悚,忧虑,微动

spear [spiə]


n. 矛(正负电子对撞机)
vt 用矛刺

appalling [ə'pɔ:liŋ]


adj. 令人震惊的,可怕的

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]


adj. 足够的,充分的

inherit [in'herit]


v. 继承,遗传

imp [imp]


n. 小恶魔,顽童 v. 装上翅膀,移植羽毛 abbr.





