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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Truly. Tyrion filled Lord Slynt's cup to the brim.
  • “一点儿没错,”提利昂把史林特伯爵的杯子倒得满溢,
  • "I have been glancing over the names you put forward to take your place as Commander of the City Watch."
  • “先前,我看了一下您对都城守备队司令接任人的推举名单。”
  • Good men. Fine men. Any of the six will do, but I'd choose Allar Deem.
  • “他们六个都很合适,随便挑哪个都行,不过换了我,我会选亚拉尔·狄姆,
  • My right arm. Good good man. Loyal. Pick him and you won't be sorry. If he pleases the king.
  • 他是我的左右臂,一等一的好手,忠心耿耿,选他你绝不会后悔。当然喽,还得先经陛下同意才行。”
  • To be sure. Tyrion took a small sip of his own wine.
  • “是啊,”提利昂自饮了一小口。
  • "I had been considering Ser Jacelyn Bywater. He's been captain on the Mud Gate for three years,
  • “我倒考虑过杰斯林·拜瓦特爵士,他担任烂泥门守卫队长已经三年,
  • and he served with valor during Balon Greyjoy's Rebellion. King Robert knighted him at Pyke.
  • 从前在平定巴隆·葛雷乔伊之乱中也表现英勇,劳勃国王亲自在派克城封他为骑士。
  • And yet his name does not appear on your list."
  • 可惜,他的名字却不在您这张单子上。”
  • Lord Janos Slynt took a gulp of wine and sloshed it around in his mouth for a moment before swallowing.
  • 杰诺斯·史林特伯爵灌了口酒,在嘴里漱了半天才吞下去。
  • "Bywater. Well. Brave man, to be sure, yet... he's rigid, that one. A queer dog. The men don't like him.
  • “拜瓦特?嗨,他是很勇敢,这我没话说,可是……这家伙是个老古板,脾气怪得紧,下边的人都不喜欢他。
  • A cripple too, lost his hand at Pyke, that's what got him knighted.
  • 他还是个残废,在派克打仗的时候少了只手,他就因这个被封为骑士。
  • A poor trade, if you ask me, a hand for a ser."
  • 拿手换个爵士头衔,我说呢,划不来得紧哪。”
  • He laughed. "Ser Jacelyn thinks overmuch of himself and his honor, as I see it.
  • 他笑笑,“依我看,杰斯林爵士太关心自己的名声啦,
  • You'll do better leaving that one where he is, my lor—Tyrion. Allar Deem's the man for you."
  • 您还是让他呆在原来的位子上得了,大——提利昂。亚拉尔·狄姆才是你要的人。”
  • Deem is little loved in the streets, I am told.
  • “可我听说,城里老百姓不怎么喜欢他。”
  • He's feared. That's better.
  • “别人怕他,这才好办事么。”
  • What was it I heard of him? Some trouble in a brothel?
  • “我还听说什么来着?说他在妓院里闯了祸?”


Truly. Tyrion filled Lord Slynt's cup to the brim. "I have been glancing over the names you put forward to take your place as Commander of the City Watch."

Good men. Fine men. Any of the six will do, but I'd choose Allar Deem. My right arm. Good good man. Loyal. Pick him and you won't be sorry. If he pleases the king.
To be sure. Tyrion took a small sip of his own wine. "I had been considering Ser Jacelyn Bywater. He's been captain on the Mud Gate for three years, and he served with valor during Balon Greyjoy's Rebellion. King Robert knighted him at Pyke. And yet his name does not appear on your list."

Lord Janos Slynt took a gulp of wine and sloshed it around in his mouth for a moment before swallowing. "Bywater. Well. Brave man, to be sure, yet... he's rigid, that one. A queer dog. The men don't like him. A cripple too, lost his hand at Pyke, that's what got him knighted. A poor trade, if you ask me, a hand for a ser." He laughed. "Ser Jacelyn thinks overmuch of himself and his honor, as I see it. You'll do better leaving that one where he is, my lor—Tyrion. Allar Deem's the man for you."

Deem is little loved in the streets, I am told.
He's feared. That's better.
What was it I heard of him? Some trouble in a brothel?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sip [sip]


n. 啜饮
v. 啜饮,啜

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

gulp [gʌlp]


n. 字节组 v. 吞,呛,抑制 [计算机] 字节组

rebellion [ri'beljən]


n. 谋反,叛乱,反抗

rigid ['ridʒid]


adj. 僵硬的,刻板的,严格的





