We have goldsmiths in Lannisport who do better work, he opined. The red enamel blood is a shade much, if you don't mind my saying. Tell me, my lord, did you drive the spear into the man's back yourself, or did you only give the command?"
I gave the command, and I'd give it again. Lord Stark was a traitor. The bald spot in the middle of Slynt's head was beet-red, and his cloth-of-gold cape had slithered off his shoulders onto the floor. "The man tried to buy me."
Little dreaming that you had already been sold.

Slynt slammed down his wine cup. "Are you drunk? If you think I will sit here and have my honor questioned..."
What honor is that? I do admit, you made a better bargain than Ser Jacelyn. A lordship and a castle for a spear thrust in the back, and you didn't even need to thrust the spear. He tossed the golden ornament back to Janos Slynt. It bounced off his chest and clattered to the floor as the man rose.
I mislike the tone of your voice, my lo—Imp. I am the Lord of Harrenhal and a member of the king's council, who are you to chastise me like this?
Tyrion cocked his head sideways. "I think you know quite well who I am. How many sons do you have?"
What are my sons to you, dwarf?