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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • That. Not his fault, my lor—Tyrion. No.
  • “那个啊,那不是他的错,大——提利昂,不是他的错。
  • He never meant to kill the woman, that was her own doing. He warned her to stand aside and let him do his duty.
  • 他根本没打算杀那女人,是她自找的,他早警告过她,叫她站一边去,让他履行公务。”
  • Still... mothers and children, he might have expected she'd try to save the babe.
  • “话是这么说……但毕竟母子情深,他早该料到她割舍不下孩子嘛。”
  • Tyrion smiled. "Have some of this cheese, it goes splendidly with the wine. Tell me, why did you choose Deem for that unhappy task?"
  • 提利昂微笑,“来,再尝尝这乳酪,下酒真是没得比。跟我说说,你当初为何挑狄姆去办这件倒楣差事?”
  • A good commander knows his men, Tyrion. Some are good for one job, some for another.
  • “提利昂,一个好指挥官必定要知人善任。有些人适合做这个,有些人适合做那个。
  • Doing for a babe, and her still on the tit, that takes a certain sort.
  • 杀一个还没断奶的小婴儿,可不像看上去那么轻松。
  • Not every man'd do it. Even if it was only some whore and her whelp.
  • 虽说对方只是一个烂婊子和她的野种,也不是每个人都能办成的。”
  • I suppose that's so, said Tyrion, hearing only some whore and thinking of Shae,
  • “我想也是。”提利昂回答,耳中却只听见“一个烂婊子”,脑海里想起雪伊,
  • and Tysha long ago, and all the other women who had taken his coin and his seed over the years.
  • 想起好久好久以前的泰莎,以及所有拿了他的钱,让他在体内留下种子的女人。
  • Slynt went on, oblivious. "A hard man for a hard job, is Deem. Does as he's told, and never a word afterwards."
  • 史林特浑然不觉地续道:“凡是苦差,就要交给狄姆这种浑人去干。他么,叫做什么,就听话照办,事后一个字也不问。”
  • He cut a slice off the cheese. "This is fine. Sharp. Give me a good sharp knife and a good sharp cheese and I'm a happy man."
  • 他切下一块乳酪。“这的确是好东西,味道够呛。嗨,给我一把够利的匕首,一块够呛的乳酪,我就心满意足啦。”
  • Tyrion shrugged. "Enjoy it while you can.
  • 提利昂耸耸肩,“请您尽量享用,
  • With the riverlands in flame and Renly king in Highgarden, good cheese will soon be hard to come by.
  • 这会儿河间地区战火不断,蓝礼又在高庭称王,好乳酪只怕很快就吃不到了。
  • So who sent you after the whore's bastard?"
  • 究竟是谁派你去杀那烂婊子的野种?”


That. Not his fault, my lor—Tyrion. No. He never meant to kill the woman, that was her own doing. He warned her to stand aside and let him do his duty.

Still... mothers and children, he might have expected she'd try to save the babe. Tyrion smiled. "Have some of this cheese, it goes splendidly with the wine. Tell me, why did you choose Deem for that unhappy task?"
A good commander knows his men, Tyrion. Some are good for one job, some for another. Doing for a babe, and her still on the tit, that takes a certain sort. Not every man'd do it. Even if it was only some whore and her whelp.

I suppose that's so, said Tyrion, hearing only some whore and thinking of Shae, and Tysha long ago, and all the other women who had taken his coin and his seed over the years.

Slynt went on, oblivious. "A hard man for a hard job, is Deem. Does as he's told, and never a word afterwards." He cut a slice off the cheese. "This is fine. Sharp. Give me a good sharp knife and a good sharp cheese and I'm a happy man."
Tyrion shrugged. "Enjoy it while you can. With the riverlands in flame and Renly king in Highgarden, good cheese will soon be hard to come by. So who sent you after the whore's bastard?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
oblivious [ə'bliviəs]


adj. 没注意到,或不知道

slice [slais]


n. 薄片,切片
vt. 切成薄片,削

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

fault [fɔ:lt]


n. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层

bastard ['bæstəd]


adj. 私生的,错误的,混蛋的 n. 私生子,混蛋

flame [fleim]


n. 火焰,热情
v. 燃烧,面红,爆发





