There were damn few as did, Lord Janos allowed, chuckling.
Tyrion chuckled too. "A pity I wasn't here to see it. They say even Varys was surprised."
Lord Janos laughed so hard his gut shook. "The Spider," he said. "Knows everything, they say. Well, he didn't know that."
How could he? Tyrion put the first hint of a chill in his tone. "He had helped persuade my sister that Stark should be pardoned, on the condition that he take the black."
Eh? Janos Slynt blinked vaguely at Tyrion.
My sister Cersei, Tyrion repeated, a shade more strongly, in case the fool had some doubt who he meant. "The Queen Regent."

Yes. Slynt took a swallow. "As to that, well... the king commanded it, m'lord. The king himself."
The king is thirteen, Tyrion reminded him. "Still. He is the king." Slynt's jowls quivered when he frowned. "The Lord of the Seven Kingdoms."
Well, one or two of them, at least, Tyrion said with a sour smile. "Might I have a look at your spear?"
My spear? Lord Janos blinked in confusion.
Tyrion pointed. "The clasp that fastens your cape."
Hesitantly, Lord Janos drew out the ornament and handed it to Tyrion.