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不平静的坟墓(MP3+中英字幕) 第6期:画作(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 'Oh, yes. The moon is shown quite clearly and there are clouds in the sky.'
  • “噢,有哇。月亮画得很清晰,天空中还有云。”
  • 'All right. Go on. But I'm sure, 'added Williams quietly, 'that there was no moon when I first saw it.'
  • “好吧,接着说。可我敢肯定,”威廉斯先生平静地加了一句,“我第一次看时,根本没有月亮。”
  • 'Well, there's not much more I can say, 'Nisbet continued.
  • “哦,没有什么太多可说的了,”尼斯比特接着说,
  • 'The house has three rows of windows, five in each row,
  • “这座房子有三排窗户,每排五扇,
  • except at the bottom, where there's a door instead of the middle one and…'
  • 只有底部那排例外,中间是扇门……”
  • 'But what about figures?'said Williams with great interest.
  • “人呢?”威廉斯先生带着十分浓厚的兴趣问道。
  • 'Figures?'replied Nisbet. 'There aren't any.'
  • “人?”尼斯比特答道,“没有任何人呀。”
  • 'What?No figure on the grass in front?''No. Not a thing.'
  • “什么?前面草地上没有人吗?”“没有,什么也没有。”
  • 'Are you sure?''Of course I am. But there's one other thing.' 'What's that?'
  • “肯定是这样吗?”“当然,不过还有一件事。”“什么事?”
  • 'One of me windows on the ground floor, on the left of the door, is open.'
  • “底层的一扇窗户,门左边那扇,是开着的。”
  • 'Is it really?Oh dear!I suppose he's got into the house, ' said Williams, with great excitement.
  • “真的?天呀!我想他是进了那间屋子了。”威廉斯很兴奋地说。
  • He hurried across to where Nisbet was sitting and, taking the picture from him, saw for himself.
  • 他快步走到尼斯比特坐的地方,从他手中拿过画亲自看起来。
  • It was quite true. There was no figure on the lawn, and there was the open win-dow.
  • 草地上确实没有人,那扇窗户确实开着。
  • For a moment williams was too surprised to speak, then he sat down at his desk and wrote for a few minutes.
  • 威廉斯一时惊得说不出话来了,他坐在桌旁写了几分钟,
  • When he had finished, he brought two papers across to Nisbet.
  • 写完后递给尼斯比特两份材料,
  • He asked him to sign the first one, which was Nisbet's own de-scription of the picture,
  • 让他在第一份上签字,这份是尼斯比特本人对这幅画的描述,
  • then to read the other one, which was the note Williams had written the night before.
  • 然后又让他看另一份,那是威廉斯前一天晚上的记录。


'Oh, yes. The moon is shown quite clearly and there are clouds in the sky.'

'All right. Go on. But I'm sure, 'added Williams quietly, 'that there was no moon when I first saw it.'
'Well, there's not much more I can say, 'Nisbet continued. 'The house has three rows of windows, five in each row, except at the bottom, where there's a door instead of the middle one and'

'But what about figures?'said Williams with great interest.

'Figures?'replied Nisbet. 'There aren't any.'
'What?No figure on the grass in front?'
'No. Not a thing.'
'Are you sure?'
'Of course I am. But there's one other thing.'
'What's that?'
'One of me windows on the ground floor, on the left of the door, is open.'
'Is it really?Oh dear!I suppose he's got into the house, ' said Williams, with great excitement.
He hurried across to where Nisbet was sitting and, taking the picture from him, saw for himself. It was quite true. There was no figure on the lawn, and there was the open win- dow.
For a moment williams was too surprised to speak, then he sat down at his desk and wrote for a few minutes. When he had finished, he brought two papers across to Nisbet. He asked him to sign the first one, which was Nisbet's own description of the picture, then to read the other one, which was the note Williams had written the night before.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

lawn [lɔ:n]


n. 草地,草坪
n. 上等细麻布





