'You know, 'he added, 'I don't think twenty pounds is too much to ask for this picture, after all.'
In a short time Williams returned to his room, bringing Mr Garwood with him. Mr Garwood said that when he had looked at the picture the figure was just starting to crawl across the lawn. He remembered that it was wearing a black garment with something white on the back—he was not sure if it was a cross. While he was writing this down, Mr Nisbet returned and said that he had photographed the picture.
'What are you going to do now, Williams?'asked Mr Gar- wood. 'Are you going to sit and watch the picture all day?'
'No, I don't think we need to do that, 'replied Williams.
'You see, there has been plenty of time since I looked at it last night for the creature in the picture to finish what he wants to do, but he has only gone into the house. The window is open and he must still be in there. I think he wants us to see what happens next. Anyway, I don't think the picture will change much during the day. I suggest that we all go for a walk after lunch and come back here for tea. I'll leave the picture on my table and lock the door. My servant has a key and can get in if he wants to, but nobody else can.'
The others agreed that this was a good plan. They also wanted to avoid talking to anyone about this extraordinary picture, knowing what excitement and argument it would cause.