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不平静的坟墓(MP3+中英字幕) 第9期:画作(9)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • At about five o'clock they came back to Mr Williams' rooms for tea.
  • 大约5点钟,他们回到威廉斯先生的房间喝茶,
  • When they entered the room, they were surprised to find Mr Filcher, the servant,
  • 一进屋便惊讶地发现仆人菲尔彻先生
  • sitting in Mr Williams' armchair and staring in horror at the picture on the table.
  • 正坐在威廉斯先生的扶手椅里,恐惧地盯着桌子上的画看。
  • Mr Filcher had worked in the college for many years and had never before behaved in so unusual a way.
  • 菲尔彻先生在这所学院里干了多年,还从未如此失态过。
  • He seemed to feel this himself, and tried to jump to his feet when the three men came in.
  • 他自己似乎也感觉到了这一点,所以3个人进屋时他试图一跃而起。
  • 'I'm sorry, sir, 'he said. 'I didn't mean to sit down.'
  • “对不起,先生,”他说,“我本没想坐下的。”
  • 'That's all right, Robert, 'said Mr Williams.
  • “没关系,罗伯特,”威廉斯先生说,
  • 'I was going to ask you some time what you thought of that picture.'
  • “我还想什么时候问问你觉得这幅画怎么样呢。”
  • 'Well, sir, 'replied the servant, 'of course, I don't really understand pictures,
  • “哎,先生,”仆人回答道,“当然我不懂什么绘画作品,
  • but I wouldn't like my little girl to see it. I'm sure it would give her bad dreams.
  • 可我不会让我的小女孩看这幅画的,这画肯定会使她做恶梦。
  • It doesn't seem the right kind of picture to leave lying around.
  • 这似乎不是那种可以随便放的画,
  • It could frighten anybody—seeing that awful thing carrying off the poor baby.
  • 它会吓坏人的,假如看到这可怕的东西抱走那可怜的小孩子。
  • That's what I think, sir. Will you need me any more today, sir?Thank you, sir.'
  • 先生,我是这么想的。今天还有什么事吗?谢谢您了,先生。”
  • Filcher left the room and the three men went at once to look at the picture.
  • 菲尔彻离开了房间,3个人立即上前看那幅画。
  • There was the house as before, under the moon and the clouds.
  • 还是那座笼罩在月光和云雾下的房子,
  • But the window that had been open was now shut,
  • 只是以前开着的窗户现在关上了,
  • and the figure was once more on the lawn; but not crawling this time.
  • 那人影又出现在草地上,可现在它不是在爬,
  • Now it was walking, with long steps, to-wards the front of the picture.
  • 而是在大步朝着画面的前方走。
  • The moon was behind it and the black material of its garment nearly covered its face.
  • 月亮在它身后,它的黑色外衣几乎把脸都盖上了。


At about five o'clock they came back to Mr Williams' rooms for tea. When they entered the room, they were surprised to find Mr Filcher, the servant, sitting in Mr Williams' armchair and staring in horror at the picture on the table. Mr Filcher had worked in the college for many years and had never before behaved in so unusual a way. He seemed to feel this himself, and tried to jump to his feet when the three men came in.


'I'm sorry, sir, 'he said. 'I didn't mean to sit down.'

'That's all right, Robert, 'said Mr Williams. 'I was going to ask you some time what you thought of that picture.'
'Well, sir, 'replied the servant, 'of course, I don't really understand pictures, but I wouldn't like my little girl to see it. I'm sure it would give her bad dreams. It doesn't seem the right kind of picture to leave lying around. It could frighten anybodyseeing that awful thing carrying off the poor baby. That's what I think, sir. Will you need me any more today, sir?Thank you, sir.'
Filcher left the room and the three men went at once to look at the picture. There was the house as before, under the moon and the clouds. But the window that had been open was now shut, and the figure was once more on the lawnbut not crawling this time. Now it was walking, with long steps, towards the front of the picture. The moon was behind it and the black material of its garment nearly covered its face.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
lawn [lɔ:n]


n. 草地,草坪
n. 上等细麻布

garment ['gɑ:mənt]


n. 衣服
vt. 给 ... 披上衣服,覆上

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

frighten ['fraitən]


vt. 使惊吓,惊恐
vi. 惊吓

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





